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Let's Encrypt Certbot

Petru Faurescu edited this page May 13, 2021 · 1 revision

Let's Encrypt is a Certificate Authority that provides free-of-charge TLS/SSL certificates to enable encrypted access to your server, e.g. to your webserver or web application via HTTPS.


The official client to do to the required authentication procedure and generate your certificate and key pair is Certbot. It is natively integrated into Debians software repository:

DietPi offers to install Certbot via DietPi-Software as well as receiving and installing the certificate to certain webservers and web applications via: DietPi-LetsEncrypt

DietPi-LetsEncrypt currently supports the following webservers and web applications:

  • Apache
  • Nginx
  • Lighttpd
  • Minio S3 capable object server

Of course the received key pair/certificate can be implemented manually into any other application that supports TLS or HTTPS.