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Releases: Osmose/advanced-open-file


07 Mar 01:12
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  • #93: Do not close dialog when adding project folders.


15 Feb 09:27
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  • #89: Add error handling when creating files or directories fails.


15 Feb 09:27
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  • Fix issue where opening a path immediately after autocompleting it opened the
    pre-autocomplete path instead of the full path.


26 Dec 20:06
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  • #82: Add shortcuts for opening files in new split panes.
  • #57: Add setting for fuzzy filename matching.
  • #84: Cursor no longer resets to the end of the path when typing in the middle
    of the path.
  • #81: Fix project root shortcut when path input is otherwise empty.
  • #80: Fall back to project root as initial path when the active editor doesn't
    have a path, such as the settings pane.
  • #79: Fix gap below cursor in the textbox and cut-off shadows on the sides.


30 Nov 07:06
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  • Ignore all errors when running stat on files and treat them as if they don't
    exist. Previously only ENOENT errors were ignored.
  • Fix bug in path shortcuts where they were being applied even if a path
    separator wasn't before the shortcut itself.
  • #63: Implement event handler API as a versioned service for other packages.
  • #60: Treat "~/" at the start of a path as the user's home directory if fast
    directory switching is turned off.
  • #70: Add setting for enabling directory creation from the open dialog.
  • #61: Add keyboard shortcut for adding project directories.
  • #72: Determine modal max height programmatically for themes that place modals
    at odd positions.


14 Nov 17:05
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  • #69: Fix bug with autocomplete where we calculated the wrong bounds while
    finding the common prefix between two paths.
  • #71: Re-add scrolling the file list when moving the cursor to an item that
    isn't currently visible.


14 Nov 17:05
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  • #67: Absolutify relative paths before attempting to create them.
  • #66: Make autocomplete case-insensitive unless there is a capital letter in
    the path fragment. This makes it consistent with how the file listing behaves.


10 Nov 06:12
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  • #68: Removed Babel polyfill because it breaks other packages due to it's
    global polyfilling.


07 Nov 07:51
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  • Rewrote package using ES2015 via Atom's built-in Babel support. Replaced use
    of space-pen and jQuery with standard DOM functions for noticeably faster
    performance. Added specs for testing package behavior and added a TravisCI
    config to run them automatically.
  • As part of rewrite, changed path separator behavior to detect which slash to
    use based on the existing path, e.g. /foo/bar uses /, while \baz\biff
    uses \.
  • Removed the Case-sensitive auto-completion preference. Now auto-completion
    is always case-sensitive, and matching for the file listing is
    case-insensitive unless the current fragment contains a capital letter, in
    which case it becomes case-sensitive.


06 Oct 05:19
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  • Add advanced-open-file:delete-path-component command for easily navigating
    directory hierarchies. (artagnon)
  • Add advanced-open-file:confirm-selected-or-first command for easier opening
    of files; selects first item when nothing is selected. (artagnon)