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85 lines (66 loc) · 8 KB

File metadata and controls

85 lines (66 loc) · 8 KB

Identified Issues

See for a list of opened issues. Items are marked done if either I opened an issue for them, or I could find an already existing issue covering the problem.

Gecko (Firefox)

  • rules for parsing integers are not applied to [tabindex]
  • [contenteditable] without content has no height, i.e. <div contenteditable></div> has element.offsetHeight === 0 (which may be correct according to CSS2 but sucks for UX, quick fix: [contenteditable]:empty { min-height: 123px; })
  • [contenteditable] has element.tabIndex === -1 where it should be 0 because it is tabbable
  • unknown audio file has no height, i.e. <audio src="#foo"> has element.offsetHeight === 0 - but its focusable and can be tabbed to
  • unknown video file has a height, i.e. <video src="#foo"> has element.offsetHeight === 150
  • <video> is focusable, although it should only be focusable when the controls attribute is present
  • focusing <iframe> does not dispatch focus event, but properly updates document.activeElement Bug 131784
  • focusing <object data="some.svg"> does not dispatch focus event, but properly updates document.activeElement
  • area only becomes focusable after at least one image with the proper usemap set is fully loaded
  • area never becomes focusable when only broken images use the map
  • SVGElement.focus() does not exist, so elements cannot be focused programmatically, but they can be tabbed to.
  • SVGElement does not have the tabIndex property (that is linked to tabindex attribute) SVG2
  •; fails with TypeError: 'focus' called on an object that does not implement interface HTMLElement.
  • table tr{collapse} td a{visible} not rendered, but can be tabbed to
  • object[usemap] (with a PNG) makes the image map available to mouse, but neither object nor area are focusable or tabbable
  • referencing the same <map> from multiple images will hide all tabbable elements between the first and last image using that map
  • the CSS property order affects tabbing sequence

Blink (Chrome)

  • mouse-focus (mousedown on a focusable element) will trigger the focus on the div not the a in <div tabindex="-1"><a href="#foo">… (resolved in Chrome 40)
  • fieldset[tabindex=0][disabled] is focusable but should not as per disabled elements
  • <video> is not focusable at all, not even <video controls>
  • the <a> element has element.offsetHeight === 0 while element.firstElementChild.offsetHeight === 10 in <svg><a xlink:href="#foo"><text>foo
  • any <svg> element can be made focusable and tabbable by adding a focus event handler
  • object[usemap] (with a PNG) renders the image but ignores the image map completely
  • <area> are added to the tabbing order in plain document order, not "in place of the <img usemap>"

WebKit (Safari)

  • mouse-focus (mousedown on a focusable element) will trigger the focus on the div not the a in <div tabindex="-1"><a href="#foo">…
  • fieldset[tabindex=0][disabled] is focusable but should not as per disabled elements
  • <video> is not focusable at all, not even <video controls>
  • the <a> element has element.offsetHeight === 0 while element.firstElementChild.offsetHeight === 10 in <svg><a xlink:href="#foo"><text>foo
  • any <svg> element can be made focusable and tabbable by adding a focus event handler
  • object[usemap] (with a PNG) renders the image but ignores the image map completely
  • <area> are added to the tabbing order in plain document order, not "in place of the <img usemap>"

Trident (Internet Explorer)

  • [tabindex=""] evaluates to element.tabIndex === 0 but element.getAttribute('tabindex') === '-32768' (where every other browser declares element.tabIndex === -1 and element.getAttribute('tabindex') === '')
  • the <img> is focusable in <a href="#foo"><img ismap …>
  • <table>, <td>, <fieldset> are focusable
  • focus on <img usemap="#my-map"> is redirected to first <area> of <map name="my-map"> (no other browser does this)
  • <video> is focusable, although it should only be focusable when the controls attribute is present
  • HTMLElement.focus() does not execute synchronously, i.e. element.addEventListener('focus', function(){ console.log("focus", this) }, false); $0.focus(); console.log("active", document.activeElement); prints "active", "focus" (other browsers print "focus", "active") -
  • SVGElement.focus() does not exist, so elements cannot be focused programmatically, but they can be tabbed to. It can be made available easily: SVGElement.prototype.focus = HTMLElement.prototype.focus;
  • SVGElement does not have the tabIndex property (that is linked to tabindex attribute)
  • table tr{collapse} td a{visible} rendered, but has element.offsetHeight === 0
  • table and td are naturally focusable
  • consecutive object elements break the tabbing behavior, focus will get stuck on browser chrome
  • if object is last tabbable element, it will break the tabbing behavior, focus will get stuck on browser chrome
  • object[usemap] (with a PNG) makes the image map available to mouse, but neither object nor area are focusable or tabbable
  • object[src=*.svg] is not focusable by script, but can be tabbed to
  • document.activeElement === null during document parse time, after that it is html, after blur it is body

jQuery & jQuery UI

  • :visible does not know about visible: collapse and fails to treat a visibile element nested within a non-visible element (hidden or collapse) as visible


  • link[itemprop][href] should be focusable as per HTML5 tabindex but no browser does this
  • object[usemap] is not supported by any browser, deprecate it?
  • expected tabbing order for image maps is not defined (and thus quite inconsistent across implementations)
  • behavior for image maps with broken images is not defined, see proposal, and processing behavior described in HTML5
  • missing DOM interface Element.focusableElements to query the browser's list of focusable descendants
  • missing DOM property Element.focusable to query if the given element can be focused
  • missing DOM interface Element.tabbableElements to query the browser's list of tabbable descendants
  • missing HTML attribute tabcontaier to make the browser contain tabbing to descendants of that element - something the implementation of <dialog> requires (script interception prevents focus from reaching browser UI)
  • maybe ditch tabindex in favor of focusable and tabbable flags?
  • maybe add tab-group=":string:" and tab-order=":integer:" to solve the problem of global tabindex="2" in a more localized (yet still global) way - much like <input type="radio" name=":string:"> works. tabindex is renamed to tab-order to avoid confusion with the existing standard. tab-group is added to allow declaration of "buckets", to which the tab-order-index is being restricted.
  • maybe allow cancellation of FocusEvent, which would prevent the browser from bringing that element into the viewport, it can be done by script through Element.scrollElementIntoView()