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File metadata and controls

178 lines (107 loc) · 5.12 KB



I like to write HTML templates separately from the main app and keep the front-end code in its own repository. I used to use a combination of server side includes (SSI) and Ant scripts for speeding up the process and exporting the optimised assets to the main app repository.

This is an attempt to improve on the initial concept while developing my python and django skills.

This app is tightly coupled with a specific Apache configuration using vhost aliases to serve django templates from anywhere on the developer's machine.

This is a work in progress. Eventually, I want to add functionality to export optimised CSS and JS assets so they can be imported into a django app.



Where template projects are located on the developer's machine. Each project is stored in a folder named after it's slug in the DB.


The path relative path to a template project's root in which JSON data files are located. See Dummy Data information below.


The domain used for accessing template projects. For example, if set to proto.local, individual projects can be accessed via [project_slug].proto.local. This must reflect the ServerAlias setting in the Apache vhost:

ServerAlias *.proto.local

Template tags

On top of the standard django template tags and filters django-prototype adds the following prototyping tags:


Repeats the HTML fragment n times.

Usage format:

{% repeat n %}
... HTML fragment ...
{% endrepeat %}


Inserts an image placeholder URL from

Usage format:

{% dummyimage width height [background] [foreground] [as image_url] %}

width and height are self explanatory

background and foreground are hex code values for the placeholder colors

if image_url is provided, the tag writes the URL to this variable instead of outputting it


Use this tag to simulate server processing time.

Usage format::

{% wait seconds %}

seconds is the number of seconds to wait before serving the template


An improved version of the lorem tag included in django.contrib.webdesign

Creates random Latin text useful for providing test data in templates.

Usage format:

{% lorem [count] [method] [random] %}

count is a number (or variable) containing the number of paragraphs or words to generate (default is 1).

method is either w for words, s for a capitalized sentence, t for a title cased sentence, p for HTML paragraphs, b for plain-text paragraph blocks (default is b).

random is the word random, which if given, does not use the common paragraph (starting "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer...").


  • {% lorem %} will output the common "lorem ipsum" paragraph

  • {% lorem 3 p %} will output the common "lorem ipsum" paragraph and two random paragraphs each wrapped in HTML <p> tags

  • {% lorem 2 w random %} will output two random latin words

JavaScript library tags

Returns script tag for including jQuery or MooTools libraries from Google CDN

See for available versions

Usage format:

{% jquery version [minified] %}

{% jqueryui version [minified] %}

{% mootools version [minified] %}

if minified is 1, loads the minified or compressed version of the library


Special tag for displaying the current project's available dummy data structures.

Dummy data

django-prototype automatically parses the data folder of your project for json files and makes these data structures available to your templates. By default, the data folder is in the root of your project but this is configurable on a per-project basis. For example, if you place a json file named products in the data folder, the resulting data structure can be used in a for loop in your templates:

{% for product in %}
{% endfor %}

Python requirements

Tested on python 2.6.4.

The following libraries are required:

  • django 1.4.2

Apache configuration

The following Apache modules are required:

  • mod_wsgi
  • mod_rewrite
  • mod_alias
  • mod_vhost_alias

Virtual host configuration

<VirtualHost *:80>
	# Admin host name
	ServerName proto.local
	# Alias for individual projects
	# In the example below, individual projects are accessed via [project_slug].proto.local
	ServerAlias *.proto.local

	UseCanonicalName Off

	# Set document root to template project (from subdomain or server alias)
	# %1 is replaced with first part of server name
	VirtualDocumentRoot /path/to/template/projects/%1

	DocumentRoot /path/to/template/projects

	WSGIScriptAlias /__proto__ /path/to/django-prototype/public/

	RewriteEngine On

	# Direct requests to django app if not static assets
	# icons and error and in there to allow default apache server assets
	RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^([^\.]+)\.proto\.local$ [NC]
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/(__proto__)
	RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/%1%{REQUEST_URI} !-f
	RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /__proto__$1 [QSA,PT,L]