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Releases: electron/fiddle


03 Mar 22:46
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Fiddle v0.13.0 contains a decent amount of "quality of life" served with a side of bug fixes.

That's reflected in the code delta, too: 9,264 additions and 5,717 deletions, thanks to our contributors.


💅 You can now add a css files to your fiddle! (thanks, @erickzhao)
💅 Add a "bisect complete" dialog (thanks, @gerges)
💅 Examples no longer hold references to main windows (thanks, @malept)
💅 The bisect helper now shows the same filtered Electron versions as the main version switcher (thanks, @felixrieseberg)
🐛 You can now require original-fs in a fiddle (thanks, @gerges)
🐛 The autoUpdater example no longer contains double listeners (thanks, @gerges)
🐛 The ipcRenderer example now prints output correctly (thanks, @erickzhao)
🐛 We no longer have a broken Reload menu item (thanks, @erickzhao)

📡 Internal: We're now collecting crashes using Sentry (thanks, @MarshallOfSound)
📝 Internal: We now have a contributing guide (thanks, @malept)
🔍 Internal: Better tests for the GenericDialog component (thanks, @gerges)
💅 Internal: We're now longer holding references to our main windows (thanks, @nornagon)
💅 Internal: Optimized performance and coverage of tests (thanks, @felixrieseberg)
📦 Internal: Upgrade to Electron 8 (thanks, @felixrieseberg)
📦 Internal: Update Blueprint, Octokit, Mobx, React, TypeScript (thanks, @felixrieseberg)
💿 Internal: Build Linux packages with Ubuntu Bionic (thanks, @felixrieseberg)
📦 Internal: Automatically update backup electron release list (thanks, @malept)


15 Jan 22:46
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Fiddle v0.12.0 is ready – containing a few improvements and fixing some bugs. Like always! More software, less issues.

4,563 additions and 1,265 deletions, thanks to our contributors.


🔍 A brand new bisect helper, making figuring out which Electron version introduced an issue a lot easier (thanks to @erickzhao)
💻 You can now specify command flags for Electron (thanks to @codebytere)
🔒 Our builds are now properly notarized with Apple (thanks to @felixrieseberg)
:electron: We've upgraded our internal version of Electron (thanks to @felixrieseberg)
:electron: The fallback versions of Electron have been updated, too (thanks to @felixrieseberg)
🐛 We had some dropdown issues that are no more (thanks to @felixrieseberg)
🐛 preload content wasn't always properly saved, uploaded, or loaded. It now will be (thanks to @malept and @felixrieseberg)
🐛 If you required fancy new Node.js builtins, we sometimes tried to install them. We won't do that anymore (thanks to @codebytere)
🐛 Setup developer tools only when we're actually in developer mode (thanks to @Letra312)

Internal changes

🔧 Fiddle's own tests are now a bit faster since they're no longer transforming JSON files (thanks to @malept)


12 Nov 17:53
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Fiddle v0.11.1 is ready and a tiny patch release with just one fix.


🐛 The dialog for choosing a local Electron build to use was broken. It's no longer (Thanks, @erickzhao).


31 Oct 20:02
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Fiddle v0.11.0 is ready – containing Electron 7 and a few smaller improvements.

3,589 additions and 3,738 deletions, thanks to our contributors.


🚀 You can now add a preload.js file, if you want to – enable it via the Editors menu.
🤐 If you comment out a require('my-module'), we'll no longer install it (Thanks, @codebytere).
🐛 If a fiddle's file was empty, we didn't replace the previous content. That's fixed.
🌈 You can now import themes for the Monaco editor (Thanks, @cvaldez98).
:electron: Updated to Electron 7 (and the latest versions of React, TypeScript, and various other dependencies).


10 Sep 17:35
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Fiddle v0.10.0 is a fairly big update, updating all our dependencies and making quality-of-life improvements.

3,589 additions and 3,738 deletions, thanks to our the contributors (v0.9.0...v0.10.0).


✨ If loading a fiddle fails because you're offline, we'll now have a kind warning message (thanks, @deermichel)
✨ When you load a remote fiddle, we ask you for confirmation. We'll now do that with a kinder and less scary "confirmation dialog" instead of our quite alarming "warning dialog" (thanks, @cvaldez98)
✨ You can now resize and pull down the console (thanks, @erickzhao)
✨ When removing old Electron binaries, we'll now also delete the type definitions (thanks, @erickzhao)
🐛 We'll now use a tab size of two spaces in all editors, fixing an old bug where the editor would sometimes use four spaces (thanks, @erickzhao)
🐛 If a fiddle doesn't contain a file (say, a renderer.js), we wouldn't overwrite whatever you had in that editor before loading it. That's fixed (thanks, @erickzhao)
🐛 Intellisense recommendations and hints will now pop out of the editor if they're bumping against its border (thanks, @erickzhao)
📚 Fiddle can now load remote examples. These don't exist yet, but a lot of work to support that feature has gone into this release (thanks, @erickzhao)
:octocat: Fiddle's developers can now use protocol launches in development mode (thanks, @erickzhao)
📦 We've bumped all dependencies, including upgrading to Electron 6


08 Jul 18:36
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Fiddle v0.9.0 fixes a few things that weren't bugs per se, but annoying. It also updates all our dependencies to their latest stable versions.

1,843 additions and 941 deletions, thanks to our the contributors (v0.8.1...v0.9.0).


🐛 Fix the Touch Bar example (thanks, @codebytere)
🐛 Add missing spaces to the welcome text (thanks, @drewswaycool)
🐛 Improve the language and indicators around publishing a fiddle (thanks, @erickzhao)
🐛 Fix support for Electron nightly builds (thanks, @deermichel)
🐛 Fix a typo in the PowerMonitor example (thanks, @cherniavskii)
💨 Add a "Clear Console" and "Clear Console on Run" feature (thanks, @deermichel)


11 Jun 16:13
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Fiddle v0.8.0 is less than 24 hours old, so this fast-follow v0.8.1 fixes all the things we broke yesterday 😛

7 additions and 5 deletions (amazing, right?), thanks to our the contributors (v0.8.0...v0.8.1).


🐛 Fix the submission of GitHub tokens (thanks, @amorist)
🐛 Fix the File window menu on Windows
⚙️ Fix some internal testing issues


10 Jun 16:40
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Fiddle v0.8.0 introduces small new features and, once again, tons of little improvements in the infrastructure that'll allow us to do cool stuff™️ in the future.

1,734 additions and 182 deletions, thanks to our the contributors (v0.7.0...v0.8.0).


📊 TouchBar support on macOS
❓ Better "About Fiddle" panel on macOS (thanks, @codebytere)
⚙️ Infrastructure: Support for launching fiddle examples from Electron's docs (you can't use this quite yet, but the code is there - thanks, @MarshallOfSound)
⚙️ Infrastructure: Updated to Electron Forge 6 beta 39

Electron Fiddle v0.7.0

18 May 21:20
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Fiddle v0.7.0 improves the foundations in our code, making it easier for us to build solid features in the future. But: it also includes updated dependencies, a new version of Electron, and the ability to toggle individual editors!

5,124 additions and 1,173 deletions, thanks to our the contributors (v0.6.0...v0.7.0).


📦 Updated electron to 5.0.1.
📦 Updated monaco-editor to 0.17.0
📦 Updated all other dependencies to their latest versions
🔧 Made sure that show me examples are compatible with Electron v6 and later (thanks, to @ajphukan!)
🖼: You can now toggle individual editors on or off

Electron Fiddle v0.6.0

01 Apr 16:46
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Fiddle v0.6.0 polishes the experience a little bit (again), updating our dependencies and adding one small feature.

3,000 additions and 4,140 deletions, thanks to our contributors.


📦 Updated electron to 4.1.1.
📦 Updated monaco-editor to 0.16.2
📦 Updated all other dependencies to their latest versions
📝 Updated the fallback list of electron versions
🔧 Added options for advanced electron logging (thanks, @MarshallOfSound!)