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Cheatsheet among languages

Data Structures

Static Arrays:

Lang Array fill copy free
JS a = new Array(3) a.fill(0) - -
Python a = list() a = [0] * n - -
Go var a [3]int = [3]int{} - copy(newArray, fixedArray) -
Java int[] a = new int[3] - Arrays.fill(a, 0) int[] newArray = new int[fixedArray.length * 2];
System.arraycopy(fixedArray, 0, newArray, 0, fixedArray.length);
C++ int a[3]; std::fill(std::begin(arr), std::end(arr), 0) / std::fill(arr, arr + 10, 0) std::copy(std::begin(fixedArray), std::end(fixedArray), std::begin(newArray)) delete[] a
C memset(a, 0, sizeof(a)) Node tmp; memcpy(&tmp, &arr[i], sizeof(Node)); memcpy(&arr[i], &arr[j], sizeof(Node)); free a

Dynamic Arrays / Slices / Vectors:

Lang Slice fill
JS 同Array
Python 同Array
Go var a []int = []int{} -
Rust let a: Vec<i32> = vec![0; n] / Vec::new() let vec: Vec<i32> = std::iter::repeat(0).take(10).collect()
Java List<Integer> a = new ArrayList<Integer>() / List<String> a = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c") List<Integer> list = IntStream.range(0, 10).mapToObj(i -> 0).collect(Collectors.toList()) / List<Integer> list = Collections.nCopies(10, 0)
C++ std::vector<int> a = {1, 2, 3} std::vector<int> vec(10, 0); / std::fill(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 0)
C char *list[] = {"a", "b", "c"} / int *a = NULL; int size = 0; capacity = n; a = (int *)malloc(capacity * sizeof(int)); if (dynamicArray == NULL) return 1; 同Array

Slices Realloc:

Lang Realloc
Go newSlice := make([]int, 0, 2*cap(s))
newSlice = append(newSlice, s...)
Java list.ensureCapacity(newSize); for (int i = originalSize; i < newSize; i++) list.add(0);
Rust a.resize(n * 2, 0)
C if (size >= capacity) { capacity *= 2; int *temp = (int *)realloc(dynamicArray, capacity * sizeof(int)); if (temp == NULL) { free(dynamicArray); return 1; } dynamicArray = temp; dynamicArray[size++] = x;

Slices Methods:

Lang size push
JS arr.length a.push(x)
Python len(a) a.append(x)
Go a = append(a, x)
Rust vec.len() a.push(x)
Java list.length a.add(x)
C++ vec.size() a.push_back(x)
C - / size a[size++] = x

Heaps or Priority Queues:

Lang pq
Python heapq.heapify / heappush / heappop / heappushpop / heapreplace ...
Go (*h Heap) Len/Less/Swap/Push/Pop() ; heap.Init/Push/Pop(&h...)
Rust use std::collections::BinaryHeap; use std::cmp::Reverse; let mut pq = BinaryHeap::new(); pq.push((Reverse(0), node1)); let Some((Reverse(cost), cur)) = pq.pop();
Java PriorityQueue<int[]> pq = new PriorityQueue<int[]>((a, b) -> a[0] - b[0]); pq.offer(new int[]{0, node1}); !pq.isEmpty(); int[] arr = pq.poll(); pq.offer(new int[]{cost + ncost, next});
C++ using pii = pair<int, int>; priority_queue<pii, vector<pii>, greater<pii>> pq; pq.emplace(0, node1); !pq.empty(); auto [cost, cur] =; pq.pop(); pq.emplace(cost + ncost, next);
C typedef struct { Node *arr; int capacity; int queueSize; cmp compare; } PriorityQueue; ...


Lang Stack
JS 通过Array
Python 通过List
Go 通过Slice
Rust 通过Vec
Java Deque<Integer> stack = new LinkedList<Integer>(); stack.push(1); !stack.isEmpty(); stack.peek(); stack.pop(); / ArrayDeque
C++ stack<int> stk; stk.push(1); !stk.empty();; stk.pop()
C int stk[n], top = 0; stk[top++] = 1; !top; top--;

Deques & StringBuilders:

Lang Deques & StringBuilders
JS a.unshift(x); a.push(x); q.reverse().join('');
Python q = Deque(), q.appendleft, q.append, q.popleft, q.pop
ans = "".join(q)
if head: ans = ans[::-1]
Go if head { q = append([]rune{ch}, q...) } else { q = append(q, ch) } if head { reverse(q) } return string(q)
Rust let mut q = Vec::<char>::new(); if head { q.insert(x); } else { q.push(x); } let ans: String = q.iter().rev().collect()
Java q.addFirst/Last(x); offer~; get~; peek~; remove~; poll~; StringBuilder ans = new StringBuilder(); while (!q.isEmpty()) ans.append(q.pollLast());
C++ deque<char> q; q.push_front(ch); q.push_back(ch); string ans = (head ? string{q.rbegin(), q.rend()} : string{q.begin(), q.end()});
C char q1[len], q2[len]; int pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0; if (head) { q1[pos1++] = ch; } else { ... } char *ans = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (len + 1)); int pos = 0; if (head) { for (int i = pos2 - 1; i >= 0; i--) ans[pos++] = q2[i]; memcpy(ans + pos, q1, sizeof(char) * pos1); } else { ... } ans[pos1 + pos2] = '\0';

Linked List:

Lang Deques & StringBuilders
Go import 'containers/list' / list.List / e := l.Next(); e != nil / type entry struct{Key, Value} / et := e.Value.(entry) / e.Value =... / l.PushBack(entry{key, value}) / l.Remove(e)
Java import java.util.LinkedList / LinkedList/ Iterator it = data[h].iterator(); / while (it.hasNext()) { X x = } / l.offerLast / l.remove(x)
C++ list<pair<int, int>>; / for (auto it = data[h].begin(); it != data[h].end(); it++) / (*it).first / (*it).second =... / l.psuh_back(make_pair(key, value)) / l.erase(it)
C struct List { int key; int val; struct List* next; }; ...



Min / Max:

Lang min(x, y)
JS Math.min
Python min
Go - / min
Rust std::cmp::min
Java Math.min
C++ min
C fmin

Infinity / MaxValue:

Lang Infinity MaxInt MaxValue
JS Infinity Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER Number.MaxValue
Python inf / float('inf') - sys.float_info.max
Go - math.MaxInt8 / MaxInt16 / MaxInt32 / MaxInt64 math.MaxFloat32 / MaxFloat64
Rust std::f32::INFINITY / std::f64::INFINITY i32::MAX / i64::MAX / max_value() -
C++ std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() / std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity() INT_MAX FLT_MAX / DBL_MAX
C -



Lang Sort
JS intervals.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0])
Python intervals.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
Go sort.Slice(ranges, func(i, j int) bool { return ranges[i][0] < ranges[j][0] })
Rust ranges.sort_by(|a, b| a[0].cmp(&b[0]))
Java Collections.sort / Arrays.sort(ranges, (a, b) -> a[0] - b[0]) / Arrays.sort(intervals, new Comparator<int[]>() { public int compare(int[] interval1, int[] interval2) { return interval1[0] - interval2[0]; } });
C++ sort(ranges.begin(), ranges.end())
C int cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { return (*(int **)a)[0] - (*(int **)b)[0]; } qsort(ranges, rangesSize, sizeof(int *), cmp)

Const & Scientific notation:

Lang Const
JS const MOD = 10**9 + 7
Python - / MOD = 10**9 + 7
Go const mod = int(1e9 + 7)
Rust const MOD: i64 = 1_000_000_007
Java static final int MOD = 1000000007
C++ static constexpr int mod = 1e9 + 7 / static const int base = 769
C const int mod = 1e9 + 7

For Loop:

Lang For i For item For i, item
JS for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) for (let item of list) -
Python for i in range(0, len(list)) for item in list for i, v in enumerate(list)
Go for i := 0; i < len(list); i++ - for i, v := range list
Rust for i in 0..list.len() / for i in 1..=n for item in list.iter() for (i, item) in list.enumerate() / let indices = (0..list.len()).collect::<Vec<_>>(); for (index, item) in indices.iter().zip(list.iter())
Java for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) / IntStream.range(0, list.size()).forEach(i -> { String v = list.get(i) }) for (Item item : list) -
C++ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) -
C int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; int size = sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) - -


Lang Println Printf
JS console.log("x=%d", x) -
Python print("x=", x) -
Go fmt.Println("x=", x) fmt.Printf("x=%d\n", x)
Rust println!("x={}", x) print!("x={}\n", x)
Java System.out.println("x="+x) System.out.printf("x=%d\n", x)
C++ std::cout << "x=" << x << std::endl -
C - printf("x=%d\n", x)