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Compass Plugin for the MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline Builder.

Code Tour

  • src/components/aggregations The primary export is connected component
  • src/modules/ is where action happens
    • action creators components call
    • reducers that call dataService,, emit to other plugins, etc.
    • follows the ducks pattern
  • src/stores/store is where plugin listens+responds to events of interest from other plugins
  • store is global state instantiated via configureStore()
  • All tests are local to their module e.g. src/*/<module>.spec.js

Note: Cross-plugin Communication

How does clicking on export to language button in aggregation builder show the modal that has code in it?

The aggregation builder in Compass actually involves 2 Compass plugins:

Here's how these 2 plugins come together:

Usage with a mongodb-data-service Provider

See ./examples-data-service-provider.js for details on what data-service functions are used and the applicable options for each.


If you're interested in helping with the Aggregation Builder plugin, we'd be over the moon excited! Here are a few ideas if you're interested but not sure where to start:

  • Add a new example aggregation
  • Additions/clarifications/improvements to README's
  • More tests (especially edge cases!)
  • Generate jsdoc html to include in GitHub pages
  • Improve build times (e.g. audit our webpack configs)



This plugin uses an instance of a Redux store and not the traditional singleton, so the store instance must be passed to the plugin. The plugin exports a function to initialise the store instance, which decorates it with various methods to conveniently set any values it uses.

This is for:

  • @mongodb-js/compass-aggregations 4.0.0-beta.11
  • @mongodb-js/compass-export-to-language 4.0.2


Setting values via configure:

import AppRegistry from 'hadron-app-registry';
import AggregationsPlugin, {
  configureStore as configureAggregationsStore
} from '@mongodb-js/compass-aggregations';
import ExportToLanguagePlugin, {
  configureStore as configureExportToLanguageStore
} from '@mongodb-js/compass-export-to-language';

const handleOut = (namespace) => {`${namespace}`, '_new');

const handleCopy = (query) => {

const appRegistry = new AppRegistry();

const aggregationsStore = configureAggregationsStore({
  dataProvider: {
    error: null,
    dataProvider: dataProvider
  namespace: 'db.coll',
  serverVersion: '4.2.0',
  fields: [],
  outResultsFn: handleOut,
  env: 'atlas',
  localAppRegistry: appRegistry

const exportToLanguageStore = configureExportToLanguageStore({
  localAppRegistry: appRegistry,
  copyToClipboardFn: handleCopy

<AggregationsPlugin store={aggregationsStore} />
<ExportToLanguagePlugin store={exportToLanguageStore} />


const role = appRegistry.getRole('Collection.Tab')[0];
const Plugin = role.component;
const configureStore = role.configureStore;
const store = configureStore({
  globalAppRegistry: appRegistry,
  localAppRegistry: localAppRegistry,
  dataProvider: {
    error: null,
    dataProvider: dataProvider,
  env: 'on-prem',
  namespace: 'db.coll',
  serverVersion: '4.2.0',
  fields: [],

<Plugin store={store} />;


The fields array must be an array of objects that the ACE editor autocompleter understands. See This example for what that array looks like.

Data Provider

The data provider is an object that must adhere to the following interface:

 * Get a count of documents.
 * @param {String} namespace - The namespace in "db.collection" format.
 * @param {Object} filter - The MQL query filter.
 * @param {Object} options - The query options.
 * @param {Function} callback - Gets error and integer count as params.
provider.count(namespace, filter, options, callback);

 * Execute an aggregation pipeline.
 * @param {String} namespace - The namespace in "db.collection" format.
 * @param {Array} pipeline - The pipeline.
 * @param {Object} options - The agg options.
 * @param {Function} callback - Gets error and cursor as params. Cursor must
 *   implement #toArray (which takes a callback with error and an array of result docs)
 *   and #close
provider.aggregate(namespace, pipeline, options, callback);

App Registry Events Emmitted

Various actions within this plugin will emit events for other parts of the application can be listened to via hadron-app-registry. Local events are scoped to a Tab. Global events are scoped to the whole Compass application.


  • 'open-create-view': Indicated Create View is to be opened.
  • 'compass:export-to-language:opened', source: Indicates export-to-language was opened. source refers to the module it is opened from, in this case Aggregations.
  • 'open-namespace-in-new-tab': Indicates current pipeline's namespace is to be opened in a new tab. Called when Create View is successful, when $merge are to be shown, when $out results are to be shown.
  • 'refresh-data': Indicates a data refresh is required within Compass.
  • 'select-namespace', metadata: Indicates a namespace is being selected. Emitted when updating a collection. metadata refers to information about the pipeline.
  • 'agg-pipeline-deleted': Indicates a pipeline was deleted. Sends pipeline data to metrics.
  • 'agg-pipeline-saved', pipelineName: Indicates a pipeline was saved locally. Sens pipeline data to analytics.
  • 'agg-pipeline-executed', metadata: Indicates a pipeline was executed. metadata refers to data about the pipeline. Sends pipeline data to metrics.
  • 'agg-pipeline-out-executed', pipelineId: Indicates a pipeline was executed with a $out. Sends pipeline data to metrics.


  • 'open-aggregation-export-to-language', pipeline: Indicates export-to-language plugin is to opened. pipeline refers to the pipeline to be exported.
  • 'open-create-view', { meta: { source, pipeline }}: Indicates Create View is being opened.

App Registry Events Received


  • 'import-finished': When import data was successful, refresh plugin's input data.
  • 'refresh-data': Received when Compass data was refreshed. Refreshes input data in the plugin.
  • 'open-create-view', { meta: { source, pipeline }}: Received when Create View is to be opened. Opens a Create View modal.


  • 'refresh-data': Received when Input data is to be refreshed on Compass level. Refreshes plugin's input.

Metrics Events

  • refresh-data
  • open-create-view
  • agg-pipeline-saved
  • agg-pipeline-deleted
  • agg-pipeline-executed
  • agg-pipeline-out-executed



npm run test


npm start

Analyze Build

npm run analyze


npm i -S @mongodb-js/compass-aggregations