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Releases: nteract/nteract

nteract v0.9.0 - Bespectacled Bessemer

14 Jun 23:08
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Data Explorer

nteract desktop can now do the automatic dataviz that previously was only released on the jupyter extension.

Component documentation

We're in the beginnings of documenting our components using react-styleguidist. You can see a sneak preview at

Jupyter Extension

Jupyter Extension has some exciting new additions including near menu parity with nteract desktop 🎉

  • 📝 We now have a Monaco editor component

  • "Open..." has been added to the menu and will redirect the user to the directory listing

  • Notebook cards have been scaled down and padding added to the bottom of the directory listing for easier viewing on smaller screens

Gist publishing

Gist publishing is much more stable now! :octocat: However, GitHub no longer allows new anonymous gists. 😢 All gists published from nteract must use authentication. 🔐

Open Recent Menu

Now that we're on Electron 2.x, we can support an "Open Recent" menu. Right now it is only supported on macOS.

Mega Vega

We support vega 2, vega 3, vega-lite 1, and vega-lite 2!



  • Improved kernel clean up
  • Better font sizes in drop down menu
  • Upgraded to webpack 4*


For the next release, look forward to improved rendering performance and better kernel cleanup.

Disclaimer for Desktop

The only bundled kernel with nteract desktop is JavaScript (node.js). To detect your current python kernel you will need to run

python -m ipykernel install --user

at the command line. For other kernels, check out

Desktop Installers

nteract v0.8.4 - Burnt Bernoulli

14 Mar 21:59
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nteract v0.8.4

The Burnt Bernoulli release has a few fixes, though is mostly maintenance work under the hood.

  • Cut/Copy/Paste cells now operate on the focused cell
  • Pinned cell is gone (see #2658)
    • We'd love to support this kind of feature with some rethinking on how it's implemented. More than once it's been a stumbling block to maintaining the overall app.

Under the covers

We've switched over to a byRef structure for contents and kernels within the redux store. As a precursor to directory navigation and kernel switching in the jupyter extension, this brings us a clean setup for remote resources that may not have been loaded yet (or are in various states). Classically, users think there is one kernel running at a time. When you switch kernels (or start a new kernel), you effectively have two running -- the one being shutdown and the one starting up. The overall state structure is documented in and looks roughly like this

  currentNotebookRef: <contentRef>
      [kernelRef]: { // doesn't matter if this is a local or remote kernel
        channels: ...
      [contentRef]: {
        filepath: somewhere
        model: actualNotebookDocument

Commuter and Notebook Preview

  • (Re-)Improved syntax highlighting

nteract v0.8.3 - Bernese Bernard

08 Mar 20:21
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redux-observable was missing from dependencies in @nteract/core. This fixes the latest releases of @nteract/commuter and @nteract/notebook-preview. No user facing changes in desktop or the web apps.

nteract v0.8.0 - Burly Berliner

07 Mar 20:43
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Hey all! Thanks for reading the release notes for this beta. We've gone through some major refactors to bring you a more stable release than ever before. 👷👷‍♀️ We could really use your help in building nteract out, so let us know how you'd like to be involved. We can get you plugged in!

Release Notes

UI features

  • Kernels now sorted by display name in the menu (#2591)
  • Improve messaging about kernel state (#2628, #2495)
  • Log "extra" stdout / stderr streams from kernel to chrome console (#2646)
  • Theme aware title bar in the webapp (#2551, #2547, #2545)
  • Clear pager on output clear (#2525)
  • Always create block math if $$ occurs in markdown (#2499)
  • New Menu Items (webapp):
  • Improved menu look (webapp) (#2494)


  • Editor now tracks subscriptions and closes them (#2505)


  • All octicon SVGs now have a <title> tag to describe their intent (#2587)

New components

  • Notebook selection menu (#2623)
    • Note: not integrated in any app yet

select your kernel

Big repo changes

  • No more @nteract/types module (it's part of @nteract/core and the originating packages)
  • @nteract/commuter-frontend has moved into @nteract/commuter directly to simplify publishing releases (#2634)

Developer Experience


The only bundled kernel is JavaScript (node.js). To detect your current python kernel you will need to run

python -m ipykernel install --user

at the command line. For other kernels, check out

Desktop Installers

nteract v0.7.1 - Belligerent Bell

07 Feb 22:24
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All Apps

  • Fixed kernel stop/kill/restart bug

Jupyter Extension

  • Tightened up menu styling
  • Cleaned up about page

Desktop Installers


The only bundled kernel is JavaScript (node.js). To detect your current python kernel you will need to run

python -m ipykernel install --user

at the command line. For other kernels, check out

Desktop v0.7.0 - Behavioral Behring

06 Feb 02:08
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  • Maths are rendered so beautifully
  • Improved kernel launch and shutdown
  • We renamed Language ➡ Runtime, don't be alarmed 😇



The only bundled kernel is JavaScript (node.js). To detect your current python kernel you will need to run

python -m ipykernel install --user

at the command line. For other kernels, check out

Desktop v0.6.2 - Becoming Becquerel

25 Jan 03:57
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  • Hook up automatic kernel launching to the jupyter extension

Desktop v0.6.1 - Beckoned Beckman

25 Jan 03:24
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  • :octocat: No more accidentally trying to publish over anonymous gists
  • under the covers enhancements to fetching kernelspecs and starting kernels for the jupyter extension

Desktop v0.6.0 - Beautiful Beadle

24 Jan 18:58
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This is a beautiful nteract beta release.

  • Improved performance since last release
  • Support for vega 3 and vegalite 2
  • Initial table -> plot renderer (ask for more info)
  • Markdown cells can be switched to render with a ctrl-enter again



The only bundled kernel is JavaScript (node.js). To detect your current python kernel you will need to run

python -m ipykernel install --user

at the command line. For other kernels, check out

Desktop v0.5.5 - Baylike Bayliss

03 Jan 20:28
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  • Slightly cleaned up CSS
  • Happier developers



The only bundled kernel is JavaScript (node.js). To detect your current python kernel you will need to run

python -m ipykernel install --user

at the command line. For other kernels, check out