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Demo of Atoms, Values and the AtomSpace

This directory contains examples that illustrate all of the main ideas underlying the AtomSpace. This includes:

  • The AtomSpace as a knowledgebase - a graph database.
  • Basic querying (pattern-matching) and inference on knowledge.
  • Assigning degrees of truth to various facts and inferences.
  • Complex knowledge-representation tasks, including:
    • Setting unique state
    • Designing properties
    • Assigning values and using key-value pairs efficiently
    • Handling rapidly time-varying data (video/audio streams).

After this come examples for assorted advanced features that are typically encountered:

  • Creating a read-only base AtomSpace, with a read-write overlay.
  • Throwing exceptions.
  • Storing the AtomSpace in RocksDB, PostgreSQL or plain-text files.
  • Distributed (network/cloud) AtomSpace.
  • Using the logger.
  • Calling Python from within the AtomSpace.
  • Multi-threading with ParallelLink and JoinLink
  • ... and much much more.

Most of the querying and pattern matching examples are in the pattern-matcher folder. Once you've gotten a good idea of the basics from the demos here, go and explore the examples there. Return to the advanced examples here after exploring the pattern engine.

Introductory Examples

It is recommended that you go through the examples in the order given. These are "basic" demos that all users should know. Open each of these in your favorite text editor, and start reading. Cut-and-paste from the text-editor to the guile prompt: this gives you a chance to see what happens, and how the system reacts. (But read the "Introduction" below, first).

After going through the above, go to the demos in the pattern-matcher folder. The pattern matching demos are vital for understanding how to be effective in writing queries and formulating rules. Then return to the advanced demos below.

Advanced Demos

System programmers will need to know the following examples in order to be effective.


The wiki provides more detailed documentation for each of the AtomSpace Atom types, and more. Some good places to start are here:

Introduction to Scheme and Guile

Some minor familiarity with scheme is useful, but not required. This section provides some hints and tips for getting the command line working.

The variant of scheme used in OpenCog is that provided by guile. Guile was chosen primarily because of its strong C/C++ interfacing capabilities. Guile runs as an interpreter/compiler, providing a read-evaluate-print loop (REPL), called guile. It is started at the terminal shell prompt.

It is convenient to preconfigure guile to make things smoother. One is to enable automated command-line editing (i.e. get the arrow keys to work). Do this by editing ~/.guile and adding the lines:

(use-modules (ice-9 readline))

The above will be auto-run every time you start guile.

Finally, start guile:

$ guile

Next, load the opencog module:

(use-modules (opencog))

If the above does not work, please see the next section.

After the opencog module is loaded, you can create atoms "as usual" e.g.

(ConceptNode "asdf")

You can load other scm files (for example, "foobar.scm") by saying:

(load "./foobar.scm")

Most functions have documentation, which can be viewed by saying ,describe and the name of the function. Note the comma, and no parentheses. For example:

,describe cog-chase-link

Additional help can be gotten by saying

,apropos cog

and more generally


See also AtomSpace guile wrapper README or OpenCog Scheme wiki page for additional documentation.

Common Faults

If you get the error:

> (use-modules (opencog))
While compiling expression:
no code for module (opencog)

Make sure you did not forget to say sudo make install. If that does not fix it, make sure that either /usr/share/guile/site/3.0/opencog.scm or /usr/local/share/guile/site/3.0/opencog.scm exist. It might also have been installed yet somewhere else; find it. Next, verify that guile is looking in the right places:

> %load-path

should print

("/usr/share/guile/3.0" "/usr/share/guile/site/3.0" "/usr/share/guile/site" "/usr/share/guile")

or something similar. If the correct path is not listed, then add it:

(add-to-load-path "/usr/local/share/guile/site/3.0")

or wherever it is to be found. That should be enough to fix things. To make this permanent, add this to the ~/.guile file.

List of the various modules

Here's a list of modules provided by the AtomSpace, listed in alphabetical order. In general, you will use (opencog exec) the most frequently: this contains core functions that almost everything else depends on.

(use-modules (opencog))
(use-modules (opencog atom-types))
(use-modules (opencog csv-table))
(use-modules (opencog exec))
(use-modules (opencog logger))
(use-modules (opencog matrix))
(use-modules (opencog persist))
(use-modules (opencog persist-cog))
(use-modules (opencog persist-file))
(use-modules (opencog persist-rocks))
(use-modules (opencog persist-sql))
(use-modules (opencog python))
(use-modules (opencog randgen))
(use-modules (opencog sheaf))
(use-modules (opencog test-runner))
(use-modules (opencog type-utils))
(use-modules (opencog uuid))

There are other modules provided in other projects and repos. Here is a list of some of the key, important (supported and active) modules in other git repos:

(use-modules (opencog cogserver))
(use-modules (opencog learn))
(use-modules (opencog nlp))
(use-modules (opencog nlp lg-dict))
(use-modules (opencog nlp lg-export))

A list of important modules that are taking a break, waiting to spring into action for when they are next needed:

(use-modules (opencog agi-bio))
(use-modules (opencog asmoses))
(use-modules (opencog bioscience))
(use-modules (opencog cheminformatics))
(use-modules (opencog generate))
(use-modules (opencog vision))

These modules are more or less obsolete and are no longer being maintained. It seems unlikely that they will ever be maintained again.

(use-modules (opencog attention))
(use-modules (opencog attention-bank))
(use-modules (opencog ghost))
(use-modules (opencog miner))
(use-modules (opencog nlp aiml))
(use-modules (opencog nlp chatbot))
(use-modules (opencog nlp chatbot-eva))
(use-modules (opencog nlp fuzzy))
(use-modules (opencog nlp microplanning))
(use-modules (opencog nlp relex2logic))
(use-modules (opencog nlp sureal))
(use-modules (opencog octomap))
(use-modules (opencog openpsi))
(use-modules (opencog pln))
(use-modules (opencog reduct))
(use-modules (opencog spacetime))
(use-modules (opencog ure))