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André Brisolla ambrisolla

@stone-payments Brazil

Giannis Meleziadis giannis-mel
QA Engineer @ Deus Ex Machina, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Deus Ex Machina Greece Thessaloniki

Perla galindo gatleas17
Cryptolover catlover codelover

Monterrey México

Joris Kuijpers joriskuijpers
DevSecOps Platform Architect & DevSecOps Specialist

ASML Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands

Akira Maeda AKMaaa
Designer & Engineer @ M1 System Infomation Science __ Media Design Course

Japan Hakodate City

✠Crux_Sacra_Sit_Mihi_Lux✠ ✠Non_Draco_Sit_Mihi_Dux✠ ✠V.R.S.N.S.M.V.S.M.Q.L.I.V.B.✠ ✠Non nobis Domine nobis, sed nom ini tuo ad gloriam.✠

Artes do Sul Brasil

JatinK Jack9507
I'm a passionate computer scientist with a solid foundation in the field, I like coding, data structures & algorithims. Let's code, innovate, and build stuff.

Kanpur, UP, India

José da Gama josedagama
Chief Architect @ NTT Data / Tech Enthusiast

NTT Data

Mallepally Lokeshwar Reddy lokeshwar777
Cultivating Continuous Growth: Driven Learner, Tech Enthusiast, and Focused on Self-Improvement & Upskilling

Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Cui Yang cy920820

SkyWork It's Never Too Late to Change.

杨小妞 leo00000
The more quiet you are, the more you hear.


Vaibhav Kamble Vaibhav120796

Vedlogic solution pvt ltd

Laté Armel-Gabriel LAWSON srx32
Web (fullstack) & mobile developer |---| Web: - NodeJS, React (Good) - Spring Boot, Angular (Mid) |---| Mobile : Flutter (Good)

Lomé, TOGO

🤓 Kaggwe Marvin Victor kaggwe-marvin
Armed with my trusty keyboard, I'm here to conquer bugs and build epic programs! 💻 Let's team up and dive into the world of code together! Game on! 💥

student Uganda

Marcos Gomes magaivaxe
Java developer

@Desjardins Montréal

Mofid Juboqji moufeed
front-end developer

Roaa Tech Istanbul Turkey

Sumet Ketchaiyo Ketchaiyo982

Sk Musik Production Inc Belgium

@montyc666 montyc123
trying to learn

customer service 4 all Wilmington, Delaware

Max Allen max-allen

New York, New York

DJ荒野 reamd
Time and tide wait for no man, god helps those who help themselves!
RTX3070 RTX3070
Passionate about Web Development and programming in general.