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Joseph Loss chicago-joe
M.S. Financial Engineering, Class of 2019 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Chicago, Illinois

Dallas Hoffman HoffmanGeospatial
Master of Geospatial Information Analytics Science and Technology at North Carolina State University

North Carolina State University Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

Navneet hexfermi
Learning to Code! Interested in AI & ML.
Maarten Magchiels bewebbed
Data Wizard

Free-lancer Belgium, Kasterlee

Keron Lewis Keron-Dev
#!/usr/bin/env python3 >>> :octocat:

@KeronDev Christmas Island

Ferran Cardoso FerranC96
Senior Scientific Officer at the Institute of Cancer Research

Institute of Cancer Research London, UK

Michael Akridge - NOAA MichaelAkridge-NOAA
Applications Developer for the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC) Ecosystem Science Division (ESD)


Calcody-Lee Mcneill PinkDiamond1

Polybest Holding B.V. helm repo add twingate

Will Boyd wbinventor
Computational scientist with expertise in deep learning, computer vision, physics simulation, and high-performance computing.
Prajwal Ghimire prazg
PhD Candidate in Cancer Imaging/Radiogenomics in Glioblastoma @KCL-BMEIS; Senior Registrar in Neurosurgery at King's College Hospital, London


Imene Legsir ImeneLEG
Hello network ; I'm Imene a computer science engineering student

ENSAO Morocco ,Oujda

Edgar Mixcoha mixcoha
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry PhD focused in Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Biomolecular and Cyclodextrin systems, classical and QM/MM.

CONACYT Mexico City

Hengky hengkykurniawan
urban economist, development economist


=O= varlski

ACELR8 Berlin

Pablo Jorge PabloJHH
Hi mi name is Pablo Jorge

Universidad del Mar, Campus Huatulco Oaxaca, México

Lloyd Woodham lloydwoodham
Research Associate in the Space & Atmospheric Physics Group at Imperial College London, exploring the evolution and dynamics of the solar wind plasma.

Imperial College London London, UK

joao.vidal colabortory

colab curitiba/PR

Losang Jinpa, PhD, MCSE/MCT, Cloud Monk AzureCloudMonk
Losang Jinpa, PhD, MCSE/MCT: Cloud Native DevOps-GitOps Engineer on Azure-AWS, Kubernetes AKS-EKS-GKE, Terraform, Python, Golang, Ansible, HashiCorp Vault

Cloud Monk Pacific Northwest, USA

Computer Science Engineer | Passionate full-stack developer interested in AI | Java, Spring | JS, NextJS, Angular | IA, ML, NN

ENSAO Morocco - Oujda

Taylor D. Edmiston tedmiston
Principal Software Engineer · Co-Organizer @HackCincy · Past: @mandolin-dev, @astronomer, @apache Airflow contributor · Python, DevOps, etc

@mandolin-dev Remote