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Sameer Ahmad SameerAhmadSA
I'm Programmer

Lahore, Pakistan

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Shivaramakrishnan shiva16
bio hardware developer, NLP, bots and full stack backend and automation.

Cephei Technologies Chennai

greenwaY greenwayRocks
Go hacking and doing sTuffs!

colombo,sri lanka

Sainesh Nakra saineshnakra
Mid-year goal 2023 : Pushing projects that I can find which were made in past 7 years. Currently, a grad student at Northeastern pursuing MS in CS.

Northeastern University Boston, MA

Gaurav Bhushan Kumar Gaurav-822
An enthusiast of Human technological advancement, willing to make a share in it and increase my knowledge in the field of Tech

Student Guwahati, Assam

Loong 1loong


9x Datakit Network / Substance djsubstance
substance (9x) git repo - tons of useful Bash scripts / one liners and alot of exploit code and explainations of Javascript (some advanced topics) (c) 2023 - all rights lost NYC



Emilio Romero emrocode
Usuario normal de @github

Oviedo, Paraguay

Jerry Lin jerrylin96

UC Irvine Department of Earth System Science Irvine, CA

Obedson richie997
Building huge platform to make the world a better place. Best Algoma ever existed

Empty Universe

Jiacheng He HarrryHe
Computer Science Major in Temple University
José Olivar Jsnowoliv1420
Self-taught web development student Front-End React JavaScript

Freelancer Lima, Peru

Carlos V. cvc90
• Applications • Cloud • Design • Maintenance • Networks • Security • Systems • Web

CVázquez Soluciones Informáticas Barcelona

Ardi Ardi028

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge

Arihant Jain Arihant416
Senior Member of Technical Staff @perfios

Perfios Remote

Tien Tran TrNgTien

Ho Chi Minh City

Sean Coggeshall seancoggs

Jacksonville Beach, FLorida

Gabriel de Holanda holandgab

Recife, Pernambuco


kiplymacho banjarmasin

Nafeng ZHU zhunafeng
Software Engineer, Specialised in Android development. Follower on Uncle Bob (clean code, clean architecture)


Alessia Martins AleMartins2023
Hi, I'm Alessia Martins. I graduated in Business from UFOP, love reading, and am eager to learn more about technology tools.


Madhumitha P.R PRMadhumitha
Full Stack Developer | Java | Bachelor's degree in computer science 2023 pass out | HTML5 | Java Script | Advance CSS | Python Basic| my SQL | Photoshop.


Syed Saad (王泽) Saad-data
Pursing master’s in AI and Robotics at Sapienza | Gen-AI, transformers models, Python Programming, LLMs

Student @Sapienza of AIRO Rome, itlay

Friso FreesoSaiFared
Life philosophy and writings as software project. Wave one. The AI State. A implementation of the state through AI. Legal Status of a Religion.

StateOfAI Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Laureline Paris LaurelineP
A JavaScript Developper ( ReactJS, NodeJS oriented ) & enthusiast and naturally curious about programming language . [Todo bucket: Python, Rust, Shell/Bash...]
