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Increase your chance of securing the flat you want by creating a tenant CV

RentReady is a web application built in Elixir using the Phoenix framework.



First, make sure elixir is installed.

Environment variables

Second, you'll need to create an account with GoCardless Bank Account Data (formerly Nordigen, and different from a normal GoCardless account). This will allow you to generate a secret ID and secret key pair. RentReady expects these values as environment variables GO_CARDLESS_SECRET_ID and GO_CARDLESS_SECRET_KEY.

RentReady also expects a CLOAK_SECRET_KEY environment variable. You can generate this using the iex REPL and running:

iex> 32 |> :crypto.strong_rand_bytes() |> Base.encode64()

Development server

Clone this repository, then, to start the web server:

  • Run mix setup to install and setup dependencies
  • Run mix phx.server to run the web server

Caching the third-party API

Optionally, you can use a command-line tool like json-caching-proxy to cache responses from GoCardless/Nordigen during development:

npx json-caching-proxy -u -l

Just remember to update the GoCardless API endpoint in lib/go_cardless/http_client.ex to the proxy URL (e.g. http://localhost:3000/api/v2).