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class: middle, center, title-slide


.footnote[Tim Head for the Binder team, Wild Tree Tech, JupyterCon 2018]



.footnote[By , CC BY-SA 3.0, Link]


Earliest libraries were archives of clay tablets. Appeared in Mesopotamia about 2600BC. Making clay tablets was hard work, as you could imagine. Recording information is something humans have been doing for a very long time. It is a valuable thing to do! Information is power.




Things have changed a bit since then. We invented paper and the printing press. At first access was restricted, you had to pay or prove you were a real scholar to get access. The ideas of the modern public library only started around 1850 or so. Now spreading information via books and documents has become easy! We can do this at scale!




Modern libraries are modern!




But you hardly ever go there anymore, these days a large part of the work of a library is to broker access to digital information and to curate that information.

Newton's Third Law


The third law states that all forces between two objects exist in equal magnitude and opposite direction: if one object A exerts a force $F_A$ on a second object B, then B simultaneously exerts a force $F_B$ on A, and the two forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. ]


Newton's Third Law

.middle.larger[ $$ F_A = -F_B $$ ]

.footnote[From, August 2018]


Today experiments can't be described on a static piece of paper anymore. It is like using text to describe Newton's laws instead of using equations. Text takes a lot more space and is less precise than using maths. Today's experiments involve software which is essential to understanding the work that happened. We need to communicate more than just text.

We need a new medium.

paper == static

Is Paper Obsolete?


Going beyond paper



With just the static paper it isn't actually well defined what they did. This means that we can't reproduce their work because we don't actually know what it is they did.

Going beyond paper



We need the code and the environment in which that code was run in order to have a full definition of what it is they did. Now we can start discussing about reproducing their work.

class: middle, center

Let's do it


class: middle, center

That was Binder.


This means that producing information is basically free now, but successfully consuming it has never been harder. It is very likely that computer programs played a role in generating that information, so you need to have access to them as well as the text itself

class: middle, center

Today's Talk:

Running other people's code

Other people's code is ... fun?!



The IT Department Approach

Your IT department tightly controls what can be installed, there are approved tools that you shall use.



Conversations go something like:

A: Could we upgrade our scikit-learn version? They fixed several bugs that we have been working around for the last 6 months.

B: Any new versions need to be audited first.

A: Ok, well, I guess we keep working around the issues then ...

The Wild West Approach

Anything goes, all the modern tools, all the time. This is the frontier!



You have discussions like:

A: I tried to run your script to generate the charts of our monthly sales numbers. It complains about not finding the Shedazzle shell??

B: Ah yeah, Shedazzle is the latest in AI powered productivity shell, everyone is using it now, you should also change. Bash really hurts your productivity.

A: Ah ok, so ... uhm I guess I'll try installing Shedazzle then ...

B: Make sure to install the latest beta, the current release is a bit flakey.

A: Ok ... all I wanted to do is make a few charts ...

The Kitchen Sink Approach


.footnote[Credit: ENI Norge]


Package up everything together with your code. Libraries, dependencies, everything. Makes a huge bundle.

Technically speaking this is sending a VM or a container image.

The Ikea Manual Approach



Deliver the instructions for assembling the kitchen sink approach.

Technically speaking this is like sending a Dockerfile instead of the built container image.

class: middle, center

Idea: Dockerfiles for everything.


.larger[Crafting a good Dockerfile requires significant expertise.]

These are the six lines you need to install one package:

RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install --yes --no-install-recommends \
*       less && \
    apt-get purge && \
    apt-get clean && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*


.larger[Crafting a good Dockerfile requires significant expertise.]


How did that paper do it?


Nothing suspicious to see ...

class: middle, center


class: middle, center

repo2docker builds and runs containers

repo2docker builds and runs containers

Mimics what a human would do:

$ git clone


Analyse repository:


repo2docker builds and runs containers

Mimics what a human would do:

$ git clone

Analyse repository and install dependencies:

$ conda install -f environment.yml


Start Jupyter notebook:

$ jupyter notebook

repo2docker understands you

It can parse many different files that specify what dependencies to install. This means that you can keep working the way you have always been working, and benefit from repo2docker from day one.

Supported configuration files: .larger[ .left-column[

  • requirements.txt
  • environment.yml
  • apt.txt
  • and more! ] .right-column[
  • install.R
  • runtime.txt
  • postBuild
  • Dockerfile ] ]

Back to sharing

Hi Tim,

thanks for helping out on our project. To run things
you need to install Docker, repo2docker and then run


It produces a lot of output but at the end there is
a URL that you need to paste into your browser. That
will show a Jupyter notebook.


.larger[ Can we make it even easier?

Maybe just a link people can click? ]

class: middle, center

Of course!




Combine repo2docker with JupyterHub to build images for any git repository ondemand.

We call it BinderHub.


We have all the pieces






.width-40[] ]

Min's talk (2.40pm)

A public BinderHub operated by the Binder team.


Yuvi's talk (11.55am)

Not just Jupyter Frontends


Also support RShiny, Bokeh apps, appmode, ...

Not just Jupyter Frontends


Also support RShiny, Bokeh apps, appmode, ...

class: middle, center

The People and The Future

Be a Part of the Community!


class: middle, center


Around the world in 80 days


In the last 80 days we have had users from almost everywhere on the planet.


Some countries we are missing: Cuba, North Korea, Chad, Central African Republic, Western Sahara, Mali, Guinea-Bissau, Eritrea. (Is Spitzbergen a country?)

Showing Off 🎉

About 1.2 million Binders launched since 1st January 2018.

Over 50000 Binders are launched every week.

Daily launches:


A Selection of Users


Most of the interesting users are in the "long tail", this makes it hard to put them on a slide.

??? - University course in Thailand - NYC coding for students - Andean Regional Office of Astronomy for Development - - Microsoft internal training event, you've made it when MS asks for your help right? For the CUNY-CREST summer high school research experience (HIRES), 26 NYC students spent about a week learning Python for earth and atmospheric science." HIRES is the High School Initiative in Remote Sensing of the Earth Systems Engineering and Sciences

Going beyond paper!


Beyond clay tablets

To communicate the ideas of today we need to go beyond "paper".

With Binder the sharing of computational work has left the clay tablet era.

Libraries have always been about curating and spreading knowledge!

-- .larger[ Let's put a BinderHub in every library. ]


class: middle, center

One more thing ...

class: bottom, center
