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JSON Schemas for Automatic Decoding of the State

A limitation that we early detected in the near-sdk-js is that Classes and Nested Structures (e.g. Vectors of Maps) are valid to declare as attributes of a contract, but hard to correctly deserialize.

This doc explains a new solution currently implemented in the SDK and how to use it to simplify hanlding stored Classes and Nested Structures.

The Problem

NEAR smart contracts store information in their state, which they read when an execution starts and write when an execution finished. In particular, all the information stored in the contract is (de)serialized as a utf8 JSON-String.

Since Javascript does not handle types, it is actually very hard to infer the type of the data that is stored when the contract is loaded at the start of an execution. Imagine for example a contract storing a class Car defined as follows:

Class Car {
    name: string;
    speed: number;
    run() {
      // ...

A particular instance of that Car (e.g. new Car("Audi", 200)) will be stored in the contract as the JSON string:

{"name": "Audi", "speed": 200}

Next time the contract is called, the state will be parsed using JSON.parse(), and the result will be an Object {name: "Audi", speed:200}, which is an instance of object and not an instance of Car. This would happen both if the user wrote the contract in javascript or typescript, since casting in Typescript is just sugarcoating, it does not actually cast the object! What this means is that:

// the SDK parses the String into an Object # This will fail!

This problem is particularly painful when the class is nested in another Class, e.g. a LookupMap of Cars.

The (non-elegant) Solution

Before, the SDK mitigated this problem by requiring the user to manually reconstruct the JS Object to an instance of the original class.

A More Elegant Solution: JSON Schemas

To help the SDK know which type it should decode, we can add a static schema map, which tells the SDK what type of data it should read:

Class Car {
    // Schema to (de)serialize
    static schema = {
        name: "string",
        speed: "number",

    // Properties
    name: string;
    speed: number;

    // methods
    run() {
      // ...

If a Class defines an schema, the SDK will recursively reconstruct it, by creating a new instance of Car and filling its attributes with the right values. In this way, the deserialized object will effectively be an instance of the Class. This means that we can call all its methods:

// the SDK iteratively reconstructs the Car # This now works!

The schema format

The Schema supports multiple types:

  • Primitive types: string, number, boolean. We can remove schema format of Primitive types since is no need to reconstruct them.
  • Built-in object types: Date, BigInt.
  • Built-in collections: array, map
    • Arrays need to be declared as {array: {value: valueType}}, there are no reconstruct for Primitive types, for the value type is Primitive types, we can remove this field.
    • Maps need to declared as {map: {key: 'keyType', value: 'valueType'}}, there are no reconstruct for Primitive types, for the key and value type are Primitive types, we can remove this field.
  • Custom classes are denoted by their name, e.g. Car
  • Near SDK Collections (i.e. Vector, LookupMap, LookupSet, UnorderedMap, UnorderedSet) need to be declared as {class: ClassType, value: ValueType} if we need to reconstruct value or we can simplify to mark ClassType if we no need to reconstruct value for Primitive types.

You can see a complete example in the status-deserialize-class file, which contains the following Class declaration:

export class StatusDeserializeClass {
  static schema = {
    truck: Truck,
    efficient_recordes: UnorderedMap,
    nested_efficient_recordes: {class: UnorderedMap, value: UnorderedMap},
    nested_lookup_recordes:  {class: UnorderedMap, value: LookupMap},
    vector_nested_group: {class: Vector, value: LookupMap},
    lookup_nest_vec: { class: LookupMap, value: Vector },
    unordered_set: UnorderedSet,
    user_car_map: {class: UnorderedMap, value: Car },
    big_num: 'bigint',
    date: 'date'

  constructor() {
    this.is_inited = false;
    this.records = {};
    this.truck = new Truck();
    this.messages = [];
    this.efficient_recordes = new UnorderedMap("a");
    this.nested_efficient_recordes = new UnorderedMap("b");
    this.nested_lookup_recordes = new UnorderedMap("c");
    this.vector_nested_group = new Vector("d");
    this.lookup_nest_vec = new LookupMap("e");
    this.unordered_set = new UnorderedSet("f");
    this.user_car_map = new UnorderedMap("g");
    this.big_num = 1n; = new Date();
    this.message_without_schema_defined = "";
    this.number_without_schema_defined = 0;
    this.records_without_schema_defined = {};
    // other methods

What happens with the old reconstructor?

Until now, users needed to call a reconstructor method in order for Nested Collections to be properly decoded:

export class Contract {
    outerMap: UnorderedMap<UnorderedMap<string>>;

    constructor() {
        this.outerMap = new UnorderedMap("o");

    get({id, accountId}: { id: string; accountId: string }) {
        const innerMap = this.outerMap.get(id, {
            reconstructor: UnorderedMap.reconstruct,  // we need to announce reconstructor explicit
        if (innerMap === null) {
            return null;
        return innerMap.get(accountId);

With schemas, this is no longer needed, as the SDK can correctly infer how to decode the Nested Collections:

export class Contract {
    static schema = {
      outerMap: {class: UnorderedMap, value: UnorderedMap}
    outerMap: UnorderedMap<UnorderedMap<string>>;

    constructor() {
        this.outerMap = new UnorderedMap("o");

    get({id, accountId}: { id: string; accountId: string }) {
        const innerMap = this.outerMap.get(id);  // reconstructor can be infered from static schema
        if (innerMap === null) {
            return null;
        return innerMap.get(accountId);

How Does the Reconstruction Work?

The _reconstruct method in near-bindgen.ts will check whether an schema exists in the contract's class. If such schema exists, it will try to decode it by invoking decodeObj2class:

  static _reconstruct(classObject: object, plainObject: AnyObject): object {
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
    // @ts-ignore
    if (classObject.constructor.schema === undefined) {
      for (const item in classObject) {
        const reconstructor = classObject[item].constructor?.reconstruct;
        classObject[item] = reconstructor
                ? reconstructor(plainObject[item])
                : plainObject[item];
      return classObject;
    return decodeObj2class(classObject, plainObject);