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Zvi Baratz ZviBaratz
Neuroscience Ph.D. student at Tel-Aviv University.

Tel Aviv

James Sanders J-E-J-S
Synthetic Biologist at the University of Manchester.

University of Manchester

Clepp Cl2pp
Fighting entropy a commit at a time

MTX Studio Virtual

Paulo Vidal vidalpaul
Blockchain Developer @ Celfocus

Celfocus Lisbon, Portugal

Eleanor el-ea
Core, Operations Lead - LabDAO


science.stanley ScienceStanley
Mathematician working as a machine learning scientist.

Venice Beach

Sai Patipati SaiSamarth123
Making AI less artificial and more intelligent


Swingg278 swingg278
I am tech entrepreneur, developer, hacker with a new venture in biotechnology (Polymer tech) looking to accelerate processes from ideation to market.
lynx1337 linx1337

Charlottesville, Virginia

fivenp fivenp

fivenp utopia

M mchaker
a bio is a posthumous tribute, for now just learn more

Between outer and cyberspace

Boris Dyakov bjdyakov
almost-PhD, decentralizing science


Niklas Rindtorff NiklasTR
LabDAO former @broadinstitute and @boutroslab

@labdao & @convexitylabs