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uni7corn uni7corn
You should go out and see the outside world!

The river

Ram polestar-HF


Bombbom Bombbom
Newbie Blockchain Developer

HCM City

jiaxw32 jiaxw32
stay hungry, work hard!


Jevin Sweval jevinskie
Senior security researcher, compiler/binary hacker, NFC ninja, hardware hacker with a FPGA hammer. Previously Pay Security.

Lafayette, Indiana

MSKF3000 mskf3000
Escovador de bit é uma gíria usada com referência às pessoas que se dedicam a alterar o modo de funcionamento de um sistema de computação através de alterações
i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Bharath 0xbharath

Disruptive Labs Bangalore

popo popo-nyan
I'm a student studying reverse engineering and anti bot.


Evert Smit epdjsmit
Ethical Hacker, Web design, Social Media Agency, Love Design and Development, Ruby on Rails, Vue JS, MEAN Stack, MERN Stack, Wordpress

Urban Fox marketing Pretoria

David Adam Coffey dacoffey
🐱‍💻 Software Samurai 🐱‍💻

IT Solutions Provider @cogsmith Columbus, Ohio, USA

Ivo Baptista ivobass
I like code and play bass guitar

SemFios.PT portugal

rock dj
James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Filkatron feelqah

Basement in Osijek, Croatia

mxrch mxrch
in constant learning.

HideAndSec France

emre etherx-dev


Josh Collyer br0kej
Algo Alchemist at @RevEngAI. PhD Researcher at Lboro Uni.

RevEng.AI UK

DeepakKaligotla deepakkaligotla
Mobile App Dev - Android & iOS Total Experience: 5.5yr Kotlin, Java, JS, Dart, Swift, ReactNative.

Jobless Bangalore, India

Matthew Downs matthewadowns
Fullstack Developer-turned-Product Manager

Foursquare SF, CA