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This is:

  • A Symfony web site
  • A Telegram bot


  1. git clone this repository
  2. cd to repo
  3. composer install
  4. yarn
  5. yarn dev
  6. docker-compose up -d - or setup a PostgreSQL database "by hand" ;)
  7. symfony console doctrine:schem:create - only for a NEW setup! (see below ⬇ )
  8. symfony console doctrine:fixtures:load - only for a NEW setup! (see below ⬇ )
  9. symfony server:start -d
  10. symfony open:local

NOTE: If you deploy the site with a database dump, omit the steps 7 and 8 and import the database to docker or other database:

  • 7 docker cp </path/to/dump/in/host> <container_name>:<path_to_volume>
    e.g.: docker cp backups/dump.sql website-bot_database_1:/dump.sql
  • 8 docker exec -it <container_name> psql -U <database_owner> -d <database_name> -f <path_to_dump>
    e.g.: docker exec -it website-bot_database_1 psql -U main -d main -f /dump.sql



Disclaimer Of course this is not affiliated or related in any way with Ingress, Niantic, Google or the Bundesnachrichtendienst ;=)