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BitRedeem - Nitro Redeemer

Tool that activates nitro on unlocked tokens with ccs and proxiesautomatically...


  • Improved general speed of token switching (15sec per token -> 6 sec)
  • Added automatic removal of used vccs (No Captcha support yet)


  • 20 Stars - Add hCaptcha support
  • 50 Stars - Improve node connection (faster speeds + more requests)

How to use

  1. Install requirements.txt
  2. Paste your tokens into tokens.txt
  3. Paste your vccs into vcc.txt
  4. Paste your proxies into proxies.txt
  5. Run

If you have any issues create one or DM me on discord

  • If you want to change threads or the amount of uses for each vcc change the config.json


Educational purposes only