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A simple frontend web form validation plugin for Vue JS, utilizing the HTML5 Constraint API.


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vue-blob-forms is a simple frontend web form validation plugin for Vue JS. It relies on the native HTML5 Constraint API, and is compatible with any custom constraints (v-bind: or otherwise) your code might contain.


Table of Contents



vue-blob-forms requires Vue 2+.

Advanced phone number validation and formatting (if so desired) requires blob-phone JS.

To use it, simply include it in your project after the dependencies:

<script src="path/to/vue.js"></script>
<script src="dist/vue-blob-forms.min.js"></script>


Form and Field Validation

Directive: v-form

This directive provides the bulk of vue-blob-forms's goodies. Simply add v-form to any HTML <form> element to enable validation and all the related methods.

Name attributes are required for all forms and form fields. Any element without a name will be ignored by the validation process.


<form name="myForm" v-form>

Ignoring Specific Fields

By default, all fields within a <form> element are expected to validate according to their rules.

If you need to exempt a field — perhaps because it serves some other Javascripty purpose — simply add a novalidate-field attribute to the element and it will be skipped.

Method: formErrors()

This method can be used to retrieve all errors for a given form, or an error for a single form field.


Type Name Description
string formName The name of the form.
string (optional) fieldName The name of the field.


When only formName is passed, the method will return all form errors, or FALSE if there are none. Errors are returned as an object, each key representing fieldName and each value an error string.

When fieldName is passed, the method will return the error corresponding to the field, or FALSE if there is no error.


<div v-if="false !== formErrors('myForm', 'myField')" class="error">
    {{ formErrors('myForm', 'myField') }}

Method: formOtherErrors()

This method returns any errors not corresponding to field names, or FALSE if there are none.


Type Name Description
string formName The name of the form.


This method returns any errors not corresponding to field names, or FALSE if there are none.


<div v-if="false !== formOtherErrors('myForm')" v-for="(error, key) in formOtherErrors('myForm')" class="error">
    {{ key }}: {{ error }}

Method: setFormErrors()

This method can be used to set arbitrary form errors. The errors do not necessarily need to correspond to a field, but the form must be a valid v-form element.


Type Name Description
string formName The name of the form.
object errors An object with keys relating to fields or error codes, and values being errors strings.


This method will update the form errors and return TRUE, or FALSE if bad arguments were passed.


var errors = {
    fieldOne: 'This is all wrong.',
    fieldTwo: 'This too is not correct.',
this.setFormErrors('myForm', errors);

Method: clearFormErrors()

This method can be used to quickly unset all errors for a form.


Type Name Description
string formName The name of the form.


This method will clear the form errors and return TRUE, or FALSE if bad arguments were passed.



Method: formTouched()

This method can be used to determine whether or not a form or a specific field has been "touched".

For the purposes of this plugin, a "touch" occurs when a field receives input or when the field's blur event triggers.


Type Name Description
string formName The name of the form.
string (optional) fieldName The name of the field.


When only formName is passed, the method returns TRUE if any of its fields have been touched, otherwise FALSE.

When fieldName is passed, TRUE or FALSE are returned based on the state of the specific field.


<input type="text" v-bind:class="{ touched: formTouched('myForm', 'myField') }" name="myField" />

Method: formChanged()

This method works just like formTouched(), but says whether or not field values have changed since the form was first initialized.

Method: formValid()

This method works just like formTouched(), but says whether or not field values are valid.

Note: during automatic validation, if a field is required and empty, it will only trigger an invalid state if it has been touched. Because of this, it is recommended you call the validateForm() method prior to submission, which will force-touch all fields and rerun validation accordingly.

Method: validateForm()

This method force-touches all form fields, reruns validation, and returns TRUE if everything is happy, or FALSE if one or more fields are sad.


Type Name Description
string formName The name of the form.


TRUE if all form fields are valid, otherwise FALSE.

Note: FALSE is also returned if the form name is invalid or not bound to the v-form directive. In other words, this should only be used for v-form forms.


<form v-form name="myForm" v-on:submit.prevent="submitForm">
submitForm = function() {
    if (!this.validateForm('myForm')) {
        return false;

    // Submit the form...

Custom Validation Callbacks

Aside from the standard Constraints like required and minlength and whatnot, you can also specify any arbitrary Vue callback function by adding data-validation-callback="myVueMethod" to a field.

The callback function must be within the Vue scope and should accept a single argument representing the field value.

If the value is valid, the function should return TRUE, otherwise it should return an error string.


<input type="text" validation-callback="validateUsername" />
validateUsername = function(value) {
    if (this.users.indexOf(value) !== -1) {
        return true;

    return 'Please enter a valid user name.';

Form Classes

All forms with the v-form directive receive the following classes to aid with state-based styling or DOM queries:

Class Description
is-valid All fields are valid*.
is-invalid One or more fields are invalid.
is-touched One or more fields have been touched.
is-changed One or more fields have different values from the ones at load time.

Note: during automatic validation, if a field is required and empty, it will only trigger an invalid state if it has been touched. Because of this, it is recommended you call the validateForm() method prior to submission, which will force-touch all fields and rerun validation accordingly.


Phone Number Formatting

vue-blob-forms comes with wrappers for blob-phone JS. To reduce overhead, blob-phone itself is not included; if missing, these directives and methods will have no effect.

Directive: v-phone

This directive should be applied to an <input type="tel" /> field. Phone numbers entered will then be validated according to the country's formatting rules, and rewritten into international standard (e.g. from (123) 456-7890 to +1 123-456-7890).

The directive optionally takes an ISO country code as an argument, which serves as the default country for validation/formatting purposes. Because a single, unformatted number might match multiple regions around the globe, it is highly recommended an appropriate country code be passed. If blank or invalid, US is assumed.

If a phone number is valid, the model will be set to the formatted value. The country code will also be appended to the DOMElement's data-country attribute, in case you wanted to style the input with a flag or something.


<input type="tel" name="myPhone" v-phone="CA" />

Filter: phone

Format an arbitrary phone-like string to an international standard.

Note: this can be used independently of any form or field elements.


Type Name Description Default
string phone Phone number.
string (optional) country A country code. US


If the phone number is valid and parseable, it will be returned in internationalized format. Otherwise the original value is returned.


<div class="phone">
    Phone Number: {{ myPhone | phone('GB') }}



vue-blob-forms comes with a wrapper for blob-select. To use this feature, download and add the blob-select library to your project.

Directive: v-blobselect

Normally, blob-select is initialized on an element because it includes a data-blobselect attribute. To do it the Vue way, replace that with v-blobselect.

Note: if the element is conditionally rendered via v-if, etc., you will probably need to add a unique key attribute to the <SELECT> field's parent container, otherwise Vue's cache will get confused.

<div v-if="showingSelect" key="myFirstSelect">
    <select name="myFirstSelect" v-blobselect></select>


The following optional arguments can be passed with the directive to alter the behavior of the element:

Type Name Description Default
string orderType Resort options based on their values. Can be string or numeric. NULL (no sorting)
string order Sort ASC or DESC. Only applies if orderType is set. ASC
string placeholder Text to display when no value is selected. ---
string placeholderOption Text to use for the placeholder dropdown label. ---
bool search Enable search. FALSE
int watch Check for DOM changes every X milliseconds and repaint if needed. 0 (disabled)
bool debug Print event activity to the console log. FALSE


<select v-blobselect="{placeholder: 'Choose Something'}">



vue-blob-forms comes with a couple Gravatar helpers in case you wanted to personalize email entries.

Directive: v-gravatar

This directive will automatically apply an email address' corresponding Gravatar icon as a background image on a <input type="email" /> field.

The directive optionally takes a single argument representing the icon size to return. The default is 80 (pixels).

If an address is invalid or has no Gravatar image, the result will be blank (a transparent PNG).


<input type="email" v-gravatar="40" />

Method: gravatarURL()

Find a Gravatar image URL for a given email address.


Type Name Description Default
string email Email address.
string (optional) Size The pixel size to return. 80


A URL from Gravatar is always returned. If the email address is invalid or not part of Gravatar, the URL will resolve to a transparent PNG.


<div class="email">
    Email Address: {{ myEmail }}
    <img v-bind:src="{{ gravatarURL(myEmail) }}" alt="User Icon" />    



Copyright © 2018 Blobfolio, LLC <>

This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2.

Version 2, December 2004

Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <>

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
as the name is changed.




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