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approved 👍
approved :+1:
Pull request has been approved by sufficient reviewers.
awaiting changes 🖊️
awaiting changes :pen:
Pull request has been reviewed, but contributor needs to make changes.
awaiting review ❇️
awaiting review :sparkle:
Pull request is awaiting a review.
bug 🐛
bug :bug:
Issue concerns a bug.
Pull requests that update a dependency file
discussion 💬
discussion :speech_balloon:
Issue concerns a discussion.
duplicate 🚫
duplicate :no_entry_sign:
Issue is a duplicate.
external issue 🔼
external issue :arrow_up_small:
Issue cannot be fixed in Boostnote as the issue is caused by other external software.
feature request 🌟
feature request :star2:
Issue is a new feature request.
funded on issuehunt 💵
funded on issuehunt :dollar:
Issue has received funding that will be rewarded to the contributor solving this issue.
help wanted 🆘
help wanted :sos:
Pull request/issue requires extra help from the community. Check these out if you're new!
improvement request 🔨
improvement request :hammer:
Issue concerns an existing feature that needs improvement.
level 1 ❕
level 1 :grey_exclamation:
A bug that caused minor damage: App is still usable, but minor features might not work.
level 2 ❗
level 2 :exclamation:
A bug that causes major damage: App is barely usable, since major features are not working.
level 3 ❗❗
level 3 :exclamation::exclamation:
A bug that causes complete damage: App is entirely unusable.
needs extra review 🔎
needs extra review :mag_right:
Pull request requires review from an additional reviewer.
needs investigation 🔬
needs investigation :microscope:
Issue requires further investigation to locate or narrow down the problem.
needs more info ℹ️
needs more info :information_source:
Issue requires more information from the issue's reporter.
question ❓
question :question:
Issue concerns a question.
rewarded on issuehunt 🎁
rewarded on issuehunt :gift:
Issue has been resolved and a contributor has been rewarded.
security issue 🔑
security issue :key:
Issue concerns Boostnote's security. Usually high priority.
ui/ux 💻
ui/ux :computer:
Issue is related to UI/UX. Currently used for a big rewrite that is occurring.
under review 🚧
under review :construction:
Pull request is currently under review.
won’t fix ❌
won’t fix :x:
Issue will not be fixed.