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This repository is to help whoever wants to start programming and have no idea from where to start.


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Programming Starter Kit

Welcome to the Programming Starter Kit repository, designed to provide guidance to those who are beginning their journey in programming and need direction on where to start.

Path to Success

Before categorizing yourself as a backend, frontend, or any specific type of developer, it's crucial to establish a strong foundation in certain fundamental areas. Many aspiring programmers overlook these essential aspects, not realizing that they are the building blocks that differentiate exceptional engineers. These key factors include:

  • Algorithms & Data Structures: Understanding how to efficiently organize and manipulate data is fundamental in programming. It forms the basis for solving complex problems and optimizing your code.

  • Design Patterns: Learning design patterns is like acquiring a toolkit of proven solutions to common software design problems. It enhances your ability to create maintainable, scalable, and robust code.

  • System Design: Designing scalable and efficient systems is a critical skill, especially when you're working on real-world projects. It involves architecting solutions that can handle growth and high loads.

My advice is to prioritize these foundational skills as your initial step towards a successful career. I emphasize this not only because major tech companies often assess candidates on these topics but also because they enable you to approach problem-solving in a structured and effective manner. These skills are invaluable whenever you embark on a programming endeavor.

Many courses teach these concepts using specific programming languages like C, Python, or Java. However, remember that you can also practice these concepts in a language-agnostic way, using plain language to describe your algorithms and data structures logically.


If a *car* is from Jaguar, then
  call John to fix it.
  call Stephanie to fix it.

Once you feel confident in your understanding of these fundamentals, you can make an informed decision about whether you want to specialize in backend or frontend development. Rushing into a specialization without considering your interests and aptitudes can lead to dissatisfaction and potential career pivots down the road.

I recommend undertaking a comprehensive side project that encompasses the entire application development workflow. This project will help you identify where your strengths and interests lie, allowing you to make an informed choice about your future specialization.


In addition to acquiring the essential skills mentioned earlier, making yourself visible to recruiters and potential employers is crucial for kickstarting your programming career. After all, having the skills is just one part of the equation; you need to ensure that the right people know about your capabilities. Here are some strategies to enhance your visibility:

1. Build a Strong Online Presence

  • Professional Social Media Profiles: Create or update your LinkedIn profile. Ensure it showcases your skills, experiences, and projects. Connect with professionals in your field and follow relevant companies.

  • GitHub Portfolio: If you're a coder, maintain an active GitHub profile with your personal projects, contributions to open-source projects, and code samples. This demonstrates your coding prowess to potential employers.

  • Personal Website or Blog: Consider building a personal website or blog where you can share your thoughts, showcase your projects, and write about your experiences in the programming world.

2. Contribute to Open Source

  • Open Source Contributions: Actively contribute to open-source projects related to your interests. Not only does this demonstrate your skills, but it also connects you with a community of like-minded developers.

  • GitHub Contributions: Regularly commit code, open issues, and participate in discussions on GitHub. Active contributions make your profile more appealing to recruiters.

3. Network and Attend Events

  • Meetups and Conferences: Attend local meetups, conferences, and tech events. These gatherings provide opportunities to meet industry professionals, potential employers, and fellow developers.

  • Online Communities: Join online forums, communities, and discussion platforms relevant to your field. Participate in discussions, share your knowledge, and seek advice when needed.

4. Showcase Your Work

  • Personal Projects: Build personal projects that showcase your skills and interests. Share these projects on platforms like GitHub and your personal website.

  • Online Portfolios: Create an online portfolio that highlights your best work. Include project descriptions, technologies used, and the problems you solved.

5. Professional Branding

  • Craft a Personal Brand: Develop a personal brand that reflects your expertise and values. Consistency in your online presence, including profile photos and bios, helps establish your brand.

  • Online Courses and Certifications: Pursue relevant online courses and certifications, and highlight them on your profiles. It demonstrates your commitment to continuous learning.

Remember that building your visibility takes time and consistent effort. Be genuine in your interactions, engage with the community, and be open to learning from others. As your visibility increases, you'll be more likely to attract the attention of recruiters and potential employers, setting you on a path to a successful programming career.


Every contribution is welcome 😃


  • Write a brief advice for new software engineers
  • Add exercice examples for Algorithms & Data Structures
  • Add exercice example for fullstack Projects
  • Add references to online courses
  • Add Visibility section that will explain how to make yourself publicly seen by recruiters


This repository is to help whoever wants to start programming and have no idea from where to start.







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