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Features to be implemented

Sales Statistics

Create line or bar charts to display daily, weekly, or monthly sales, providing a clear view of our business performance over time.

Implement filters to allow users to select a specific period and view corresponding sales statistics. This will help identify trends and consumption patterns.

Calculate and display essential information such as total revenue, order quantity, average order value, and other relevant metrics. This will assist us in making informed decisions regarding marketing strategies and inventory management.

Product Calculation

Create advanced search filters to enable users to find products based on various attributes such as category, price, rating, etc. This will allow them to find exactly what they are looking for.

Provide detailed information about each product, including color variations, available sizes, customer reviews, and stock information. This will help customers make informed choices during their shopping experience.

Implement a rating system for products based on sales, ratings, or other relevant criteria. This will help highlight the most popular and reliable products in our catalog.

Add features to the shopping cart where users can add products, view the subtotal, apply discount coupons, and complete the purchase. We will ensure a smooth and enjoyable shopping experience.

Administrative Dashboard

Create an exclusive administrative panel for e-commerce owners to manage products, orders, and users. This will give us full control over our business.

Implement CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) features to allow administrators to easily and efficiently add, edit, and remove products and system information.

Provide a clear overview of pending orders, allowing administrators to update the order status, add notes, and generate invoices. This will help maintain an organized and efficient workflow.

Implement authentication and access control to ensure that only authorized administrators can access the administrative panel. Security is crucial for protecting our data and operations.


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