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Nvim config focus on Javascript, Typescript, Rust and Lua - πŸš€ πŸ’ͺ ( Fast and Powerfull ) - Deno and other typescript LSP working well together

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LESVIM hosts custom Nvim configuration for all the platforms, focused on JavaScript, TypeScript, Rust and Lua

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About The Project

We want to create an awesome Development Environment's so a big part of this document is not about Neovim, we briefly talk about the terminal emulator and prompt and other terminal tools, that make possible the whole Development Life live in Terminal.

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Getting Started


  • We highly recommend using Linux or Mac as your operating system.

  • Please install the nightly build of Neovim, You need at least version 0.8.

  • Using Wezterm as your default Terminal emulator.

    It is a GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer written by @wez and implemented in Rust

    It's my wezterm.lua, you should put it in $HOME/.config/wezterm/wezterm.lua:

  • Using Fish SHELL as your default Shell.

    It is a user-friendly command-line shell.

    It's my, you should put it in $HOME/.config/fish/ please note that you should be install eza zoxide and starship to avoid throwing error for functions and init command in the config file

  • Using starship as your default Shell prompt.

    It is the minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!

    It's my starship.toml, you should put it in $HOME/.config/starship.toml

  • Using lazygit or GitUI for interacting with GIT it's is:

    Simple terminal UI for git commands,

    Blazing πŸ’₯ fast terminal-UI for git written in rust πŸ¦€

    It's my GitUI VIM Like keybinding, you should put it in $HOME/.config/gitui/key_bindings.ron

  • Using eza as a ls command in the terminal:

    A modern replacement for β€˜ls’.

    I personally set ll alias to eza --tree --level=2 -a --long --header --accessed with this functions in fish shell:

    function ll --wraps=ls --wraps=eza --description 'List contents of directory using eza tree'
        eza --tree --level=2 -a --long --header --accessed --git $argv
  • Using zoxide as a cd command in terminal:

    A smarter cd command. Supports all major shells.

  • Using RipGrep as a replacement for grep:

    ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore

  • Using Bat as a replacement for cat:

    A cat(1) clone with wings.

  • Using fd as a replacement for find:

    A simple, fast, and user-friendly alternative to 'find'

  • Using gnu-sed sed (stream editor) is a non-interactive command-line text editor:

    sed is commonly used to filter text, i.e., it takes text input, performs some operation (or set of operations) on it, and outputs the modified text. sed is typically used for extracting part of a file using pattern matching or substituting multiple occurrences of a string within a file.

    MacOs: you need run brew install gnu-sed

you can read a little bit more about the above utils in this article if you want.


  • Install Rust

  • Install Node JS

  • Install Deno

  • Install Neovim

    • please install the nightly version of Neovim and install LuaJit.
  • Install Cascadia Code, Hack Nerd and Adobe Arabic fonts

  • Install Meslo Nerd Font patched

  • If you decide to use the luffy windline config, install Fira Code iCursive S12.

  • Installing the Formatter

    The major problem regarding the performance of IDE or IDE-Like is owing to the process of formatting documents. So we aim to speed up this process as much as possible.

    We are trying to format documents with utils written in rust RUST

    • Install dprint and set it to your $PATH (Pluggable and configurable code formatting platform written in Rust.)

    • It's my dprint.json file, you should put it in $HOME/.config/dotfiles/dprint/dprint.json

    • Install stylua and set it to your $PATH (An opinionated Lua code formatter written in rust)

    • It's my stylua.toml file, you should put it in $HOME/.config/dotfiles/stylua.toml

    • Install prettier globally: npm i -g prettier (Sorry for using this poorly performing package, however, we need it just for a few filetypes)

  • Install LSPs

    Deno and Rust LSPs are installed and attached to the relevant buffer when you execute the nvim command on your proper root project. if you want to use denolsp just create a deno.json file in the root of you project, and run the nvim command on the root working directory.

    • For installing tsserver LSP just run: npm install -g typescript typescript-language-server. You can read the rest of its doc here

    • For installing cssls LSP just run: npm i -g vscode-langservers-extracted. You can read the rest of its doc here

    • For installing emmet-ls LSP just run: npm install -g emmet-ls. You can read the rest of its doc here

    • For installing sumneko_lua LSP read this doc and this doc

      briefly i used this way for mac and linux:

      1. Install ninja
      2. Make sure you have C++17
      3. Execute these commands line by line in terminal
        git clone ~/.config/sumneko
        cd ~/.config/sumneko
        git submodule update --init --recursive
        cd 3rd/luamake
        cd ../..
        ./3rd/luamake/luamake rebuild
        To be noticed your executables bin PATH of sumneko should be placed at ~/.config/sumneko/bin/lua-language-server


  • Copy or clone this repo to .config/nvim :

    git clone ~/.config/nvim

  • Install plugins :

    • :Lazy install

    • :Lazy check

      Please quit and reopen Neovim and execute :Lazy update and :Lazy sync again

  • After launching Neovim, install these TreeSitter lib with :TSInstall :

    :TSInstall comment css fish graphql javascript typescript markdown lua regex scss toml tsx vim http json dockerfile

  • And any other you want



  • Tabs and Pane's creation deletion

    • command + shift + N or super + shift + N shortcut to create a new terminal window.
    • command + ctrl + f or super + ctrl + f toggle full screen windows.
    • command + shift + L or super + shift + L show launcher.
    • command + t or super + t shortcut to create a new terminal tab.
    • command + w or super + w shortcut to close the current terminal tab.
    • command + ' or super + ' shortcut to create a new vertical terminal split pane.
    • command + / or super + / shortcut to create new horizontal terminal split pane.
    • command + x or super + x shortcut to close the current terminal pane.
    • command + z or super + z shortcut to toggle the current terminal pane zoom.
  • Tabs navigation

    • command + , or super + , goes to the right available tab.
    • command + m or super + m goes to the left available tab.
    • command shift + T or super + shift + T show tabs navigator menu.
  • Pane navigation

    • command + ctrl + h or super + ctrl + h goes to the left available pane.
    • command + ctrl + l or super + ctrl + l goes to the right available pane.
    • command + ctrl + k or super + ctrl + k goes to the top available pane.
    • command + ctrl + j or super + ctrl + j goes to the bottom available pane.
  • Pane cycles

    • command + [ or super + [ goes to the next available pane.
    • command + ] or super + ] goes to the prev available pane.
  • Pane resizing

    • command + shift + H or super + shift + H increase right available pane to left.
    • command + shift + L or super + shift + L increase left available pane to right.
    • command + shift + K or super + shift + K increase the bottom available pane to the top.
    • command + shift + J or super + shift + J increase the top available pane to the bottom.
  • Searching

    • command + shift + F or super + shift + F search for the string "hash" matches regardless of case.
    • command + shift + space or super + shift + space go to quick search tools.

You might have already noticed that all the shortcuts here begin with command or super key except the ctrl + tab which is switched between available tabs, so we try not to use command or super key in vim shortkey.

Vim or Neovim

  • Core:

    • Relative Neovim number is set to true.

      For instance, you can easily jump between lines with a glance by pressing <number>j|k.

    • As mentioned in the setup section, we manage plugins with Lazy.

      A use-package inspired plugin manager for Neovim. Uses native packages, supports Luarocks dependencies, written in Lua, allows for expressive config

    • We used tokyonight as a theme.

      πŸ™ A clean, dark Neovim theme written in Lua, with support for LSP, treesitter, and lots of plugins. It includes additional themes for Kitty, Alacrity, iTerm, and Fish

  • Keybinding:

    If you press any key which has something bound to it and waits for a few seconds, which-key shows you an awesome hint for continuing press-related keys.

  • Scrolling

    • Smooth scrolling for window movement commands (mappings optional): <C-u>, <C-d>, <C-b>, <C-f>, <C-y>, <C-e>, zt, zz, zb.
  • Leader Key:

    The leader is often set to space key, so when you press space and wait for a few second which-key show all grouped and singleton of its binding keys. The following section briefly introduces a few of them:

    • leader + e toggle Nvim Tree explorer and immediately find the currently active buffer file in the tree.
    • leader + / comment just one line in Normal and Visual mode. (commenting keybinding has been explained below)
    • leader + c close current active buffer.
    • ctrl + w manipulate splited buffers in the current window.(create and modify the slipt window explained below)
    • leader + f open Telescope and find any file fuzzy in CWD.
    • leader + h jump to any word with the help of the HOP plugin (like sneak but much better)
    • leader + q quit nvim
    • leader + t show lsp action menu
    • leader + r format and regex things
      • f format current buffer
      • r display regex pattern in popup
      • s display regex pattern in split window
    • leader + H HTTP request things
      • r run the request under the cursor.
      • p preview the request cURL command.
      • l re-run the last request.
    • leader + s searching sections:
      • b searching branch and checkout to it.
      • c searching color schema and set it.
      • C searching command and execute it.
      • f find a file in this CWD.
      • h searching in all help.
      • k searching in all keymaps.
      • M finding in all MAN pages and open it
      • p searching all color schemes with preview
      • R searching in registers
      • r open recent files with the telescope
      • t search text in all files in the current CWD
      • g search and replace text with ripgrep in current CWD
      • w search and replace word under the cursor with ripgrep in current CWD
      • l search and replace text in active with ripgrep
    • leader + b buffer things:
      • j pick buffer by the first character
      • f find buffer in the telescope
      • w wipe buffer except for the current one
      • r close all buffer to the right
      • l close all buffer to left
      • d sort all buffer by directory
      • n sort all buffer by language
      • t sort all buffer by tabs
    • leader + g is for git stuff:
      • b checkout branch with the telescope
      • c checkout commit with the telescope
      • C checkout commit for the current file with the telescope
      • j jump to the next hunk
      • k jump to the previous hunk
      • l show git blame of current line
      • o open changed files in the telescope
      • p preview hunk
      • r reset current hunk
      • R reset the current buffer
      • s stage current hunk
      • u unstage hunk
    • leader + l for lsp things:
      • a show code action for the word is under the cursor if it is available
      • d show document diagnostics
      • f for format document with attached LSPs
      • i show configured and attached LSPs
      • j jump to the next diagnostic in the document
      • k jump to the previous diagnostic in the document
      • q select first actions in code actions (quick fixed)
      • r rename word with referenced with LSP (just like F2 in vscode)
      • S shows workspace symbols with the telescope
      • s show document symbols with the telescope
      • t find document or project troubles
      • w show workspace diagnostics
    • leader + p is for Lazy Plugins :
      • i install the package if a new package is available
      • c check plugins for available updates
      • l log plugins last release notes
      • r restore plugins to prior commits
      • p plugins profile
      • d debugging plugins
      • s sync packages with git repos
      • u update packages
      • x clean unused package
      • h lazy plugin help
    • leader + z for spell stuff:
      • p a special command that fixed a spell and jumps to the next misspelled word
      • t toggle spell checker to on and off
    • leader + m for markdown tools
      • p start/stop the live server to preview the current markdown file in the default browser
      • t preview markdown directly in a modal window in the terminal
  • Insert MODE keybinds:

    press jk | kj in either Insert or Visual mode to enter Normal mode (Can be changed in /lua/keymap/escape.lua)


  • Press gd to jump to the definition word under the cursor.
  • Press gi to jump to the implementation word under the cursor.
  • Press gr to show where this word is referenced and used.
  • Press K (CAPITAL K or shift + k) to show declarations of the word under the cursor.
  • Press ctrl + k to show the signature of the word is available.
  • Press [d to jump to the next diagnostic of the opened buffers.
  • Press ]d to jump to the previous diagnostic of the opened buffers.


  • to setup copilot just enter : Copilot setup in the command line. everything should work fine if you have an invite to GitHub Copilot project.
  • to accept it suggest just press <C-j> or ctrl + j.


We tried to use Lua plugins as much as possible
Some of the plugins have a unique configuration, some of them just copied configuration from its readme file, and some others we want's to add the best config we can piece by piece in the future

So We use this plugins:
  • lazy for manage plugins:

    πŸ’€ A modern plugin manager for Neovim

  • plenary as dependencies for many plugins and Lua utils:

    plenary: full; complete; entire; absolute; unqualified. All the Lua functions I don't want to write twice.

  • popup as a Popup tools :

    [WIP] An implementation of the Popup API from vim in Neovim. Hope to upstream when complete

  • windline for the status line:

    Animation status line, floating window status line. Using lua + luv would make some wind.

  • Telescope as a finder modal:

    Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All Lua, all the time.

  • which-key.nvim for amazing keybinding:

    πŸ’₯ Create key bindings that stick. WhichKey is a Lua plugin for Neovim 0.5 that displays a popup with possible keybindings of the command you started typing.

  • alpha-nvim for Dashboard like things:

    a Lua powered greeter like vim-startify / dashboard-nvim

  • format.nvim for formatting document:

    Neovim Lua plugin to format the current buffer with external executables

  • fugitive as a git ui for vim:

    fugitive.vim: A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal

  • nvim-cursorline for the highlighted word:

    A plugin for neovim that highlights cursor words and lines

  • renamer for search and rename a variable|method and etc:

    VS Code-like renaming UI for Neovim, written in Lua.

  • nvim-spectre for search and with ripgrep:

    Find the enemy and replace them with dark power.

  • bracey for HTTP live server:

    live edit HTML, CSS, and javascript in vim

  • markdown-preview for preview markdown in browser:

    markdown preview plugin for (neo)vim

  • nvim-ts-autotag for close and rename HTML tags:

    Use treesitter to auto-close and auto-rename HTML tag

  • vim-surround for manage word inside parentheses/quotes/XML-tags etc :

    surround.vim: Delete/change/add parentheses/quotes/XML-tags/much more with ease

  • hop.nvim for motion beetween words:

    Neovim motions on speed!

  • nvim-ts-rainbow for coloring matches parentheses/braces and etc in variety of rainbow color:

    Rainbow parentheses for neovim using tree-sitter. Also at

  • indent-blankline.nvim for coloring indent blankline:

    Indent guides for Neovim

  • winshift.nvim for managing Windows:

    Rearrange your windows with ease.

  • gitsigns.nvim for git integration:

    Git integration for buffers

  • nvim-treesitter Highlight, edit, and navigate code using a fast incremental parsing library:

    Nvim Treesitter configurations and abstraction layer

  • nvim-treesitter-textobjects Additional textobjects for treesitter:

    Syntax aware text-objects, select, move, swap, and peek support.

  • nvim-treesitter-context Show code context in the above:

    Lightweight alternative to context.vim implemented with nvim-treesitter.

  • nvim-lspconfig Collection of configurations for built-in LSP client:

    Quickstart configurations for the Nvim LSP client

  • lspkind-nvim Pictograms for built-in LSP client:

    vscode-like pictograms for neovim LSP completion items

  • lspsaga.nvim a lsp plugin:

    A light-weight LSP plugin based on neovim built-in LSP with highly a performant UI.

  • trouble.nvim a diagnostics tools:

    🚦 A pretty diagnostics, references, telescope results, quick-fix and location list to help you solve all the trouble your code is causing.

  • nvim-cmp Completion plugin :

    A completion plugin for neovim coded in Lua.

  • cmp-nvim-lsp Completion plugin for LSP:

    nvim-cmp source for neovim builtin LSP client

  • cmp-buffer Completion plugin for buffer:

    nvim-cmp source for buffer words

  • cmp-path Completion plugin for PATH:

    nvim-cmp source for path

  • cmp-cmdline Completion plugin for command-line:

    nvim-cmp source for vim's cmdline

  • nvim-snippy for handling Snippets:

    Snippet plugin for Neovim

  • cmp-snippy for handling nvim-snippy in nvim-cmp:

    nvim-snippy completion source for nvim-cmp.

  • registers.nvim for handling vim registers:

    πŸ“‘ Neovim plugin to preview the contents of the registers

  • nvim-autopairs for handling autopairs:

    autopairs for neovim written by lua

  • nvim-toggleterm.lua for managing multiple terminal:

    A neovim lua plugin to help easily manage multiple terminal windows

  • consolation.nvim a built-in neovim terminal:

    A general-purpose terminal wrapper and management plugin for neovim, written in lua

  • nvim-code-action-menu a better code action:

    Pop-up menu for code actions to show meta-information and diff preview

  • nvim-bufferline.lua a buffer line to show nice data in the buffer header:

    A snazzy πŸ’… buffer line (with tabpage integration) for Neovim built using lua.

  • nvim-tree.lua a tree like file explorer:

    A file explorer tree for neovim written in Lua

  • project.nvim a project management:

    πŸ—ƒοΈ project.nvim is an all-in-one neovim plugin written in Lua that provides superior project management.

  • filetype.nvim speed up neovim startup:

    Easily speed up your neovim startup time!

  • twilight.nvim dims inactive portions of the code you're editing:

    πŸŒ… Twilight is a Lua plugin for Neovim 0.5 that dims inactive portions of the code you're editing using TreeSitter.

  • formatter.nvim for format documents:

    A format runner for neovim, written in Lua.

  • nvim-ts-context-commentstring for correctly handling code commenting:

    Neovim treesitter plugin for setting the commentstring based on the cursor location in a file.

  • Comment.nvim for code commenting:

    🧠 πŸ’ͺ // Smart and powerful comment plugin for neovim. Supports treesitter, dot repeat, left-right/up-down motions, hooks, and more

  • stabilize.nvim for fixing a little jump when a modal open/close from the bottom or top:

    Neovim plugin to stabilize buffer content on window open/close events.

  • glow.nvim for preview markdown directly in neovim:

    A markdown preview directly in your neovim.

  • rest.nvim for sending http request:

    A fast Neovim HTTP client written in Lua

  • nvim-hlslens for better search highlights in buffer:

    nvim-hlslens helps you better glance at matched information, and seamlessly jump between matched instances.

  • rust-tools.nvim rust development utils:

    Extra rust tools for writing applications in neovim using the native LSP. This plugin adds extra functionality to rust analyzer.

  • crates.nvim for getting information on cargo crates in toml files:

    A neovim plugin that helps manage dependencies

  • nvim-dap a debugging tools:

    Debug Adapter Protocol client implementation for Neovim (>= 0.5)

  • nvim-colorizer.lua a color highlighter:

    A high-performance color highlighter for Neovim which has no external dependencies! Written in performant Luajit.

  • nvim_context_v extra virtual text:

    Shows the virtual text of the current context after functions, methods, statements, etc.

  • vim-yin-yang low contrast theme:

    Yin-Yang is a black and white color scheme for Vim and is heavily inspired by preto and base16-grayscale.

  • better-escape.nvim for better escape with jk or kj:

    Escape from insert mode without delay when typing

  • numb.nvim for peeking lines just when you intend :

    numb.nvim is a Neovim plugin that peeks lines of the buffer in a non-obtrusive way.

  • nvim-regexplainer for display regex pattern :

    Describe the regexp under the cursor

  • folke/noice.nvim for replaces the UI for messages, cmdline and the popupmenu :

    πŸ’₯ Highly experimental plugin that completely replaces the UI for messages, cmdline and the popupmenu.

  • cbochs/portal.nvim for veiw jumplist in modal :

    Look at you, sailing through the [jumplist] majestically, like an eagle... piloting a blimp.

  • copilot.vim for AI code suggestion :

    GitHub Copilot is an AI pair programmer which suggests line completions and entire function bodies as you type.

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