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RSS Web Component Circle CI


rise-rss is a Polymer Web Component that works with Rise Vision, the digital signage management application for Web Designers. It fetches any RSS/Atom feed and returns the data as a Javascript object.

The specified feed is periodically retrieved if the refresh attribute is set, although a minimum refresh time of 1 minute is enforced.


Entries from an RSS feed can optionally be limited to a specific amount.

To limit the number of entries, an entries attribute should be added to the <rise-rss> element.


<rise-rss url="" entries="5"></rise-rss>


To use the RSS Web Component, you should first install it using Bower:

bower install

Next, construct your HTML page. You should include webcomponents-lite.min.js before any code that touches the DOM, and load the web component using an HTML Import. For example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script>
    <link rel="import" href="bower_components/rise-rss/rise-rss.html">
    // NOTE: This dependency is only required when using component within Rise Vision Chrome App Player
    <script src="//"></script>  

      // Wait for 'WebComponentsReady'.
      window.addEventListener('WebComponentsReady', function(e) {
        var rss = document.querySelector('rise-rss');

        // Respond to events it fires.
        rss.addEventListener('rise-rss-response', function(e) {
          if (e.detail && e.detail.feed) {
            console.log(e.detail.feed); // Javascript object representation of feed

        rss.go(); // Executes a request.

The web component returns a Javascript object with the following format (example is RSS 2.0):

  items:  [
              "title": "RSS 2.0 - Entry 1 title",
              "description": "Item 1 - Sample description",
              "summary": "Item 1 - Sample description",
              "date": "2003-06-03T09:39:21.000Z",
              "pubdate": "2003-06-03T09:39:21.000Z",
              "pubDate": "2003-06-03T09:39:21.000Z",
              "link": "",
              "guid": "",
              "author": "Mr. X1",
              "comments": null,
              "origlink": null,
              "image": {},
              "source": {},
              "categories": [],
              "enclosures": [
                  "url": "http://image.test1",
                  "type": "image/jpeg",
                  "length": null
              "rss:@": {},
              "rss:title": {
                "@": {},
                "#": "RSS 2.0 - Entry 1 title"
              "rss:link": {
                "@": {},
                "#": ""
              "rss:description": {
                "@": {},
                "#": "Item 1 - Sample description"
              "rss:pubdate": {
                "@": {},
                "#": "Tue, 03 Jun 2003 09:39:21 GMT"
              "permalink": "",
              "rss:guid": {
                "@": {},
                "#": ""
              "rss:author": {
                "@": {},
                "#": "Mr. X1",
                "name": "Mr. X1",
                "email": ""
              "media:content": {
                "@": {
                  "url": "http://image.test1",
                  "type": "image/jpeg"
              "meta": {
                "#ns": [
                    "xmlns:media": ""
                "@": [
                    "xmlns:media": ""
                "#xml": {},
                "#type": "rss",
                "#version": "2.0",
                "title": "Example RSS 2.0",
                "description": "Example RSS 2.0 -  Test description",
                "date": "2003-06-10T09:41:01.000Z",
                "pubdate": "2003-06-10T04:00:00.000Z",
                "pubDate": "2003-06-10T04:00:00.000Z",
                "link": "",
                "xmlurl": null,
                "xmlUrl": null,
                "author": "",
                "language": "en-us",
                "favicon": null,
                "copyright": null,
                "generator": "Weblog Editor 2.0",
                "cloud": {},
                "image": {},
                "categories": [],
                "rss:@": {},
                "rss:title": {
                  "@": {},
                  "#": "Example RSS 2.0"
                "rss:link": {
                  "@": {},
                  "#": ""
                "rss:description": {
                  "@": {},
                  "#": "Example RSS 2.0 -  Test description"
                "rss:language": {
                  "@": {},
                  "#": "en-us"
                "rss:pubdate": {
                  "@": {},
                  "#": "Tue, 10 Jun 2003 04:00:00 GMT"
                "rss:lastbuilddate": {
                  "@": {},
                  "#": "Tue, 10 Jun 2003 09:41:01 GMT"
                "rss:docs": {
                  "@": {},
                  "#": ""
                "rss:generator": {
                  "@": {},
                  "#": "Weblog Editor 2.0"
                "rss:managingeditor": {
                  "@": {},
                  "#": "",
                  "name": "",
                  "email": ""
                "rss:webmaster": {
                  "@": {},
                  "#": "",
                  "name": "",
                  "email": ""


For further documentation on rise-rss attributes, methods, usage, and a comprehensive demo, please see here.

Built With



  • Git - Git is a free and open source distributed version control system that is used to manage our source code on Github.
  • npm & Node.js - npm is the default package manager for Node.js. npm runs through the command line and manages dependencies for an application. These dependencies are listed in the package.json file.
  • Bower - Bower is a package manager for Javascript libraries and frameworks. All third-party Javascript dependencies are listed in the bower.json file.
  • Gulp - Gulp is a Javascript task runner. It lints, runs unit and E2E (end-to-end) tests, minimizes files, etc. Gulp tasks are defined in gulpfile.js.
  • Polyserve - A simple web server for using bower components locally.

Local Development Environment Setup and Installation

To make changes to the web component, you'll first need to install the dependencies:

  • Git
  • Node.js and npm
  • Bower - To install Bower, run the following command in Terminal: npm install -g bower. Should you encounter any errors, try running the following command instead: sudo npm install -g bower.
  • Gulp - To install Gulp, run the following command in Terminal: npm install -g gulp. Should you encounter any errors, try running the following command instead: sudo npm install -g gulp.
  • Polyserve - To install Polyserve, run the following command in Terminal: npm install -g polyserve. Should you encounter any errors, try running the following command instead: sudo npm install -g polyserve.

The web components can now be installed by executing the following commands in Terminal:

git clone
cd rise-rss
npm install
bower install

Run Locally

To access the demo locally, run the following command in Terminal: polyserve

Now in your browser, navigate to:



You can run the suite of tests either by command terminal or via a local web server using Polyserve.

Command Terminal

Execute the following command in Terminal to run tests:

gulp test

Local Server

Run the following command in Terminal: polyserve.

Now in your browser, navigate to:



Once you are satisifed with your changes, deploy the bower_components to your server and also create a rise-rss folder within bower_components on your server and upload rise-rss.html to it. You can then use the web component by following the Usage instructions.

Submitting Issues

If you encounter problems or find defects we really want to hear about them. If you could take the time to add them as issues to this Repository it would be most appreciated. When reporting issues, please use the following format where applicable:

Reproduction Steps

  1. did this
  2. then that
  3. followed by this (screenshots / video captures always help)

Expected Results

What you expected to happen.

Actual Results

What actually happened. (screenshots / video captures always help)


All contributions are greatly appreciated and welcome! If you would first like to sound out your contribution ideas, please post your thoughts to our community, otherwise submit a pull request and we will do our best to incorporate it. Please be sure to submit test cases with your code changes where appropriate.


If you have any questions or problems, please don't hesitate to join our lively and responsive community at

If you are looking for user documentation on Rise Vision, please see

If you would like more information on developing applications for Rise Vision, please visit


Stuart Lees