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SceneView is a 3D and AR Android Composable and View with Google Filament and ARCore. This is a Sceneform replacement in Kotlin


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3D and AR Android Jetpack Compose and Layout View based on Google Filament and ARCore

Sceneview ARSceneview

Filament ARCore

Discord Open Collective

3D Scene (Filament)



dependencies {
    // Sceneview



val engine = rememberEngine()
val modelLoader = rememberModelLoader(engine)
val environmentLoader = rememberEnvironmentLoader(engine)
val cameraNode = rememberCameraNode(engine).apply {
position = Position(z = 4.0f)
val centerNode = rememberNode(engine)
val cameraTransition = rememberInfiniteTransition(label = "CameraTransition")
val cameraRotation by cameraTransition.animateRotation(
initialValue = Rotation(y = 0.0f),
targetValue = Rotation(y = 360.0f),
animationSpec = infiniteRepeatable(
animation = tween(durationMillis = 7.seconds.toInt(MILLISECONDS))
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
engine = engine,
modelLoader = modelLoader,
cameraNode = cameraNode,
childNodes = listOf(centerNode,
rememberNode {
modelInstance = modelLoader.createModelInstance(
assetFileLocation = "models/damaged_helmet.glb"
scaleToUnits = 1.0f
environment = environmentLoader.createHDREnvironment(
assetFileLocation = "environments/sky_2k.hdr"
onFrame = {
centerNode.rotation = cameraRotation

Current Version


Included Dependencies

// Filament
def filament_version = '1.51.0'
api "$filament_version"
api "$filament_version"
api "$filament_version"

AR ARScene (Scene + ARCore)



dependencies {
    // ARSceneview
    implementation 'io.github.sceneview:arsceneview:2.2.1'

API Reference


val engine = rememberEngine()
val modelLoader = rememberModelLoader(engine)
val environmentLoader = rememberEnvironmentLoader(engine)
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
    engine = engine,
    modelLoader = modelLoader,
    childNodes = rememberNodes {
        add(ModelNode(modelLoader.createModelInstance("model.glb")).apply {
            // Move the node 4 units in Camera front direction
            position = Position(z = -4.0f)
    environment = environmentLoader.createHDREnvironment("environment.hdr")!!


AR Model Viewer

val engine = rememberEngine()
val modelLoader = rememberModelLoader(engine)
val model = modelLoader.createModel("model.glb")
var frame by remember { mutableStateOf<Frame?>(null) }
val childNodes = rememberNodes()
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
    engine = engine,
    modelLoader = modelLoader,
    onSessionUpdated = { session, updatedFrame ->
        frame = updatedFrame
    onGestureListener = rememberOnGestureListener(
        onSingleTapConfirmed = { motionEvent, node ->
            val hitResults = frame?.hitTest(motionEvent.x, motionEvent.y)
            val anchor = hitResults?.firstOrNull {
                it.isValid(depthPoint = false, point = false)

            if (anchor != null) {
                val anchorNode = AnchorNode(engine = engine, anchor = anchor)
                    ModelNode(modelInstance = modelLoader.createInstance(model)!!)
                childNodes += anchorNode


3D @Composable Scene()

fun Scene(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
* Provide your own instance if you want to share Filament resources between multiple views.
engine: Engine = rememberEngine(),
* Consumes a blob of glTF 2.0 content (either JSON or GLB) and produces a [Model] object, which is
* a bundle of Filament textures, vertex buffers, index buffers, etc.
* A [Model] is composed of 1 or more [ModelInstance] objects which contain entities and components.
modelLoader: ModelLoader = rememberModelLoader(engine),
* A Filament Material defines the visual appearance of an object.
* Materials function as a templates from which [MaterialInstance]s can be spawned.
materialLoader: MaterialLoader = rememberMaterialLoader(engine),
* Utility for decoding an HDR file or consuming KTX1 files and producing Filament textures,
* IBLs, and sky boxes.
* KTX is a simple container format that makes it easy to bundle miplevels and cubemap faces
* into a single file.
environmentLoader: EnvironmentLoader = rememberEnvironmentLoader(engine),
* Encompasses all the state needed for rendering a {@link Scene}.
* [View] instances are heavy objects that internally cache a lot of data needed for
* rendering. It is not advised for an application to use many View objects.
* For example, in a game, a [View] could be used for the main scene and another one for the
* game's user interface. More <code>View</code> instances could be used for creating special
* effects (e.g. a [View] is akin to a rendering pass).
view: View = rememberView(engine),
* Controls whether the render target (SurfaceView) is opaque or not.
* The render target is considered opaque by default.
isOpaque: Boolean = true,
* A [Renderer] instance represents an operating system's window.
* Typically, applications create a [Renderer] per window. The [Renderer] generates drawing
* commands for the render thread and manages frame latency.
renderer: Renderer = rememberRenderer(engine),
* Provide your own instance if you want to share [Node]s' scene between multiple views.
scene: Scene = rememberScene(engine),
* Defines the lighting environment and the skybox of the scene.
* Environments are usually captured as high-resolution HDR equirectangular images and processed
* by the cmgen tool to generate the data needed by IndirectLight.
* You can also process an hdr at runtime but this is more consuming.
* - Currently IndirectLight is intended to be used for "distant probes", that is, to represent
* global illumination from a distant (i.e. at infinity) environment, such as the sky or distant
* mountains.
* Only a single IndirectLight can be used in a Scene. This limitation will be lifted in the
* future.
* - When added to a Scene, the Skybox fills all untouched pixels.
* @see [EnvironmentLoader]
environment: Environment = rememberEnvironment(environmentLoader, isOpaque = isOpaque),
* Always add a direct light source since it is required for shadowing.
* We highly recommend adding an [IndirectLight] as well.
mainLightNode: LightNode? = rememberMainLightNode(engine),
* Represents a virtual camera, which determines the perspective through which the scene is
* viewed.
* All other functionality in Node is supported. You can access the position and rotation of the
* camera, assign a collision shape to it, or add children to it.
cameraNode: CameraNode = rememberCameraNode(engine),
* List of the scene's nodes that can be linked to a `mutableStateOf<List<Node>>()`
childNodes: List<Node> = rememberNodes(),
* Physics system to handle collision between nodes, hit testing on a nodes,...
collisionSystem: CollisionSystem = rememberCollisionSystem(view),
* Helper that enables camera interaction similar to sketchfab or Google Maps.
* Needs to be a callable function because it can be reinitialized in case of viewport change
* or camera node manual position changed.
* The first onTouch event will make the first manipulator build. So you can change the camera
* position before any user gesture.
* Clients notify the camera manipulator of various mouse or touch events, then periodically
* call its getLookAt() method so that they can adjust their camera(s). Three modes are
* supported: ORBIT, MAP, and FREE_FLIGHT. To construct a manipulator instance, the desired mode
* is passed into the create method.
cameraManipulator: Manipulator? = rememberCameraManipulator(),
* Used for Node's that can display an Android [View]
* Manages a [FrameLayout] that is attached directly to a [WindowManager] that other views can be
* added and removed from.
* To render a [View], the [View] must be attached to a [WindowManager] so that it can be properly
* drawn. This class encapsulates a [FrameLayout] that is attached to a [WindowManager] that other
* views can be added to as children. This allows us to safely and correctly draw the [View]
* associated with a [RenderableManager] [Entity] and a [MaterialInstance] while keeping them
* isolated from the rest of the activities View hierarchy.
* Additionally, this manages the lifecycle of the window to help ensure that the window is
* added/removed from the WindowManager at the appropriate times.
viewNodeWindowManager: ViewNode.WindowManager? = null,
* The listener invoked for all the gesture detector callbacks.
* Detects various gestures and events.
* The gesture listener callback will notify users when a particular motion event has occurred.
* Responds to Android touch events with listeners.
onGestureListener: GestureDetector.OnGestureListener? = rememberOnGestureListener(),
onTouchEvent: ((e: MotionEvent, hitResult: HitResult?) -> Boolean)? = null,
activity: ComponentActivity? = LocalContext.current as? ComponentActivity,
lifecycle: Lifecycle = LocalLifecycleOwner.current.lifecycle,
* Invoked when an frame is processed.
* Registers a callback to be invoked when a valid Frame is processing.
* The callback to be invoked once per frame **immediately before the scene is updated.
* The callback will only be invoked if the Frame is considered as valid.
onFrame: ((frameTimeNanos: Long) -> Unit)? = null,
onViewCreated: (SceneView.() -> Unit)? = null,
onViewUpdated: (SceneView.() -> Unit)? = null
) {

AR @Composable ARScene()

fun ARScene(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
* Provide your own instance if you want to share Filament resources between multiple views.
engine: Engine = rememberEngine(),
* Consumes a blob of glTF 2.0 content (either JSON or GLB) and produces a [Model] object, which is
* a bundle of Filament textures, vertex buffers, index buffers, etc.
* A [Model] is composed of 1 or more [ModelInstance] objects which contain entities and components.
modelLoader: ModelLoader = rememberModelLoader(engine),
* A Filament Material defines the visual appearance of an object.
* Materials function as a templates from which [MaterialInstance]s can be spawned.
materialLoader: MaterialLoader = rememberMaterialLoader(engine),
* Utility for decoding an HDR file or consuming KTX1 files and producing Filament textures,
* IBLs, and sky boxes.
* KTX is a simple container format that makes it easy to bundle miplevels and cubemap faces
* into a single file.
environmentLoader: EnvironmentLoader = rememberEnvironmentLoader(engine),
* Fundamental session features that can be requested.
* @see Session.Feature
sessionFeatures: Set<Session.Feature> = setOf(),
* Sets the camera config to use.
* The config must be one returned by [Session.getSupportedCameraConfigs].
* Provides details of a camera configuration such as size of the CPU image and GPU texture.
* @see Session.setCameraConfig
sessionCameraConfig: ((Session) -> CameraConfig)? = null,
* Configures the session and verifies that the enabled features in the specified session config
* are supported with the currently set camera config.
* @see Session.configure
sessionConfiguration: ((session: Session, Config) -> Unit)? = null,
* Enable the plane renderer.
planeRenderer: Boolean = true,
* The [ARCameraStream] to render the camera texture.
* Use it to control if the occlusion should be enabled or disabled
cameraStream: ARCameraStream? = rememberARCameraStream(materialLoader),
* Encompasses all the state needed for rendering a {@link Scene}.
* [View] instances are heavy objects that internally cache a lot of data needed for
* rendering. It is not advised for an application to use many View objects.
* For example, in a game, a [View] could be used for the main scene and another one for the
* game's user interface. More <code>View</code> instances could be used for creating special
* effects (e.g. a [View] is akin to a rendering pass).
view: View = rememberView(engine),
* Controls whether the render target (SurfaceView) is opaque or not.
* The render target is considered opaque by default.
isOpaque: Boolean = true,
* A [Renderer] instance represents an operating system's window.
* Typically, applications create a [Renderer] per window. The [Renderer] generates drawing
* commands for the render thread and manages frame latency.
renderer: Renderer = rememberRenderer(engine),
* Provide your own instance if you want to share [Node]s' scene between multiple views.
scene: Scene = rememberScene(engine),
* Defines the lighting environment and the skybox of the scene.
* Environments are usually captured as high-resolution HDR equirectangular images and processed
* by the cmgen tool to generate the data needed by IndirectLight.
* You can also process an hdr at runtime but this is more consuming.
* - Currently IndirectLight is intended to be used for "distant probes", that is, to represent
* global illumination from a distant (i.e. at infinity) environment, such as the sky or distant
* mountains.
* Only a single IndirectLight can be used in a Scene. This limitation will be lifted in the
* future.
* - When added to a Scene, the Skybox fills all untouched pixels.
* @see [EnvironmentLoader]
environment: Environment = rememberAREnvironment(engine),
* Always add a direct light source since it is required for shadowing.
* We highly recommend adding an [IndirectLight] as well.
mainLightNode: LightNode? = rememberMainLightNode(engine),
cameraNode: ARCameraNode = rememberARCameraNode(engine),
* List of the scene's nodes that can be linked to a `mutableStateOf<List<Node>>()`
childNodes: List<Node> = rememberNodes(),
* Physics system to handle collision between nodes, hit testing on a nodes,...
collisionSystem: CollisionSystem = rememberCollisionSystem(view),
* Used for Node's that can display an Android [View]
* Manages a [FrameLayout] that is attached directly to a [WindowManager] that other views can be
* added and removed from.
* To render a [View], the [View] must be attached to a [WindowManager] so that it can be properly
* drawn. This class encapsulates a [FrameLayout] that is attached to a [WindowManager] that other
* views can be added to as children. This allows us to safely and correctly draw the [View]
* associated with a [RenderableManager] [Entity] and a [MaterialInstance] while keeping them
* isolated from the rest of the activities View hierarchy.
* Additionally, this manages the lifecycle of the window to help ensure that the window is
* added/removed from the WindowManager at the appropriate times.
viewNodeWindowManager: WindowManager? = null,
* The session is ready to be accessed.
onSessionCreated: ((session: Session) -> Unit)? = null,
* The session has been resumed
onSessionResumed: ((session: Session) -> Unit)? = null,
* The session has been paused
onSessionPaused: ((session: Session) -> Unit)? = null,
* Invoked when an ARCore error occurred.
* Registers a callback to be invoked when the ARCore Session cannot be initialized because
* ARCore is not available on the device or the camera permission has been denied.
onSessionFailed: ((exception: Exception) -> Unit)? = null,
* Updates of the state of the ARCore system.
* This includes: receiving a new camera frame, updating the location of the device, updating
* the location of tracking anchors, updating detected planes, etc.
* This call may update the pose of all created anchors and detected planes. The set of updated
* objects is accessible through [Frame.getUpdatedTrackables].
* Invoked once per [Frame] immediately before the Scene is updated.
onSessionUpdated: ((session: Session, frame: Frame) -> Unit)? = null,
* Listen for camera tracking failure.
* The reason that [Camera.getTrackingState] is [TrackingState.PAUSED] or `null` if it is
* [TrackingState.TRACKING]
onTrackingFailureChanged: ((trackingFailureReason: TrackingFailureReason?) -> Unit)? = null,
* The listener invoked for all the gesture detector callbacks.
onGestureListener: GestureDetector.OnGestureListener? = rememberOnGestureListener(),
onTouchEvent: ((e: MotionEvent, hitResult: HitResult?) -> Boolean)? = null,
activity: ComponentActivity? = LocalContext.current as? ComponentActivity,
lifecycle: Lifecycle = LocalLifecycleOwner.current.lifecycle,
onViewUpdated: (ARSceneView.() -> Unit)? = null,
onViewCreated: (ARSceneView.() -> Unit)? = null
) {




Youtube Videos




// Filament
def filament_version = '1.51.0'
api "$filament_version"
api "$filament_version"
api "$filament_version"

Filament Dependency

// ARCore
api ""

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  • Buy devices to test the SDK on
  • Equipment for decent video recording Tutorials and Presentations
  • Sceneview Hosting Fees

How To Contribute

Open Collective

⚠️ Geospatial API: Be sure to follow the official Google Geospatial Developer guide to enable Geospatial API in your application.