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Organizer allows to load a bunch of media files, show/play them, and allowing the user to do custom actions on them on the press of a button.

For example, it can be used to sort a vacation's pictures and videos and put them in separate folders according to their location, the context, etc. The images/videos will be shown one by one, then the user can use shortcuts to move them quickly to separate directories.

It can also be configured to perform actions automatically given the file's name, size, etc. to allow for automated sorting of many files at once.


You can download the latest release here, or find all previous releases here.

For users interested, a nightly version is built automatically on every commit, and can be downloaded here. Note that it might be less stable than official releases, so use at your own risk.




  • English



The script is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.


Note: you need to have CMake, a C++ compiler, and the Qt libraries installed to build the project.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../src
make -j 8

You'll find the built binary in the build/ directory, named Organizer.


Profile file

A profile file is a JSON file that contains a single profile as the root object.

A profile is a JSON object with a few options:

  • name: the name of the profile to show in the interface
  • rules: an array or an array of arrays of rules (see below)

The first array represents the columns of actions, and the second each row of those columns. When using a single depth of arrays, there will be a single column. This is mainly useful for manual rules.


    "name": "My profile",
    "rules": [
            // rule 1
            // rule 2

With multiple columns:

    "name": "My profile",
    "rules": [
                // column 1, rule 1
                // column 1, rule 2
                // column 2, rule 1
                // column 2, rule 2


A rule is a JSON object with a few options:

  • name: the name of the action that will be displayed on the button
  • shortcut: the assigned keyboard shortcut (ex: H, 3, Ctrl+X, etc.)
  • final: if set to true, triggering this action will also go to the next item (default: false)
  • priority: the priority of this rule when multiple rules match a given file, highest-priority rules will be executed (default: 0)
  • conditions: an array of conditions (see below), if all of them match the actions will be run automatically (default: empty)
  • actions: an array of actions (see below) to all be run when executing this rule


    "name": "Hello",
    "shortcut": "H",
    "conditions": [{
        // ...
    "actions": [{
        // ...


An action is a JSON object with a few common options:

  • type: the type of the action (such as rename or move)


Rename the file. The new name can be in another folder. If it doesn't exist, it will be created.

Additional options:

  • from: a regular expression to match the original filename
  • to: what to replace the regular expression match with (use \1, \2... for matched groups)
  • overwrite: set to true to will overwrite any already existing file (default: false)


    "type": "rename",
    "from": "!*(.+)",
    "to": "!!!\\1"


Move the file to a different directory. The destination can be relative or absolute.

Additional options:

  • dest: the destination directory, either absolute or relative to the current browsed directory
  • create: whether to create the destination directory if it doesn't exist (default: true)
  • overwrite: set to true to will overwrite any already existing file (default: false)


    "type": "move",
    "dest": "C:\\Users\\Nicolas\\Documents\\Test\\Hello"


Run a custom command.

Additional options:

  • cmd: the binary to call
  • args: the list of arguments to pass to the binary, {var} in either will be replaced by the variables below


  • path: the file absolute path
  • dir: the directory absolute path
  • filename: the full file name (including the extension)
  • basename: the file name without the extension (until the last dot)
  • ext: the file extension (starting from the last dot)
  • /: the native separator of your platform (/ on Windows, \ on UNIX)


    "type": "process",
    "cmd": "magick",
    "args": ["{path}", "-resize", "150x150", "{dir}/{basename}_150x150.{ext}"]


Run multiple actions in order. It will immediately stop if one of the actions fail.

Additional options:

  • actions: a list of actions (many options such as name, shortcut, or final are unnecessary here)


    "type": "multiple",
    "actions": [
            "type": "process",
            // ...
            "type": "move",
            // ...


An condition is a JSON object with a few common options:

  • type: the type of the action (such as filename or filesize)


Matches a file using its filename.

Additional options:

  • filename: the filename condition to use, including the extension. Can use multiple patterns with the ";" separator (disabled when using regular expressions)
  • regex: set to true to use regular expressions for matching (default: false)


  "type": "filename",
  "filename": "*.jpg; *.png",
  "regex": false


Matches a file using its size on disk.

Additional options:

  • min: the minimum size in bytes, inclusive (-1 for no minimum, default: -1)
  • max: the maximum size in bytes, exclusive (-1 for no maximum, default: -1)


    "type": "filesize",
    "min": 5242880 // 5 MB