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Versioning and Publishing

Alessandro Bracco edited this page Apr 26, 2023 · 6 revisions


We adhere to Semantic Versioning conventions while versioning our library.



Our artifacts are published into NuGet repository. Releases are managed via Github Workflow included in this repository.

To release a new version you need to update the version in truelayer-signing.csproj and then merge your PR into main. A new version will be automatically published to NuGet.


Our artifacts are published into Go packages. Releases are managed via Github Workflow included in this repository.

To release a new version you need to merge your PR into main and then create a tag on that commit with the format go/v<version> following semantic versioning conventions. A new version will be automatically published to Go packages.


Our artifacts are published into Nexus Sonatype OSS repository. Releases are managed via Github Workflow included in this repository.

To release a new version you need to update the version in and then merge your PR into main. A new version will be automatically published to the main Sonatype repository and streamed to Maven Central.


Our artifacts are published into npm registry. Releases are managed via Github Workflow included in this repository.

To release a new version you need to merge your PR into main and then create a tag on that commit with the format nodejs/v<version> following semantic versioning conventions. A new version will be automatically published to npm.


Our artifacts are published into Packagist. Releases are managed via Github Workflow included in this repository.

To release a new version you need to merge your PR into main and then create a tag on that commit with the format php/v<version> following semantic versioning conventions. A new version will be automatically published to Packagist.


Our artifacts are published into PyPi repository. Releases are managed via Github Workflow included in this repository.

To release a new version you need to update the version in pyproject.toml and then merge your PR into main. A new version will be automatically published to PyPi.


Our artifacts are published into repository.

To release a new version you need to update the version in Cargo.toml merge your PR into main and then follow this guide.

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