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View and control a Raspberry Pi Camera mounted on a Waveshare pan/tilt HAT!

A picture of the Remote PiCam Viewer in action viewing a potted plant.


  1. Make sure you have Python 3.9 installed, as TkZero needs 3.9.
  2. Follow the instruction on setting up a Raspberry Pi in the Remote-PiCam repo.
  3. git clone this repo and cd into it.
  4. Optional: Create a virtual environment with python -m venv .venv (python3 instead on Linux and macOS) and activate the virtual environment with ".venv/Scripts/activate.bat" (.venv/Scripts/activate.ps1 in Windows Powershell and source .venv/bin/activate on Linux and macOS)
  5. Install dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt. (pip3 on Linux and macOS) You can find the list of dependencies in the requirements.txt file.


Run to start the program. For instructions on how to use the program, view the file.


When you first run the script, a settings.json file should generate:

    "camera": {
        "name": "picam",
        "port": 7896
    "gui": {
        "dark_mode": false,
        "queue": {
            "check": 50,
            "size": 32
} and camera.port should match in the PiCam settings, otherwise the software won't discover it (name is not correct) or it will stay connecting forever and get stuck. (port is not correct)

gui.dark_mode sets whether to use dark mode or not. (Thanks @rdbende for the Sun Valley theme!)

gui.queue.check is how many milliseconds in between every queue check for an image. gui.queue.size is the image buffer size, low values can cause stuttering in bad network conditions, high values will use more memory and cause noticeable delay.