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TravisCI License

Virtual File System

Using this library



Build tool dependencies

In order to build this project following tools must be present in the system:

  • git (to check out project and it’s external modules, see dependencies section)
  • doxygen (for documentation)
  • cppcheck (static code analysis, latest version from git is used as part of the 'codecheck' step)
  • cpplint (for static code analysis in addition to cppcheck)
  • valgrind (for runtime code quality verification)

This project is using C++17 features extensively. The minimal tested/required version of gcc is gcc-7. CI is using clang-6 and gcc-7. To install build tools on Debian based Linux distribution:

sudo apt-get update -qq
sudo apt-get install cmake git doxygen python-pip valgrind ggcov
sudo pip install cpplint

The library has single external dependency: libsolace managed via conan package manager. Make sure conan is installed on your system in order to build the project.

Building the project

# In the project check-out directory:
# To build debug version with sanitizer enabled (recommended for development)
./configure --enable-debug --enable-sanitizer

# To build the library it self

# To build and run unit tests:
make test

# To run valgrind on test suit:
# Note: `valgrind` doesn’t work with ./configure --enable-sanitize option
make verify

# To build API documentation using doxygen:
make doc

To install locally for testing:

make --prefix=/user/home/<username>/test/lib install

To install system wide (as root):

make install

To run code quality check before submission of a patch:

# Verify code quality before submission
make codecheck


Please see LICENSE file for details


Please see AUTHORS file for the list of contributors