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Meeting minutes

Robin van Baalen edited this page Mar 27, 2015 · 1 revision

For the sake of transparency we'll be keeping track of our meeting minutes on this wiki page. We'll try to make the notes human-readable but please forgive us when they aren't ;-)

Meeting Thursday March 26th

First meeting with the new team of maintainers. Mainly to get all noses in the same direction about UI Bootstrap's roadmap. We've decided what will be incorporated in the upcoming releases.



First release on the list. It will only focus on full AngularJS 1.3 compatibility. We will also be dropping Angular 1.2 support as of this release.


Shortly after 0.13.0 we'll be releasing this version with a focus on performance improvements. After releasing 0.13.1, the next meeting will be planned to determine the next releases on the roadmap in a more concrete form.


For now we've decided to release a right-before-1.0 version after the performance improvements where we'll update the codebase to be fully compatible with the latest Twitter Bootstrap release.


This release is optional / depending on the situation at that moment. Perhaps there might be some critical bug fixes that can't wait for 1.0 which could be published in a 0.14.1 version.


Nothing concrete about 1.0 yet but at least we have our eye on the target. A full blown stable 1.0 release is on the horizon. This release will be discussed next meeting.

Some thoughts

Datepicker / timepicker

We feel your pain. Datepicker and timepicker aren't what they are supposed to be, yet. But we also feel these two directives are dragging down the rest of UI Bootstrap both in ways of issue count and release frequency. We are currently considering splitting these into their own repositories in order to keep the rest of UI Bootstrap clean and maintainable. In the end, Twitter Bootstrap doesn't even have a datepicker and UI Bootstrap is supposed to be just an AngularJS equivalent.


Yes, there is documentation. But that doesn't mean it's perfect. We're considering an upgrade for the documentation including more examples and more use cases. This won't land any time soon though.

Main focus until next meeting

  • Getting 0.13.0 out of the door
  • Addressing performance issues and push out 0.13.1