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This is the Git reposiory for my workstation configuration and configuration files. The goal of this configuration is to automate setting up and updating programs and configurations on the workstations I use.

The repository uses Ansible for automation.

Getting started


The script and the Ansible playbook are structured to automatically detect and run the set-up for correct operating system. However, only Darwin (macOS) is currently supported.

Besides your computer, you only need to have a shell for running the install script.


The repository includes a shell script at bin/install that initializes the environment, install all of the requirements and runs the Ansible playbook. The script should be POSIX-compliant.

/bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

If you don’t have curl or you wish to download the script separately before running it, that’s also possible.

curl -OL
chmod +x install

Don’t mind the curl command here, you can download the script however you like.

For subsequent runs, you can either run the bin/install script again or run the Ansible playbook.

cd ~/dotfiles
ansible-playbook local.yml -K

Even though the script clones a temporary copy of this repository for the duration of the script run, the Ansible playbook also clones this repository using SSH to ~/dotfiles. While the playbook mostly copies all of the configuration to their correct locations on your machine, some of the files are added as symbolic link that point to this repository at ~/dotfiles, namely Neovim configuration. This is done because Neovim configuration files are usually actively developed and require debugging when changes are made and using symbolic links makes this easier. This also lets me to keep up-to-date version of the lazy.nvim lockfile within the repository. The Oh My Zsh customization directory environment variable, $ZSH_CUSTOM in .zshrc, is also pointed to the repository, namely to $HOME/dotfiles/zsh.

Below is a breakdown of the different steps the script takes for each supported operating system.


First of all, the script mostly assumes that you’re running on macOS if you’re using a Darwin operating system.

The script does the following steps:

  1. Install Homebrew if it’s not installed.
  2. Install Python if it’s not installed.
  3. Install Ansible if it’s not installed.
  4. Clone a temporary copy of this repository for use during the playbook run. The temporary clone is removed by the script after a successful playbook run.
  5. Install Ansible Galaxy dependencies.
  6. Run the Ansible playbook.


The repository features a Makefile for automating some common tasks. Run make fmt to format the code and make lint to lint the code.


This repository is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.