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WeHavit is designed to cultivate habits based on praise and encouragement.


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We Havit

This is a flutter project designed to cultivate habits based on praise and encouragement.


  • Set and track your goal
  • Friend request
  • Upload confirm post with friends at 10pm (REALTIME!)
  • Dynamic and fun reactions
    • Instant Photo
    • Emoji
    • Text
  • Secret gift (Will be added soon)
  • ...

Project Development


  1. Git Clone

    $ git clone 
    $ cd wehavit
  2. Install the dependencies

    flutter pub get
  3. Setup Firebase App Install firebase cli tool:

    $ firebase login # login to firebase
    $ firebase projects:create {your-project-name} # create new project
    $ dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli # install flutterfire cli
    $ flutterfire configure --project={your-project-name} # set up firebase config on you flutter app
  4. Run wehavit Run and enjoy. 😊

    flutter run


In the development of our Flutter project, we heavily relied on the Clean Architecture when structuring our codebase. We organized various features into separate folders, namely domain, data, and presentation, to facilitate effective management.



# Test all
$ flutter test

# Test file
$ flutter test test/{file_name}


You can inspect the lint rules we have set up using the following commands:

flutter analyze

Pub run build

We aimed to minimize the time spent generating boilerplate using the build runner in Flutter. The packages dependent on the build runner include go_router, riverpod, and freezed. We recommend running the build runner in the background as you develop, following command below.

flutter pub run build_runner watch

This will minimize the time required to generate boilerplate code while you continue with your development.

Versions and Dependencies

Flutter Version

Flutter 3.13.6

Flutter Packages

  • State Management: Flutter Riverpod >= 2.0
  • Routing: go_router >= 12.1.1
  • Camera: camera >= 0.10.5+5
  • Animation: flutter_animate >= 4.2.0+1
  • Remote Server: firebase_core >= 2.23.0
  • Chart: syncfusion_flutter_charts >= ^23.1.44, syncfusion_flutter_gauges >= 23.1.44
  • Utils: freezed_annotation >= 2.4.1, json_annotation >= 4.8.1, font_awesome_flutter >= 10.6.0, equatable >= 2.0.5, fpdart >= 1.1.0, uuid >= 4.2.1, ...
