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Kyle Robinson Young edited this page Mar 26, 2016 · 2 revisions

The bel function returns a standard HTML Element.

Any HTML strings you include in the tagged template literal function call will be escaped.

var bel = require('bel')
var content = '<p>hi</p>'
var body = bel`<div>${content}</div>`
// <div>&lt;p&gt;hi&lt;/p&gt;</div>

If you want to inject HTML unescaped, use Element.innerHTML:

var bel = require('bel')
var body = bel`<div></div>`
body.innerHTML = '<p>hi</p>'
// <div><p>hi</p></div>

If it needs to be embedded further down, create a placeholder element:

var content = bel`<p></p>`
content.innerHTML = '<strong>hi!</strong>'
var body = bel`<div>
// <div><h3>heading</h3><p><strong>hi!</strong></p></div>

Be careful when using innerHTML that no unescaped user supplied data makes it way in, as that will make your code susceptible to XSS attacks:

var userMessage = '<script>alert("whoops!")</script>'
var content = bel`<p></p>`
// Don't do this!
content.innerHTML = 'The user said: ' + userMessage

Instead, make sure you escape any HTML in the userMessage before assigning to innerHTML:

var sanitizeHTML = require('sanitize-html')
content.innerHTML = 'The user said: ' + sanitizeHTML(userMessage)