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Shell Completers for the Curity Identity Server

Quality Availability

Using these completions, you can quickly tab complete:

  • Startup of an admin node
  • Launching a new run-time node
  • Dumping configuration
  • Reloading configuration
  • Checking the current version
  • and more

Here's a demo using Zsh:

Completion demo

Bash Installation

To make sure its sourced on shell startup, put the idsvr-completion file in the bash_completion.d directory. Where that directory is depends on your OS.

  • If using Mac OS X with homebrew, the path is /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d.
  • If using Linux, its probably in /etc/bash_completion.d.

Zsh Installation

  1. Download _idsvr.
  2. Put the directory that contains the _idsvr function in your fpath, for example, fpath+=($PWD/idsvr-completions), or put this script in a directory that is already in your fpath.
  3. Make sure compsys is initialized. It is if you can tab complete other commands. If not, it should be enough to run compinit in your shell or your initialization file.
  4. Then, you need to autoload the _idsvr script. To do this, run autoload -U _idsvr idsvr idsh. If you work for Curity, you'll want to do autoload -U _idsvr idsvr idsh run dr.

More Information

Please visit for more information about the Curity Identity Server.

Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Curity AB.