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Front-end application to browse structural metadata for European microdata

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MDHUB Prototype

The MDHUB (Microdata Hub) Prototype is an interactive web-based platform crafted to simplify the process of exploring and understanding statistical concepts. It utilizes a collection of JavaScript modules that work in tandem to retrieve, interpret, and exhibit data sourced from Eurostat's SDMX API. With its user-friendly interface, the MDHUB Prototype serves as an essential asset for researchers, statisticians, and anyone with a keen interest in data, enabling them to effortlessly navigate through intricate statistical information.

Key Features

  • Cross-domain navigation: It allows users to explore concepts and country participation across various domains (EU-LFS, EU-SILC).

  • Dynamic Data Categorization: Users can select from various microdata categories through a dynamic form, enabling targeted data exploration.

  • Data Fetching and Caching: The application efficiently retrieves data from the Eurostat SDMX API, caching responses to optimize performance.

  • Interactive Tables: It features interactive tables that display concepts and countries' participation in dataflows, with expandable sections for detailed information.

  • Modal Dialogs: Detailed code lists associated with statistical concepts are presented in modal dialogs, allowing for deeper data interaction.

  • Data Parsing and Transformation: Raw data from the API is parsed and transformed into structured formats, ready for display and interaction.

  • Session Storage: Utilizes session storage keys for consistent data handling, ensuring a seamless user experience.

  • Modular Design: The application's modular architecture facilitates easy maintenance and the potential for future enhancements.



Serves as the entry point of the application, setting up the structure and linking necessary stylesheets and scripts.


Acts as the central hub that imports other modules, sets up event listeners, and initializes the application's core functionalities.


Handles all HTTP requests to the SDMX API, fetching necessary data and caching responses for efficient reuse.


Processes raw data from the API, transforming it into a structured format suitable for use by other modules.


Generates a dynamic form with dropdown menus for user interaction, allowing the selection of various microdata categories.


Creates a detailed view of codes associated with specific concepts, presented in a modal dialog for user interaction.


Generates an interactive table displaying concepts, which expands to show detailed information upon user interaction.


Prepares and populates the main data table with processed data, providing an overview of concepts and their categorizations.


Constructs a table view that shows the participation of countries in various dataflows, highlighting international collaboration.


Defines constants for session storage keys, ensuring consistent data storage and retrieval across the application.


Users can interact with the application through a web interface, selecting categories, viewing concepts, and exploring country-specific data. The application provides a user-friendly way to navigate complex statistical data and metadata.


The application is modular, making it easy to maintain and extend. Developers can add new features or modify existing ones by updating the corresponding JavaScript modules.

Application Structure

The MDHUB Prototype is structured into several layers, each responsible for different aspects of the application:

  • Presentation Layer: Handles the display and user interactions within the browser.
  • Data Layer: Manages API calls, data parsing, and session storage.
  • Logic Layer: Contains the business logic that drives the application's core functionalities.


Front-end application to browse structural metadata for European microdata






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