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Track document visibility state seamlessly across browsers.


You can install the package using npm/yarn/pnpm:

npm install visibility-listener
# or
yarn add visibility-listener
# or
pnpm add visibility-listener


import createVisibilityStateListener from 'visibility-listener';

const listener = createVisibilityStateListener();

listener.on('update', (state) => {
  console.log('🔄️ current state =>', state);

  if (state === 'visible') {
    // do something
  } else if (state === 'hidden') {
    // do another thing

  const lastChangeTime = listener.getLastStateChangeTime();
  console.log('🕒 last change time =>', new Date(lastChangeTime));



createVisibilityStateListener(opts?: VisibilityStateListenerOptions): VisibilityStateListener

Creates a visibility state listener instance.

  • opts (optional): Options object to customize the listener. Available options:
    • window: Custom window object to use for the listener.
    • document: Custom document object to use for the listener.
    • eventNames: Custom event names to use. Supported key:
      • update: Custom name for the update event.

Returns a VisibilityStateListener object with the following methods:

on(eventName: string, handler: Function): void

Adds an event listener for the specified event.

  • eventName (required): The name of the event to listen for.
  • handler (required): The event handler function.

start(): boolean

Starts the visibility state listener.

Returns true if the listener started successfully, or false if there was an error during initialization.

pause(): boolean

Pauses the visibility state listener, preventing the emission of events.

Returns true if the listener was paused successfully, or false if there was an error.

hasError(): boolean

Checks if there is an error with the listener.

Returns true if there is an error, or false if there is no error.

getError(): string | null

Gets the error message associated with the listener, if any.

Returns the error message as a string, or null if there is no error.

getState(): string

Gets the current visibility state.

Returns the current visibility state as a string.

getLastStateChangeTime(): number

Gets the timestamp of the last state change in milliseconds.

Returns the timestamp of the last state change as a number.

getStateChangeCount(): number

Gets the total number of state changes since the listener started.

Returns the total number of state changes as a number.


This package is released under the MIT License.


Seamlessly track the visibility state of your document across different browsers. Know when your users switch to another window or tab.







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