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A library to support additional functionality in Onyx.


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An Onyx library with a collection of functions and idioms that are useful for batch and streaming workflows.

Support for:

  • In-memory joins
  • Automatic message retry
  • Interval-tick actions


Available on Clojars:

[com.mdrogalis/lib-onyx "0.5.3"]


In Memory Joins

Performs a streaming join on a sequence of a segments. Uses an atom that maintains a hashmap to retain unmatched values, and emits segments with :lib-onyx.join/by keyword in common. Implictly performs an :onyx/group-by-key on the join key.

Catalog Entry

{:onyx/name :join-segments
 :onyx/ident :lib-onyx.join/join-segments
 :onyx/fn :lib-onyx.join/join-segments
 :onyx/type :function
 :onyx/consumption :concurrent
 :lib-onyx.join/by :id
 :onyx/batch-size batch-size
 :onyx/doc "Performs an in-memory streaming join on segments with a common key"}

Workflow Example

(def workflow
  [[:input-1 :join-segments]
   [:input-2 :join-segments]
   [:join-segments :output]])

Requeue and Bounded Retry

Requeues and retries segments when their corresponding functions that exceptions. This function is parameterizes to retry at most a bounded number of times. Retry will requeue the segment at the back of the ingress queue for that task.

Catalog Entry

{:onyx/name :exciting-name
 :onyx/ident :lib-onyx.join/requeue-and-retry
 :onyx/fn :lib-onyx.retry-test/exciting-name
 :onyx/type :function
 :onyx/consumption :concurrent
 :lib-onyx.retry/n 3
 :onyx/batch-size batch-size
 :onyx/doc "Requeues segments that throw exceptions, at most :lib-onyx.retry/n times"}

Workflow Example

(def workflow {:in {:exciting-name :out}})


Function implementations surround themselves with a call to retry/retry-on-failure. This function takes 3 parameters: the function to invoke with a segment, a producing function, and a segment. The latter two are provided by lib-onyx.

(defn exciting-name-impl [{:keys [name] :as segment}]
  (when (.startsWith name "X")
    (throw (ex-info "Name started with X" {:reason :x-name :segment segment})))
  {:name (str name "!")})

(defn exciting-name [produce-f segment]
  (retry/retry-on-failure exciting-name-impl produce-f segment))

Interval-tick Actions

Invokes a function every n millseconds on a virtual peer executing a particular task. This function is parameterized with the pipeline event map as of the start of the pipeline. The function's return value is ignored, and the function will no longer be invoked when the task finishes.

Catalog Entry

{:onyx/name :capitalize-names
 :onyx/ident :lib-onyx.interval/recurring-action
 :onyx/fn :lib-onyx.interval-test/only-even-numbers
 :onyx/type :function
 :onyx/consumption :concurrent
 :lib-onyx.interval/fn :lib-onyx.interval-test/log-and-purge
 :lib-onyx.interval/ms 300
 :onyx/batch-size batch-size
 :onyx/doc "Calls function :lib-onyx.interval/fn every :lib-onyx.interval/ms milliseconds with the pipeline map"}

Workflow Example

(def workflow {:in {:capitalize-names :out}})


For example, suppose :capitalize-names maintained local state in memory:

(defmethod l-ext/inject-lifecycle-resources :capitalize-names
  [_ _]
  (let [state (atom [])]
    {:onyx.core/params [state]
     :interval-test/state state}))

An example of lib-onyx.interval-test/log-and-purge, as used above:

(defn log-and-purge [{:keys [interval-test/some-state] :as event}]
  (prn "Flushing local state")
  (reset! some-state []))


Copyright © 2014 Michael Drogalis

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


A library to support additional functionality in Onyx.







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