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Welcome to my Personal Portfolio! 👋

Here, you'll find a showcase of my skills, experiences, and the technologies I use, presented across multiple sections including About, Timeline, and Work

The Work section features a list of projects that each includes a link to its live demo, so you can take more detailed look

Additionally, there's a contact form connected to an API, that stores data directly into a database

Thank you for visiting my portfolio. Feel free to reach out through the contact form for any questions or collaborations!

⚡️ Features


  • Modern UI Design
  • Fully Responsive
  • Form Validations
  • SEO Optimization
  • Custom Components
  • Well Organized Documentation

Effects & Animations

  • Holo Tilt
  • Parallax
  • Reveal
  • Flare
  • Float

🧠 Built With



🛠️ Installation Instructions


  • 📦 Node Package Manager (pnpm - recommended)

Install and run as dev

pnpm install
pnpm run dev

Build project

# for static deployment
pnpm generate

# for server deployment
pnpm build

🧹 Linting

This project utilizes Prettier and ESLint for code formatting and style consistency

# Check for linting errors and warnings
pnpm lint

# Automatically fix linting errors and warnings
pnpm lintfix

Made with ❤️ by @germondai