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- AI    : Artificial Intelligence
- AWS   : Amazon Web Services
- BaaS  : Back-end as a Service
- CI/CD : Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery
- CLI   : Command Line Interface
- CSR   : Client-side Rendering
- CSS   : Cascading Style Sheets
- E2E   : End-to-end
- IaC   : Infrastructure as Code
- IaaS  : Infrastructure as a Service
- IDE   : Integrated Development Environment
- JS    : JavaScript
- LLM   : Large Language Model
- MVC   : Model-View-Controller
- PaaS  : Platform as a Service
- ORM   : Object Relational Mapping
- OS    : Operating System
- RPC   : Remote Procedure Call
- SaaS  : Software as a Service
- SASS  : Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets
- SSG   : Static Site Generation
- SSR   : Server-Side Rendering
- TS    : TypeScript
- UI    : User Interface

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ubuntu firefox postman slack nvm v8 node sonar

Development Tools

yarn eslint prettier jest cypress webpack babel turbo


typescript react tailwindcss daisyui expo tauri poimandres tanstack


next nest socket graphql apollo trpc kafka prisma


vault redis hbase mongodb postgresql neo4j elasticsearch fauna


docker terraform snyk


github auth0 sendgrid stripe vercel render supabase aws

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Operating Systems

Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
Development OS Linux Debian
Development OS Linux Mint
Development OS Linux Ubuntu Recommended
Development OS Unix macOS Apple
Development OS OS/2 Windows Microsoft

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Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
Development Software Browser Firefox Mozilla Recommended
Development Software Browser Safari Apple
Development Software Browser Chromium Alphabet
Development Software Browser Chromium Arc
Development Software Browser Chromium Brave
Development Software Browser Chromium Chrome Alphabet
Development Software Browser Chromium Edge Microsoft
Development Software Browser Chromium Opera
Development Software Browser Chromium Whale Naver
Development Software Browser Chromium Yandex

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Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
Development Engine Hermes GitHub Meta C++
Development Engine JavaScriptCore GitHub Apple C++
Development Engine QuickJS GitHub C
Development Engine SpiderMonkey Mozilla C++
Development Engine V8 GitHub Alphabet C++ Recommended

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Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
Development Runtime JavaScriptCore Bun GitHub Zig
Development Runtime QuickJS LLRT (Low Latency Runtime) GitHub AWS JS
Development Runtime V8 Deno GitHub Rust
Development Runtime V8 Node.js GitHub OpenJS JS Recommended
Development Runtime SpiderMonkey WinterJS GitHub JS

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Packages Managers

Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
Development Development Tools Packages Manager npm CLI GitHub Microsoft JS
Development Development Tools Packages Manager pnpm GitHub TS
Development Development Tools Packages Manager yarn GitHub Meta TS Recommended
Development Development Tools Packages Manager Volt GitHub Rust

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Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
Development Development Tools Monorepo Bit GitHub TS
Development Development Tools Monorepo NX GitHub TS
Development Development Tools Monorepo Lerna GitHub TS
Development Development Tools Monorepo pnpm Workspaces GitHub TS
Development Development Tools Monorepo Turbo GitHub Vercel Rust Recommended
Development Development Tools Monorepo Yarn Workspaces GitHub TS

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Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
Development Development Tools Linters ESLint GitHub OpenJS JS Recommended
Development Development Tools Linters JSLint GitHub JS
Development Development Tools Linters StandardJS GitHub JS
Development Development Tools Linters MillionLint GitHub TS

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Unit Tests

Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
Development Development Tools Testing Unit Test Jasmine GitHub JS
Development Development Tools Testing Unit Test Jest GitHub OpenJS TS Recommended
Development Development Tools Testing Unit Test Mocha GitHub OpenJS JS
Development Development Tools Testing Unit Test Testing Library GitHub JS
Development Development Tools Testing Unit Test Vitest GitHub TS

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E2E Tests

Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
Development Development Tools Testing E2E Test Cypress GitHub JS Recommended
Development Development Tools Testing E2E Test Karma GitHub JS
Development Development Tools Testing E2E Test Playwright GitHub Microsoft TS
Development Development Tools Testing E2E Test Puppeteer GitHub TS
Development Development Tools Testing E2E Test Selenium GitHub Java
Development Development Tools Testing E2E Test Storybook GitHub TS

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Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
Development Build Tools Bundler ESBuild GitHub Go
Development Build Tools Bundler Parcel GitHub JS
Development Build Tools Bundler Rollup GitHub JS
Development Build Tools Bundler Rspack GitHub Rust
Development Build Tools Bundler Webpack GitHub JS Recommended

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CSS Components

Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
Front-end Styling Components Tailwind CSS DaisyUI GitHub CSS Recommended
Front-end Styling Components Tailwind CSS TailwindUI Freemium
Front-end Styling Components Toolkit Bootstrap GitHub JS
Front-end Styling Components Toolkit Bulma GitHub SASS
Front-end Styling Components Toolkit Materialize CSS GitHub TS
Front-end Styling Components Toolkit shadcn/ui GitHub TS
Front-end Styling Components Toolkit UIKit GitHub SASS

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React Components

Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
Front-end Styling Components JSX Ant Design GitHub TS
Front-end Styling Components JSX Chakra UI GitHub TS
Front-end Styling Components JSX MUI GitHub TS
Front-end Styling Components JSX NextUI GitHub Vercel TS
Front-end Styling Components JSX Theme UI GitHub TS

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Web Frameworks

Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
Front-end Web Framework MVC Angular GitHub Alphabet TS
Front-end Web Framework MVC AngularJS GitHub Alphabet JS
Front-end Web Framework MVC Backbone.js GitHub JS
Front-end Web Framework MVC Ember.js GitHub JS
Front-end Web Framework MVC Svelte GitHub Vercel JS
Front-end Web Framework MVC Vue.js GitHub TS
Front-end Web Framework JSX React GitHub Meta JS Recommended
Front-end Web Framework JSX Solid.js GitHub TS
Front-end Web Framework React Preact GitHub JS
Front-end Web Framework React Qwik GitHub TS

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Meta Frameworks

Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
Front-end Meta Framework SSR React Next.js GitHub Vercel JS Recommended
Front-end Meta Framework SSR React Remix GitHub TS
Front-end Meta Framework SSR Solid SolidStart GitHub TS
Front-end Meta Framework SSR Svelte SvelteKit GitHub Vercel JS
Front-end Meta Framework SSR Vue Nuxt GitHub TS

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Mobile Frameworks

Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
Front-end Mobile Framework Ionic GitHub TS
Front-end Mobile Framework NativeScript GitHub OpenJS TS
Front-end Mobile Framework React React Native GitHub C++
Front-end Mobile Framework React Native Expo GitHub TS Recommended
Front-end Mobile Framework Svelte Svelte Native GitHub TS

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Desktop Frameworks

Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
Front-end Desktop Framework Chromium Electron.js GitHub OpenJS C++
Front-end Desktop Framework WebView Tauri GitHub Rust Recommended
Front-end Desktop Framework WebView Wails GitHub Go
Front-end Desktop Framework Meteor GitHub JS
Front-end Desktop Framework Quasar GitHub JS

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HTTP Frameworks

Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
Back-end Framework HTTP Express.js GitHub OpenJS JS
Back-end Framework HTTP Fastify GitHub OpenJS JS
Back-end Framework HTTP Hapi GitHub JS
Back-end Framework HTTP Koa GitHub JS
Back-end Framework HTTP Nest.js GitHub TS Recommended

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GraphQL Frameworks

Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
Back-end Framework GraphQL GraphQL GitHub Meta TS
Back-end Framework GraphQL Apollo Server GitHub Apollo TS Recommended
Back-end Framework GraphQL Garph GitHub TS
Back-end Framework GraphQL Mercurius GitHub JS
Back-end Framework GraphQL Yoga GitHub TS

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Back-end Frameworks

Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
Back-end Framework RPC gRPC GitHub Alphabet TS
Back-end Framework RPC tRPC GitHub TS Recommended
Back-end Framework WebSocket GitHub TS Recommended
Back-end Framework WebSocket SockJS GitHub JS
Back-end Framework WebSocket WS GitHub JS

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Object Relational Mapping

Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
Back-end Database ORM SQL & NoSQL MikroORM GitHub TS
Back-end Database ORM SQL & NoSQL Prisma GitHub TS Recommended
Back-end Database ORM SQL & NoSQL TypeORM GitHub TS
Back-end Database ORM SQL Drizzle GitHub TS
Back-end Database ORM SQL Sequelize GitHub JS
Back-end Database ORM NoSQL Mongoose GitHub JS

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Relational Databases

Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
Back-end Database Relational CockroachDB GitHub Go
Back-end Database Relational MariaDB GitHub C++
Back-end Database Relational MySQL GitHub C++
Back-end Database Relational PostgreSQL GitHub C Recommended
Back-end Database Relational SQLite GitHub C

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Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
Back-end Messages Broker ActiveMQ GitHub Apache Java
Back-end Messages Broker Kafka GitHub Apache Java Recommended
Back-end Messages Broker RabbitMQ GitHub Starlark
Back-end Messages Publish / Subscribe MQTT
Back-end Messages Publish / Subscribe NATS GitHub Go

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SaaS - Authentication

Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
DevOps Application SaaS Authentication Auth0 GitHub TS Recommended
DevOps Application SaaS Authentication Clerk GitHub TS
DevOps Application SaaS Authentication Keycloak GitHub Java
DevOps Application SaaS Authentication OneLogin GitHub TS
DevOps Application SaaS Authentication OSSO GitHub TS
DevOps Application SaaS Authentication Zitadel GitHub Go

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SaaS - Email

Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
DevOps Application SaaS Email SendGrid GitHub JS Recommended
DevOps Application SaaS Email Mailgun GitHub Go
DevOps Application SaaS Email Postmark GitHub TS
DevOps Application SaaS Email MailChimp GitHub JS
DevOps Application SaaS Email Resend GitHub TS

SaaS - Payment

Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
DevOps Application SaaS Payment Braintree GitHub JS
DevOps Application SaaS Payment Paddle GitHub TS
DevOps Application SaaS Payment Paypal GitHub TS
DevOps Application SaaS Payment Square GitHub TS
DevOps Application SaaS Payment Stripe GitHub TS

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Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
DevOps Application Serverless Cloudflare Workers Cloudflare
DevOps Application Serverless Deno Deploy
DevOps Application Serverless Fly GitHub Fly
DevOps Application Serverless Netlify GitHub Netlify
DevOps Application Serverless Vercel GitHub Vercel Recommended

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Platform as a Service

Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
DevOps Application PaaS App Engine GitHub Alphabet TS
DevOps Application PaaS Heroku GitHub Heroku
DevOps Application PaaS OpenShift GitHub OpenShift
DevOps Application PaaS Railway GitHub Railway
DevOps Application PaaS Render GitHub Render Recommended

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Back-end as a Service

Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
DevOps Application BaaS AppWrite GitHub TS
DevOps Application BaaS Firebase GitHub Alphabet TS
DevOps Application BaaS NHost GitHub TS
DevOps Application BaaS PocketBase GitHub Go
DevOps Application BaaS SupaBase GitHub TS Recommended

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Infrastructure as a Service

Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
DevOps Application IaaS Azure GitHub Microsoft
DevOps Application IaaS AWS GitHub Amazon Recommended
DevOps Application IaaS Digital Ocean GitHub
DevOps Application IaaS Google Cloud GitHub Alphabet
DevOps Application IaaS IBM Cloud GitHub

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Industry Supersector Sector Subsector Technology Open Source Maintainer Language Recommended
Development OS Linux Debian
Development OS Linux Mint
Development OS Linux Ubuntu
Development OS Unix macOS Apple
Development OS OS/2 Windows Microsoft
Development Software Browsers Firefox Mozilla Recommended
Development Software Browsers Safari Apple
Development Software Browsers Chromium Alphabet
Development Software Browsers Chromium Arc
Development Software Browsers Chromium Brave
Development Software Browsers Chromium Chrome Alphabet
Development Software Browsers Chromium Edge Microsoft
Development Software Browsers Chromium Opera
Development Software Browsers Chromium Whale Naver
Development Software Browsers Chromium Yandex
Development Software Messaging Slack
Development Software API Testing Insomnia GitHub Kong JS
Development Software API Testing Postman GitHub
Development Software API Testing Swagger GitHub JS
Development Software API Testing Thunder GitHub
Development Software Version Control BitKeeper
Development Software Version Control Git
Development Software Version Control Mercurial
Development Software Version Control Helix Core Perforce
Development Software Version Control SVN Apache
Development Language Programming JavaScript
Development Language Programming TypeScript GitHub Microsoft TS Recommended
Development Engines Hermes GitHub Meta C++
Development Engines JavaScriptCore GitHub Apple C++
Development Engines QuickJS GitHub C
Development Engines SpiderMonkey Mozilla C++
Development Engines V8 GitHub Alphabet C++ Recommended
Development Runtimes JavaScriptCore Bun GitHub Zig
Development Runtimes QuickJS LLRT (Low Latency Runtime) GitHub AWS JS
Development Runtimes V8 Deno GitHub Rust
Development Runtimes V8 Node.js GitHub OpenJS JS Recommended
Development Runtimes SpiderMonkey WinterJS GitHub JS
Development Runtime Management Node.js NVM (Node Version Management) GitHub Shell Recommended
Development Development Tools Packages Registry npm Registry GitHub Microsoft JS Recommended
Development Development Tools Packages Registry JSR GitHub Rust
Development Development Tools Packages Registry GitHub Packages GitHub
Development Development Tools Packages Manager npm CLI GitHub Microsoft JS
Development Development Tools Packages Manager pnpm GitHub TS
Development Development Tools Packages Manager Yarn GitHub Meta TS Recommended
Development Development Tools Packages Manager Volt GitHub Rust
Development Development Tools Packages Security Snyk GitHub TS Recommended
Development Development Tools Packages Updates Renovate GitHub TS
Development Development Tools Git Hooks Husky GitHub JS
Development Development Tools Monorepo Bit GitHub TS
Development Development Tools Monorepo NX GitHub TS
Development Development Tools Monorepo Lerna GitHub TS
Development Development Tools Monorepo pnpm Workspaces GitHub TS
Development Development Tools Monorepo Turbo GitHub Vercel Rust Recommended
Development Development Tools Monorepo Yarn Workspaces GitHub TS
Development Development Tools Toolchain Biome GitHub Rust
Development Development Tools Toolchain OXC GitHub Rust
Development Development Tools Linters ESLint GitHub OpenJS JS Recommended
Development Development Tools Linters JSLint GitHub JS
Development Development Tools Linters StandardJS GitHub JS
Development Development Tools Linters MillionLint GitHub TS
Development Development Tools Formatter DPrint GitHub Rust
Development Development Tools Formatter Prettier GitHub JS Recommended
Development Development Tools Testing Unit Test Jasmine GitHub JS
Development Development Tools Testing Unit Test Jest GitHub OpenJS TS Recommended
Development Development Tools Testing Unit Test Mocha GitHub OpenJS JS
Development Development Tools Testing Unit Test Testing Library GitHub JS
Development Development Tools Testing Unit Test Vitest GitHub TS
Development Development Tools Testing E2E Test Cypress GitHub JS Recommended
Development Development Tools Testing E2E Test Karma GitHub JS
Development Development Tools Testing E2E Test Playwright GitHub Microsoft TS
Development Development Tools Testing E2E Test Puppeteer GitHub TS
Development Development Tools Testing E2E Test Selenium GitHub Java
Development Development Tools Testing E2E Test Storybook GitHub TS
Development Build Tools Bundler ESBuild GitHub Go
Development Build Tools Bundler Parcel GitHub JS
Development Build Tools Bundler Rollup GitHub JS
Development Build Tools Bundler Rspack GitHub Rust
Development Build Tools Bundler Webpack GitHub JS Recommended
Development Build Tools Compiler Babel GitHub TS Recommended
Development Build Tools Compiler SWC GitHub Rust
Front-end Tooling Vite GitHub TS
Front-end Styling CSS Preprocessor PostCSS GitHub TS
Front-end Styling CSS Preprocessor SASS GitHub TS
Front-end Styling CSS CSS-in-JS StyleX GitHub Meta JS
Front-end Styling CSS CSS-in-JS emotion GitHub JS
Front-end Styling CSS CSS-in-JS styled-components GitHub TS
Front-end Styling CSS Utility Tailwind CSS GitHub TS Recommended
Front-end Styling CSS Utility NativeWind GitHub TS
Front-end Styling Components Tailwind CSS DaisyUI GitHub CSS Recommended
Front-end Styling Components Tailwind CSS TailwindUI Freemium
Front-end Styling Components Toolkit Bootstrap GitHub JS
Front-end Styling Components Toolkit Bulma GitHub SASS
Front-end Styling Components Toolkit Materialize CSS GitHub TS
Front-end Styling Components Toolkit shadcn/ui GitHub TS
Front-end Styling Components Toolkit UIKit GitHub SASS
Front-end Styling Components JSX Ant Design GitHub TS
Front-end Styling Components JSX Chakra UI GitHub TS
Front-end Styling Components JSX MUI GitHub TS
Front-end Styling Components JSX NextUI GitHub Vercel TS
Front-end Styling Components JSX Theme UI GitHub TS
Front-end Chart Chart.js GitHub JS
Front-end Chart Chartist GitHub TS
Front-end Chart D3.js GitHub JS
Front-end Chart Google Chart GitHub Alphabet JS
Front-end Chart HighCharts GitHub TS
Front-end Chart Plotly.js GitHub JS
Front-end Chart JSX Recharts GitHub TS
Front-end Chart JSX TanStack Chart GitHub TS Recommended
Front-end Query Apollo Client GitHub Apollo TS
Front-end Query Axios GitHub JS
Front-end Query SWR GitHub TS
Front-end Query JSX TanStack Query GitHub TS
Front-end Web Table TanStack Table GitHub TanStack TS
Front-end Web State Management Redux GitHub TS
Front-end Web State Management XState GitHub TS
Front-end Web State Management Jotai GitHub Poimandres TS
Front-end Web State Management Zustand GitHub Poimandres TS Recommended
Front-end Web WebGL three.js GitHub JS
Front-end Web DOM jQuery GitHub OpenJS JS
Front-end Web Components Lit GitHub TS
Front-end Web Framework MVC Angular GitHub Alphabet TS
Front-end Web Framework MVC AngularJS GitHub Alphabet JS
Front-end Web Framework MVC Backbone.js GitHub JS
Front-end Web Framework MVC Ember.js GitHub JS
Front-end Web Framework MVC Svelte GitHub Vercel JS
Front-end Web Framework MVC Vue.js GitHub TS
Front-end Web Framework JSX React GitHub Meta JS Recommended
Front-end Web Framework JSX Solid.js GitHub TS
Front-end Web Framework React Preact GitHub JS
Front-end Web Framework React Qwik GitHub TS
Front-end Meta Framework SSR React Next.js GitHub Vercel JS Recommended
Front-end Meta Framework SSR React Remix GitHub TS
Front-end Meta Framework SSR Solid SolidStart GitHub TS
Front-end Meta Framework SSR Svelte SvelteKit GitHub Vercel JS
Front-end Meta Framework SSR Vue Nuxt GitHub TS
Front-end Meta Framework SSG MD Astro GitHub TS
Front-end Meta Framework SSG MD Docusaurus GitHub Meta TS
Front-end Meta Framework SSG MD Docsify GitHub JS
Front-end Meta Framework SSG React Gatsby.js GitHub Netlify TS
Front-end Mobile Framework Ionic GitHub TS
Front-end Mobile Framework NativeScript GitHub OpenJS TS
Front-end Mobile Framework React React Native GitHub C++
Front-end Mobile Framework React Native Expo GitHub TS Recommended
Front-end Mobile Framework Svelte Svelte Native GitHub TS
Front-end Desktop Framework Chromium Electron.js GitHub OpenJS C++
Front-end Desktop Framework WebView Tauri GitHub Rust Recommended
Front-end Desktop Framework WebView Wails GitHub Go
Front-end Desktop Framework Meteor GitHub JS
Front-end Desktop Framework Quasar GitHub JS
Front-end Library Logging Pino GitHub JS Recommended
Front-end Library Logging Winston GitHub JS
Front-end Library Logging npmlog GitHub JS
Front-end Library Authentication JWT GitHub JS
Front-end Library Authentication NextAuth GitHub TS
Back-end Framework GraphQL GraphQL GitHub Meta TS
Back-end Framework GraphQL Apollo Server GitHub Apollo TS Recommended
Back-end Framework GraphQL Yoga GitHub TS
Back-end Framework GraphQL Mercurius GitHub JS
Back-end Framework GraphQL Garph GitHub TS
Back-end Framework HTTP Express.js GitHub OpenJS JS
Back-end Framework HTTP Koa GitHub JS
Back-end Framework HTTP Nest.js GitHub TS
Back-end Framework HTTP hapi GitHub JS
Back-end Framework HTTP Fastify GitHub OpenJS JS
Back-end Framework HTTP Express.js Helmet GitHub TS
Back-end Framework HTTP Express.js CORS GitHub JS
Back-end Framework HTTP Express.js tsoa GitHub TS
Back-end Framework HTTP Express.js Passport GitHub JS
Back-end Framework RPC gRPC GitHub Alphabet TS
Back-end Framework RPC tRPC GitHub TS Recommended
Back-end Framework WebSocket GitHub TS Recommended
Back-end Framework WebSocket SockJS GitHub JS
Back-end Framework WebSocket WS GitHub JS
Back-end Messages Broker ActiveMQ GitHub Apache Java
Back-end Messages Broker Kafka GitHub Apache Java Recommended
Back-end Messages Broker RabbitMQ GitHub Starlark
Back-end Messages Publish / Subscribe MQTT
Back-end Messages Publish / Subscribe NATS GitHub Go
Back-end Database Key-Value Redis GitHub C Recommended
Back-end Database Key-Value Memcached GitHub C
Back-end Database Key-Value Valkey GitHub C
Back-end Database Wide Column Cassandra
Back-end Database Wide Column HBase
Back-end Database Documental CouchDB GitHub Apache Erlang
Back-end Database Documental MongoDB GitHub C++
Back-end Database Relational PostgreSQL GitHub C Recommended
Back-end Database Relational CockroachDB GitHub Go
Back-end Database Relational MySQL GitHub C++
Back-end Database Relational SQLite GitHub C
Back-end Database Relational MariaDB GitHub C++
Back-end Database Graph DGraph
Back-end Database Graph neo4j
Back-end Database Search Engine ElasticSearch
Back-end Database Search Engine Solr Apache
Back-end Database Multi Model Fauna
Back-end Database ORM SQL & NoSQL MikroORM GitHub TS
Back-end Database ORM SQL & NoSQL Prisma GitHub TS Recommended
Back-end Database ORM SQL & NoSQL TypeORM GitHub TS
Back-end Database ORM SQL Drizzle GitHub TS
Back-end Database ORM SQL Sequelize GitHub JS
Back-end Database ORM NoSQL Mongoose GitHub JS
AI Library Mathematics Math.js GitHub JS
AI Library Machine Learning ml5 GitHub JS
AI Library Machine Learning TensorFlow.js GitHub TS Recommended
AI Deep Learning Neural Network Brain.js GitHub TS
AI Deep Learning Neural Network Mind.js GitHub JS
AI Deep Learning Neural Network Synaptic.js GitHub JS
AI LLM LangChain
AI Models HuggingFace Apache
DevOps Server HTTP
DevOps Server nginx
DevOps Version Control System Git BitBucket
DevOps Version Control System Git GitHub
DevOps Version Control System Git GitLab
DevOps Version Control System Git Launchpad
DevOps CI/CD CircleCI
DevOps CI/CD GitHub Actions
DevOps CI/CD GitLab CI
DevOps CI/CD Harness
DevOps CI/CD Jenkins
DevOps CI/CD Travis
DevOps Application Container Docker GitHub
DevOps Application Container Orchestration Kubernetes GitHub Go
DevOps Application Secrets Vault GitHub HashiCorp
DevOps Application IaC Terraform GitHub HashiCorp
DevOps Application Serverless Cloudflare Workers Cloudflare
DevOps Application Serverless Deno Deploy
DevOps Application Serverless Fly GitHub Fly
DevOps Application Serverless Netlify GitHub Netlify
DevOps Application Serverless Vercel GitHub Vercel Recommended
DevOps Application SaaS Authentication Auth0 GitHub TS Recommended
DevOps Application SaaS Authentication Clerk GitHub TS
DevOps Application SaaS Authentication Keycloak GitHub Java
DevOps Application SaaS Authentication OneLogin GitHub TS
DevOps Application SaaS Authentication OSSO GitHub TS
DevOps Application SaaS Authentication Zitadel GitHub Go
DevOps Application SaaS Email SendGrid GitHub JS Recommended
DevOps Application SaaS Email Mailgun GitHub Go
DevOps Application SaaS Email Postmark GitHub TS
DevOps Application SaaS Email MailChimp GitHub JS
DevOps Application SaaS Email Resend GitHub TS
DevOps Application SaaS Payment Braintree GitHub JS
DevOps Application SaaS Payment Paddle GitHub TS
DevOps Application SaaS Payment Paypal GitHub TS
DevOps Application SaaS Payment Square GitHub TS
DevOps Application SaaS Payment Stripe GitHub TS
DevOps Application SaaS Monitor Grafana GitHub TS
DevOps Application SaaS Monitor Splunk GitHub Python
DevOps Application PaaS App Engine GitHub Alphabet TS
DevOps Application PaaS Heroku GitHub Heroku
DevOps Application PaaS OpenShift GitHub OpenShift
DevOps Application PaaS Railway GitHub Railway
DevOps Application PaaS Render GitHub Render Recommended
DevOps Application BaaS AppWrite GitHub TS
DevOps Application BaaS Firebase GitHub Alphabet TS
DevOps Application BaaS NHost GitHub TS
DevOps Application BaaS PocketBase GitHub Go
DevOps Application BaaS SupaBase GitHub TS Recommended
DevOps Application IaaS AWS GitHub Amazon Recommended
DevOps Application IaaS Azure GitHub Microsoft
DevOps Application IaaS Google Cloud GitHub Alphabet
DevOps Application IaaS Digital Ocean GitHub
DevOps Application IaaS IBM Cloud GitHub
DevOps DaaS Serverless PostgreSQL Neon GitHub Rust
DevOps DaaS Serverless MySQL PlanetScale GitHub Go

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  1. Awesome
  2. Awesome JS
  3. Best of JS
  4. Coding with Lewis
  5. Fireship
  6. Free for Dev
  7. JavaScript Rising Stars
  8. Mozilla Developer
  9. Roadmap
  10. State of JS
  11. Theo Browne - T3
  12. W3Schools
  13. YouTube

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