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OpenPGP.js plugin for [a future version of] isomorphic-git

Note: no version of isomorphic-git has been released that uses this plugin yet.

It's a chicken and egg problem. Gotta write the plugin first, then modify isomorphic-git to use it.


// Node
const { pgp } = require('@isomorphic-git/openpgp-plugin')
const git = require('isomorphic-git')

git.plugins.set('pgp', pgp)

// Now you can use git.sign() and git.verify()

OpenPGP.js is unfortunately licensed under the LGPL-3.0 and thus cannot be included in a minified bundle with isomorphic-git which is an MIT/BSD style library, because that would violate the "dynamically linked" stipulation. If you are building a browser app, you should include this plugin as separate script.

I'm not a lawyer, but I suspect that code-splitting counts as "dynamically linked". Here I use a dynamic import statement to load the module.

// Browser
import { plugins } from 'isomorphic-git'

import('@isomorphic-git/openpgp-plugin').then(({ pgp }) => {
  git.plugins.set('pgp', pgp)
  // Now you can use git.sign() and git.verify()


npm test


In keeping with the OpenPGP.js license, this project is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0

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