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Handle Large Arrays with the JSON editor

Engelbert Niehaus edited this page Jul 7, 2017 · 14 revisions

Large Array

Depending on the size of your JSON file you want to edit with the JSON Editor you can push the Javascript engine of your browser towards its limits (i.e. timeout). In a testing environment 900 records with meta information about the markers on a map in OpenLayers map exceeded the capacity of the JSON editor.

The solution is a wrapper for the JSON editor. Jeremy Dorns JSON editor is used for single records (a hash/object) of the array only. A record in this example is representing a single geolocation on map with a JSON record attached to this geolocation. To avoid the javascript timeout for large arrays a wrapper class can be created that lets you navigate and select the JSON the record from the large array.

Create a Wrapper Class

First you will create a wrapper class for large array with the following methods

    var vLAE = new LargeArrayEditor()

The LargeArrayEditor is a JavaScript-Class with the following attributes and methods = [...] // Attribute: large array of record[0] is an object/hash
     this.current = 0; // Attribute: is the current index of the selected record in

     this.first()  // Method: set current=0
     this.last()  // Method: set  // Method: this.current++ if this.current <
     this.prev()  // Method: this.current-- if this.current > 0
     this.edit()  // Method: call the JSON Editor for current record in editor

Use font-awesome icons for calling the methods of the LargeArrayEditor. By calling the JSON editor just a single record (hash/object) of the array the javascript timeout problem in a browser is solved and you are able to handle large arrays with the JSON editor.

An example implementation of the LargeArray implementation can be seen in a fork of this repository. If you checkout the forked directory of json-editor you find the may library in docs/largearray/js/editor4json.js. The methods of the class do the following:

Javascript Class: Editor4JSON

Attributes: Editor4JSON


  • Default value: null
  • Visibility: public
  • Comment: is the instance of the JSON editor developed by Jeremy Dorn


  • Default value: "myjson"
  • Visibility: public
  • Comment: the attribute 'aName' stores the base name of the JSON file. it used for base name for export files.


  • Default value: []
  • Visibility: public
  • Comment: the attribute 'aData' is a array of JSON records that are edited with the JSON editor by Jeremy Dorn


  • Default value: -1
  • Visibility: public
  • Comment: the attribute 'current' stores the current selected index in the array, -1 means no JSON record selected in array or array is empty


  • Default value: null
  • Visibility: public
  • Comment: the attribute 'aSchemaJSON' stores in JSON schema that defines the structure of JSON records in the array


  • Default value: ""
  • Visibility: public
  • Comment: the attribute 'aEditURL' stores the URL to the JSON Editor developed by Jeremy Dorn


  • Default value: null
  • Visibility: public
  • Comment: the attribute 'aDOMID' stores in ids of DOM element, e.g. editor_holder, valid ...

Methods: Editor4JSON


  • Visibility: public
  1. pDOMID is hash with DOM ids that contains the following key/value pairs
  • "name" is the name of JSON database that is used for the exported filename for JSON
  • "editor" the DOM element where the JSON editor is injected (editor_holder of JSON editor).
  • "validator" is the DOM element to "valid" or "not valid" to (innerHTML) used in updateDOM()
  • "current" is the DOM element to write the currently selected array index into a text input box (value) used in updateDOM()
  • "length" is the DOM element to write the current array length to (innerHTML) used in updateDOM()
  1. pData is the large array that is edited and
  2. pSchema defines the JSON schema of a single record in the large thisarray)


  • Visibility: public goto previous record


  • Visibility: public
  • Goto next record


  • Visibility: public
  • goto record with index i, i is determined by an input string set by the user with an onchange event.)


  • Visibility: public
  • shows the first element in the large record)


  • Visibility: public
  • goes to the last record in large array)


  • Visibility: public
  • edit calls the JSON editor of Jeremy Dorn for the selected record. It sets the init value of the JSON editor. )


  • Visibility: public
  • setSchema() sets a new schema for the JSON editor and the records of the array. If the editor this.aEditor exists, setSchema will destroy the current JSON editor to free some resources otherwise it will call the init method again.)


  • Return Type: :Hash
  • Visibility: public
  • getSchema() just return the JSON schema this.aSchemaJSON):Hash


  • Visibility: public
  • export() uses the FileSaver.js to create a download of exported JSON pJSON after the JSON was stringified)


  • Visibility: public
  • exportData() exports the JSON data in this.aData as file. The filename is defined by this.aName. if aName="myjson" the filename is "myjson.json")


  • Visibility: public
  • exportSchema() exports the JSON schema in this.aSchemaJSON as file. The filename is defined by this.aName. if aName="myjson" the filename is "myjson_schema.json")


  • Return Type: :String
  • Visibility: public
  • the LocalStorageID for an item may not contain a dot . Name):String


  • Visibility: public
  • loadLS() loads the JSON file from Local Storage)


  • Visibility: public
  • saveLS() stores the JSON file in Local Storage)


  • Return Type: :Boolean
  • Visibility: public
  • validates the current record in the large array against the schema. Returns true if record in JSON editor valid according to the JSON schema in this.aSchemaJSON):Boolean


  • Visibility: public
  • handle onChange event from the JSON editor developed by Jeremy Dorn. This method updates the content in the editor with the record in this.aData[this.current] )


  • Visibility: public
  • delete current record in array and decrease current if is the last)


  • Visibility: public
  • deleteAsk() asks the user if deleteRecord() should be performed)


  • Visibility: public
  • checks if the index of the array is between 0 and this.aData.lenth)


  • Visibility: public
  • updateDOM() updates the index of the currently edited record from the array and updates the length of the array e.g. if a new record was pushed the array this.aData)


  • Visibility: public
  • setEditorData() sets the Editor with current, data and schema)


  • Return Type: :Hash
  • Visibility: public

getEditorData() create a Hash for this.current, this.aData and this.aSchema):Hash


  • Visibility: public
  • loads the file from Local Storage and updates the DOM values with current, aData loadLS() and load() cannot be merged because loadLS() is called in the this.init() without the possibility to edit() due to the fact that the JSON editor is not created and dependent on the loaded values of the schema)


  • Visibility: public
  • save() stores current index, JSON data and JSON schema with storeLS() into local storage and exports the current JSON data as file)


  • Visibility: public
  • add() appends a new record at the end of the array)


  • Visibility: public
  • importJSON() parses the JSON string in pStringJSON and stores the JSON in this.aData)