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React app to fix yourself a financial target and check on from time to time


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Unleash Your Financial Potential.

BarkBudget is a web application that helps you achieve your financial goals by forecasting your future earnings and expenses, providing you with a clear view of your financial situation and guiding you towards your financial freedom.



BarkBudget offers several features that help users manage their finances more effectively:

  • Expense Tracking and Forecasting: Users can enter their expenses and the app will display a summary of their spending habits. The app also provides forecasting tools that help users plan for future expenses.

  • Financial Target Setting and Tracking: Users can set financial goals and track their progress over time. The app provides visual aids that help users understand how close they are to achieving their targets.

  • Adding, Editing, and Deleting Financial Data: Users can add, edit, and delete financial data to keep their accounts up-to-date.

  • Graphical Representation of Financial Status: The app provides graphs and charts that display a user's financial status in a clear and concise manner.

  • Secure Login System for User Privacy: BarkBudget uses a secure login system to protect users' sensitive financial information.

Technology Stack

BarkBudget is built using the following technologies:

  • React.js: A popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • React Router: A library that enables dynamic routing in React applications.

  • React Bootstrap: A set of pre-built Bootstrap components for use in React apps.

  • Axios: A promise-based HTTP client for making API calls.

  • Github Pages: A free web hosting service provided by Github.

Future Enhancements

BarkBudget has the potential for further enhancements, such as:

  • Reminders and Notifications: The ability for the app to send reminders and notifications to users about upcoming bills or payments.

  • Integration with Financial Institutions: The ability for users to connect their bank accounts and credit cards to the app, allowing for automatic tracking of expenses.

  • Multiple Currency Support: The ability for the app to support multiple currencies, making it easier for users who travel or have international transactions.

  • Goal-Specific Savings: The ability for users to set savings goals for specific purposes, such as a vacation or a down payment on a house, and track their progress towards those goals.

  • Machine Learning-Based Insights: The ability for the app to provide personalized insights and recommendations based on a user's spending habits and financial goals, using machine learning algorithms.

  • Expense Sharing: The ability for users to share expenses and split bills with friends and family members, making it easier to manage group expenses.

  • Investment Tracking: The ability for users to track their investments and monitor their portfolio performance, providing a comprehensive view of their overall financial status.

  • Expense Analytics: The ability for users to analyze their expenses and identify patterns or trends, helping them make informed decisions about their spending habits.

Installation and Setup

To run the app locally, you'll need to have Node.js and npm installed on your computer.

  1. Clone the repository using git clone
  2. Install the dependencies using npm install
  3. Start the app using npm start

The app will run on http://localhost:3000/.


Building the image

The docker image relies on the official Alpine-based Node image from Docker hub

  1. Clone the repository using git clone
  2. Build the image using docker build -t barkbudget .

Running the container

To run the image, use docker run -d barkbudget

The image will run on http://your_local_ip:3000/


BarkBudget is hosted on Github Pages, a free hosting service provided by Github. The app is automatically deployed to Github Pages whenever changes are pushed to the main branch of the Github repository.

The deployment process is handled by a Github Actions workflow that uses the peaceiris/actions-gh-pages action to build and deploy the app to Github Pages. The workflow is triggered whenever changes are pushed to the main branch of the repository.

To deploy the app to Github Pages:

  1. Ensure that your changes are committed and pushed to the main branch of the repository.
  2. Wait for the Github Actions workflow to complete. You can check the status of the workflow on the Actions tab of the Github repository.
  3. Once the workflow has completed successfully, the app will be deployed to the Github Pages URL, which is

Note that the deployment process requires a BUILDER_TOKEN secret, which is used for authentication. This token is stored securely in the Github repository settings and is not visible to anyone except the repository owner.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.