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esa-freshness-patroller 👮

This is a PoC to maintain the documentation's freshness in
This is inspired by Google's efforts as described in "Software Engineering at Google".

How to use

  1. Adding one of the following annotations
  2. Run esa-freshness-patroller


You can use one of the following annotations for including targets of patroller. Annotations should basicallythe be added at the beginning of the document.

(Recommend) 1. fenced code style

Adding a fenced code which has esa-freshness-patroller info string to each post. This must be written in YAML according to the following schema.

Key Required Type Description
owners Yes Array of string documentation owner/reviewer
last_checked_at Yes String(format: YYYY/MM/DD) last reviewed date by owner/reviewers
check_interval_days No Number day for patrolling interval. this takes precedence over oeverall configuration
skip No Bool excluding from patrolling targets
custom No Mapping(key/value is String) custom metadata that can be added freely


owners: [kanata2, kanata1]
last_checked_at: 2022/12/11
interval: 30
skip: false
  category: daily
  team: SRE

(Opt-in) 2. Simple text style

Adding Last checked at YYYY/MM/DD by @username,@username2,... in your documents. If you want to set check_interval_days, skip etc, you should use fenced code style. This is disabled by default and should be enabled as needed.

General configurations

You can set general configurations through CLI arguments, environment variables or config file.

Name Required Type Environment variable CLI argument key for Config file(YAML)'s API Key Yes String ESA_API_KEY esaApiKey (not recommended)
esa team Yes String TEAM --team team
esa's search query Yes String QUERY --query query
config file No(default: ./config.yaml) String CONFIG --config
debug mode No Bool DEBUG debug
output type No(default: 'json') String(json or go-template) OUTPUT_TYPE --output outputType
Go template file path No(Yes if output type is go-template) String TEMPLATE --template template
destination type No(default: 'stdout') String(stdout or esa) DESTINATION --destination destination
esa's post number for reporting results No(Yes if destination type is esa) Number esa.reportPostNumber
outdated threshold No Number OUTDATED_THRESHOLD --outdated-threshold outdatedThreshold
enable simple text format for annotation No Bool WITH_SIMPLE_FORMAT --with-simple-format withSimpleFormat

Priority: CLI arguments > Environment variables > Config file

How to use esa-freshness-patroller as Go module

$ go get