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Next 14 App Router example for creating a wallet session.

This is an example specifically for the Lukso ecosystem but could easily be tweaked to work on other chains. All this example does is provide a frontend wallet connection and prompts a siwe message for the user to sign, then sends that information to the backend to be verified and added to the session.

Getting started

Install Deps

npm install
# or
yarn install
# or
pnpm install
# or
bun install

Edit .env


Start Server

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.


Iron session is being used to work with the session cookies, so check out their examples for more complex use cases.

Server actions are run on the server; we use a few here and they can be found in the @/actions/server.ts file:

  • generateNonce() is used to prevent against replay attacks, creates a unique nonce, and stores it in the session for later use.

  • verifySiwe() takes the message and signature from the frontend and verifies it before adding the siwe to the session cookie.

  • getProfile() retrieves the stored session address and retrieves data for the given address.

  • logout() wipes the session data from the cookies.


  • signin-button.tsx is a client component that handles the signing of the siwe message and sends it to the backend to be verified.

  • logout-button.tsx self-explanatory, a client component that logs out and removes session.

  • connect-button.tsx is a client component that connects to the wallet extension using wagmi hooks and if connected displays the signin button.

  • profile.tsx is a RSC that fetches the profile, and if the profile (session) exists, displays some basic information; if not, it displays the connect-button.tsx.


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