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Releases: livingdocsIO/material-design-icons-svg


17 Apr 13:00
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3.3.0 (2023-04-17)



26 May 00:32
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3.2.0 (2021-05-26)


  • Update paths, no removals, only additions and updates (2579189)


04 Jun 14:08
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3.1.1 (2020-06-04)

Bug Fixes

  • Update paths, no breaking changes, only additions (65a3de8)


08 May 23:33
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3.1.0 (2020-05-08)


  • A lot of new icons, a lot got renamed (b265cda)


24 Jun 07:59
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3.0.0 (2019-06-24)


  • Update material design icons (cfde186)


  • A lot of new icons, some got renamed and some removed.
    Here's the whole list of changes of EXISTING icons:

M paths/access-point-network.json
M paths/account-check.json
D paths/account-location.json
M paths/account-multiple-outline.json
M paths/account-multiple-plus-outline.json
M paths/account-network.json
M paths/account-outline.json
M paths/account-search.json
D paths/account-settings-variant.json
D paths/allo.json
D paths/amazon-clouddrive.json
D paths/apple-mobileme.json
D paths/approval.json
M paths/arrow-collapse-horizontal.json
M paths/artist.json
M paths/beaker.json
M paths/bell-off.json
M paths/bell-plus.json
M paths/bell-ring-outline.json
M paths/bell-ring.json
M paths/bell-sleep.json
M paths/bell.json
M paths/blender.json
M paths/book-multiple-variant.json
D paths/book-secure.json
D paths/book-unsecure.json
M paths/bullhorn.json
M paths/caravan.json
M paths/chart-pie.json
D paths/chart-scatterplot-hexbin.json
M paths/clipboard-flow.json
M paths/clipboard-outline.json
M paths/clipboard-plus.json
M paths/clipboard.json
M paths/clock-alert.json
M paths/clock.json
M paths/currency-gbp.json
M paths/currency-usd-off.json
M paths/currency-usd.json
M paths/cursor-pointer.json
M paths/database-minus.json
M paths/database-plus.json
M paths/database-search.json
M paths/diamond.json
D paths/disk-alert.json
D paths/disk.json
M paths/dumbbell.json
D paths/email-secure.json
M paths/emoticon-cool.json
M paths/emoticon-dead.json
M paths/emoticon-devil.json
M paths/emoticon-excited.json
M paths/emoticon-happy.json
M paths/emoticon-neutral.json
M paths/emoticon-sad.json
M paths/emoticon-tongue.json
M paths/emoticon.json
M paths/eventbrite.json
M paths/file-check.json
M paths/file-excel.json
M paths/file-music.json
M paths/file-outline.json
M paths/file-pdf-box.json
M paths/file-pdf.json
M paths/file-powerpoint.json
M paths/file-word.json
M paths/finance.json
M paths/fingerprint.json
M paths/fire.json
M paths/flattr.json
M paths/floppy.json
M paths/folder-network.json
D paths/format-list-numbers.json
M paths/format-page-break.json
M paths/forum-outline.json
D paths/fridge-filled-bottom.json
D paths/fridge-filled-top.json
D paths/fridge-filled.json
M paths/fridge.json
M paths/gift.json
M paths/google-assistant.json
M paths/google-earth.json
M paths/google-maps.json
M paths/google-photos.json
M paths/google-translate.json
D paths/google-wallet.json
M paths/group.json
D paths/hangouts.json
M paths/headphones-off.json
M paths/headset-off.json
M paths/history.json
M paths/home-variant.json
M paths/houzz-box.json
M paths/houzz.json
M paths/language-go.json
M paths/link-off.json
M paths/link.json
M paths/linux.json
M paths/login.json
M paths/logout.json
M paths/mailbox.json
M paths/margin.json
D paths/martini.json
M paths/math-compass.json
M paths/motorbike.json
D paths/nest-protect.json
D paths/nest-thermostat.json
M paths/opera.json
M paths/pandora.json
M paths/percent.json
D paths/phone-locked.json
M paths/pinterest-box.json
M paths/pinterest.json
D paths/plane-shield.json
M paths/playlist-remove.json
M paths/pocket.json
D paths/raspberrypi.json
M paths/reddit.json
M paths/restart.json
M paths/restore.json
D paths/roomba.json
M paths/rotate-3d.json
M paths/router-wireless.json
M paths/scanner.json
M paths/script.json
D paths/security-account.json
D paths/security-home.json
M paths/security-network.json
D paths/send-secure.json
M paths/server-network-off.json
M paths/server-network.json
M paths/share.json
M paths/sigma.json
M paths/slack.json
D paths/stackexchange.json
M paths/steam.json
M paths/steering.json
M paths/tab-plus.json
M paths/tab-unselected.json
M paths/tab.json
M paths/television.json
M paths/tennis.json
M paths/toggle-switch-off.json
M paths/toggle-switch.json
D paths/tooltip-outline-plus.json
M paths/tooth.json
M paths/train.json
D paths/transfer.json
M paths/tshirt-crew.json
M paths/tshirt-v.json
M paths/tumblr.json
M paths/uber.json
M paths/umbrella-outline.json
M paths/umbrella.json
M paths/unity.json
D paths/verified.json
M paths/video-4k-box.json
D paths/visualstudio.json
M paths/vk-box.json
M paths/vk-circle.json
M paths/vk.json
M paths/weight-kilogram.json
D paths/youtube-play.json

Version 2.0.0

31 Jan 22:04
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Some icons got added whereby the total gzipped size
is increased by 10kb. This also brings the icons up
to date with

There have been a few breaking changes:

  • rdio got removed
  • readability got removed
  • burst-mode got removed, you could still use camera-burst instead
  • stackoverflow got renamed to stack-overflow
  • flag-outline-variant got renamed to flag-variant-outline
  • car-convertable got renamed to car-convertible

Version 1.1.0

31 Jan 22:04
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Version 1.1.0