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LBP Transform : yew trunk flowbite tailwind rust wasm example app

This is a hobby project used to learn Rust and Yew.

Every month, I make a budget and list my expenses. My bank offers to export my expenses as an OFX file spec v1.6. This is a SGML file listing transactions.

Unfortunately, my bank exports the file in a strange way, with dates contained in transaction names.

So what this application does is taking an ofx file, sending it to a web worker and then applying transformations to extract the date and format it properly.






For a more thorough explanation of Trunk and its features, please head over to the [repository][trunk].


If you don't already have it installed, it's time to install Rust: The rest of this guide assumes a typical Rust installation which contains both rustup and Cargo.

To compile Rust to WASM, we need to have the wasm32-unknown-unknown target installed. If you don't already have it, install it with the following command:

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

Now that we have our basics covered, it's time to install the star of the show: [Trunk]. Simply run the following command to install it:

cargo install trunk wasm-bindgen-cli

That's it, we're done!


trunk serve

Rebuilds the app whenever a change is detected and runs a local server to host it.

There's also the trunk watch command which does the same thing but without hosting it.


trunk build --release

This builds the app in release mode similar to cargo build --release. You can also pass the --release flag to trunk serve if you need to get every last drop of performance.

Unless overwritten, the output will be located in the dist directory.

Update metadata

Update the name, version, description and repository fields in the Cargo.toml file. The index.html file also contains a <title> tag that needs updating.

Finally, you should update this very README file to be about your app.


MIT License Copyright (c) Simon Sassi