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🔬 analyzer
🔬 analyzer
Issue for Analyzer
🐞 bug
🐞 bug
Something isn't working
⛱️ config
⛱️ config
Issue for Configuration
💌 deliver
💌 deliver
Issue for Deliver
⛓️ dependencies
⛓️ dependencies
Pull requests that update a dependency file
🔎 detector
🔎 detector
Issue for Detector
🐳 docker
🐳 docker
Issue for Docker image
📑 documentation
📑 documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
💡 enhancement
💡 enhancement
New feature or request
🦺 github-action
🦺 github-action
Issue for GitHub actions
Issues which are good candidates for HacktoberFest:
Invalid issue
🥢 mini-lexer
🥢 mini-lexer
Issue for mini-lexer and mini-parser
⚙️ options
⚙️ options
Issue for options (flag)
📦 output-builder
📦 output-builder
Issue for output builder (format)
🏁 release
🏁 release
🛡️ security
🛡️ security
Security issue
💊 spec
💊 spec
Issue for test codes
🏷️ tagger
🏷️ tagger
Issue for tagger
🛥️ workflow
🛥️ workflow
Issue for Workflows