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mdstroop edited this page Jul 27, 2016 · 37 revisions

Welcome to the webinterface-fedict wiki!

With this web application, you can browse in different DCAT datasets. You can filter on the catalog, dataset and distribution. It is possible to use other datasets when you configure your own ldf-server.


The following software should be installed:

  • Node.js (NPM)
  • Composer which can be installed after NPM has been installed inside a CMD/Terminal run: npm install composer .
  • PHP 7.0
  • For development: XAMPP / WAMPP or any other web development environment.

Install commands

  • sudo apt-get install nodejs
  • npm install composer

After cloning this web application, you still have to configure and install dependencies. For using it locally it should be placed in \xampp\htdocs

Inside the root folder eg. \webinterface-fedict use the following commands:

  • npm install
  • composer install

If you run the webinterface locally you can browse to: http://localhost/webinterface-fedict/dist/index.php

Important note: When trying to run on unix environment chmod -R 777 might be needed because the cache of the server couldn't be accessible.

Hosting own ldf-server (optional)

Install the server

You can install your own Node.js ldf-server with this command npm install -g ldf-server.

Configure the data sources

Config.json is used to configure the data sources. This is an example of our configuration file. We have one concatenated DCAT file in turtle syntax.

The important changes we've made in the config.json are the type and settings of the datasource.

More information on:

Configure the ldf-client

Don't forget to change the reference to our ldf-server to yours inside the index.twig.
var fragmentsClient = new ldf.FragmentsClient('');
Should become: var fragmentsClient = new ldf.FragmentsClient('http://**yourldfservershomepage**');