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Teeri is a simple F# wrapper on top of Azure Blob Storage .NET SDK. Teeri aims at making uploading and downloading blobs simpler and to abstract away the unnecessary details of the underlaying SDK.

Overview of supported settings

open Teeri

// To upload a blob with all the optional settings
uploadBlob ("folder/file.txt", FromStream stream) {
    cacheControl "max-age=3600"
    cancellationToken token
    contentDisposition "save_as_name.txt"
    contentEncoding UTF8
    contentHash md5Bytes
    contentLanguage "Finnish"
    contentType "application/text"
    accessTier AccessTier.Cool
    conditions blobRequestConditions
    metadata [ "meta1", "value"; "meta2", "value" ]
    progressHandler iprogress
    tags [ "tag1", "value"; "tag2", "value" ]
    transferOptions transferOptions
} |> Blob.uploadAsync blobClient

// To upload with the default options
uploadBlobWithDefaults "folder/file2.txt" (FromStream stream) 
|> Blob.uploadAsync blobClient

// To read a blob with all the optional settings
downloadBlob "folder/file.txt" {
    position 0L
    bufferSize 100
    requestConditions conditions
    cancellationToken token
} |> Blob.openReadAsync blobClient

// To read a blob with the default options
downloadBlobWithDefaults "folder/file2.txt"
|> Blob.openReadAsync blobClient

// To create sas tokens
sas (Account BlobAccountSasPermissions.Read) DateTimeOffset.UtcNow {
    cacheControl "max-age=3600"
    contentDisposition "save_as_name.txt"
    contentEncoding UTF8
    contentLanguage "English"
    contentType ""
    correlationId ""
    identifier ""
    ipRange range
    preauthorizedAgentObjectId ""
    protocol Https
    startsOn startTime
} |> Sas.toQueryParameters (sharedKeyCredential "<connection string>")

// To create sas token with default options
sasWithDefaults (Container ("name", BlobContainerSasPermissions.Read)) DateTimeOffset.UtcNow
|> Sas.toQueryParameters (sharedKeyCredential "<connection string>")

All values inside {} are optional, but if you specify none of them, use the builder functions ending with WithDefaults.

How to use

Upload blob builder

Mandatory values:

  • path

File path to upload file to. Does not including the container name.

  • Content

File contents, either a stream or string. Type is specified with a union types FromStream and FromString.

Optional values:

  • cacheControl

String value specifying directives for caching mechanisms. Value is passed to underlying SDK as is. Eg. max-age=3600

  • cancellationToken

System.Threading.CancellationToken to propagate notifications that the operation should be cancelled. Value is passed to underlying SDK as is.

  • contentDisposition

Conveys additional information about how to process the response payload, and also can be used to attach additional metadata. For example, if set to attachment, it indicates that the user-agent should not display the response, but instead show a Save As dialog with a filename other than the blob name specified. Value is passed to underlying SDK as is.

  • contentEncoding

Teeri specific ContentEncoding union type value. Specifies which content encodings have been applied to the blob. This value is returned to the client when the Get Blob operation is performed on the blob resource. The client can use this value when returned to decode the blob content. Defaults to UTF8 when uploading a string value. WHen uploading a stream, no default value is set.

  • contentHash

Byte array of MD5 hash of the blob content. This hash is used to verify the integrity of the blob during transport. When this header is specified, the storage service checks the hash that has arrived with the one that was sent. If the two hashes do not match, the operation will fail with error code 400 (Bad Request). Value is passed to underlying SDK as is.

  • contentLanguage

String value. Specifies the natural languages used by this resource. Value is passed to underlying SDK as is.

  • contentType

String value MIME content type of the blob. Value is passed to underlying SDK as is.

  • accessTier

Azure.Storage.Blobs.Models.BlobUploadOptions.AccessTier to set on the Block Blob. Value is passed to underlying SDK as is.

  • conditions

Azure.Storage.Blobs.Models.BlobRequestConditions to add conditions on the upload of this Block Blob. Value is passed to underlying SDK as is.

  • metadata

String tuple sequence of custom metadata to set for this blob. Call this only once in a builder since it overwrites previous values on consecutive calls. Values are passed to underlying SDK as is.

  • progressHandler

System.IProgress to provide progress updates about data transfers. Value is passed to underlying SDK as is.

  • tags

String tuple sequence of tags to set for this block blob. Call this only once in a builder since it overwrites previous values on consecutive calls. Values are passed to underlying SDK as is.

  • transferOptions

Azure.Storage.StorageTransferOptions to configure parallel transfer behavior. Value is passed to underlying SDK as is.

Download blob builder

Mandatory values:

  • path

File path to download file from. Does not including the container name.

Optional values:

  • position

Int64 position within the blob to begin the stream. Defaults to the beginning of the blob. Value is passed to underlying SDK as is.

  • bufferSize

Int buffer size to use when the stream downloads parts of the blob. Defaults to 1 MB. Value is passed to underlying SDK as is.

  • requestConditions

Azure.Storage.Blobs.Models.BlobRequestConditions to add conditions on the download of the blob.

  • cancellationToken

System.Threading.CancellationToken to propagate notifications that the operation should be cancelled. Value is passed to underlying SDK as is.

SAS builder

Mandatory values:

  • level

Teeri's own discriminated union determining where sas provides access. Possible values:

type SasTarget =
    | Account of BlobAccountSasPermissions
    | Container of name: string * BlobContainerSasPermissions
    | Blob of name: string * BlobSasPermissions
    | Snapshot of name: string * BlobSasPermissions
    | BlobVersion of versionId: string * BlobSasPermissions
  • expiresOn

DateTimeOffset value when sas token will expire.

Optional values:

  • cacheControl

Override the value returned for Cache-Control response header.

  • contentDisposition

Override the value returned for Content-Disposition response header.

  • contentEncoding

Override the value returned for Cache-Encoding response header.

  • contentLanguage

Override the value returned for Cache-Language response header.

  • contentType

Override the value returned for Cache-Type response header.

  • correlationId

Beginning in version 2020-02-10, this value will be used for to correlate the storage audit logs with the audit logs used by the principal generating and distributing SAS. This is only used for User Delegation SAS.

  • identifier

A unique value up to 64 characters in length that correlates to an access policy specified for the container.

  • ipRange

Specifies an IP address or a range of IP addresses from which to accept requests. If the IP address from which the request originates does not match the IP address or address range specified on the SAS token, the request is not authenticated. When specifying a range of IP addresses, note that the range is inclusive. SasIPRange.

  • preauthorizedAgentObjectId

Beginning in version 2020-02-10, this value will be used for the AAD Object ID of a user authorized by the owner of the User Delegation Key to perform the action granted by the SAS. The Azure Storage service will ensure that the owner of the user delegation key has the required permissions before granting access. No additional permission check for the user specified in this value will be performed. This is only used with generating User Delegation SAS.

  • protocol

The signed protocol field specifies the protocol permitted for a request made with the SAS. Possible values are HttpsAndHttp, Https, and None.

  • startsOn

Specifies the time at which the shared access signature becomes valid. If omitted when DateTimeOffset.MinValue is used, start time for this call is assumed to be the time when the storage service receives the request.

Supported operations

BlobClient operations

  • uploadAsync

Used to upload a blob to container. When uploading string content, uses content encoding value from Blob builder to determine how string is encoded. If no value is provided, defaults to UTF8.

  • upload

Synchronous version of uploadAsync.

  • openReadAsync

Opens a stream to read a blob from container.

  • openRead

Synchronous version of openReadAsync.

  • downloadAsync

Downloads blob contents to string. Uses blob's content encoding value in decoding to string. If blob has no encoding value, UTF8 is used.

  • download

Synchronous version of downloadAsync.

BlobContainerClient operations

  • uploadBlobAsync

Used to upload a blob to container. When uploading string content, uses content encoding value from Blob builder to determine how string is encoded. If no value is provided, defaults to UTF8.

  • uploadBlob

Synchronous version of uploadBlobAsync.

  • openReadblobAsync

Opens a stream to read a blob from container.

  • openReadblob

Synchronous version of openReadAsync.

  • downloadBlobAsync

Downloads blob contents to string. Uses blob's content encoding value in decoding to string. If blob has no encoding value, UTF8 is used.

  • downloadBlob

Synchronous version of downloadBlobAsync.

Sas operations

  • sharedKeyCredential

Generates a StorageSharedKeyCredential object from storage connection string.

  • toSasQueryParameters

Builds sas query parameters string from StorageSharedKeyCredential and Sas.

Help! Teeri does not support my use case

Using Teeri does not exclude the possibility of using the underlying SDK without Teeri. In fact, Teeri positions itself as a helper DSL. If a feature is missing that would make developer life easier, check out how to contribute your ideas to Teeri.


When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via an open issue before submitting a pull request. For new feature requests please describe your idea in more detail and how it could benefit other users as well. Please be aware that Fasaani aims to be a light, thin abstraction over the Azure SDK.

After your change has been approved, please submit your PR against dev branch.

Use existing code as a guideline for code conventions and keep documentation as well as tests up-to-date.


Thin F# wrapper for Azure Blob Storage .NET SDK







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